Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 282 Breaking Two Formations in a Row

The generals of the Imperial Guard in the Ghazi Empire military camp left the emperor's tent. Fatih sat alone on the carpet with his hand on the low table and his chin, quietly thinking about some issues.

Hakan sat on a mazza not far away. The most important task now was to protect the safety of the emperor.

Fatih suddenly said: "Hakan, who do you think is right, the Musketeers or the Swordsmen?"

Hakan was instantly embarrassed and did not answer for a while.

Ever since fire powder was used in the army, the conflict between the Musket Faction, dominated by new aristocrats, who advocated the use of new weapons, and the Sword Faction, dominated by traditional old nobles, began.

The musketeers believe that muskets and artillery using fire powder are simple to train and powerful. They can kill enemies from a distance and avoid damage in close combat, and can replace infantry.

The Sword Sect believes that the ancestral method always makes sense. The reloading speed of the musket is slow, it is afraid of rain, and even strong winds. It is useless without fire powder, so it is not suitable for the army and can only be used for hunting.

When the late emperor was still alive, he supported the Musketeers for political purposes, and the Praetorian Guard formed a Musketeer Army.

This army originally wanted to have a real fight with Constantinople to see the effect, but no one expected that they were completely wiped out in a flood, and even made the late emperor angry to death.

What follows is a complex political struggle. Hakan carefully hides, how far away?

Seeing that Hakan didn't answer, Fatih changed the subject: "Do you think muskets have a future?"

If it is a technical question, Hakan can still answer: "We still know too little about guns. We only have some weapons bought from the market and captured from the Kingdom of Kush. They are too different from those used by the Wesson Army."

"Although Weisenjun's air rifle does not use fire powder, it uses expanding gas to propel projectiles into flight. The principle is the same as our muskets."

"At that time, there was a battle between the Guards and the Wesson Army. I asked some people who participated in the battle that day and found that we were not as good as the opponent in terms of the rate of fire of our guns."

"Richard Nall was carrying a very odd-looking gun that night with a lot of barrels, I think to increase the rate of fire."

"It can be seen that in Wesson's view, the development direction of guns and cannons is to increase the speed of shooting and launch more projectiles in a shorter time."

"As far as my personal suggestion is concerned, muskets and artillery can replace crossbows and trebuchets."

Fatih did not immediately express his position after hearing this. As an emperor, just a few words would be over-interpreted by others, especially on such a major issue involving the struggle between two factions.

He asked Hakan again: "Do you think we can produce guns like those used by Wesson? After all, fire powder is afraid of water."

Hakan replied with some pride: "I have seen the jet tank of Wesson Airsoft. Optimizing the magic circle to increase power is not a problem. I am good at this."

But he became helpless the next moment: "But the scary thing about Wesson's air rifle is that every part of it is exactly the same. If ten air rifles have different parts, they can be used in one meal. Good parts make nine good guns, rather than waiting for craftsmen to make new parts one by one.”

"And that jet tank. Although the magic circle on it is not perfect, I don't know how they made it so cheap."

"If we want to make our own air rifles to equip the army on a large scale, it will be very expensive, so we might as well find a way to buy them from them."

Fatih asked Hakan in surprise: "Is the cost difference so big?"

"Yes." Hakan replied, "When I was in Constantbul, I inquired with many businessmen in Wesen State. There are many magicians working in the factories there, and the products produced are fast and good."

Fatih sat there in silence, and after a long time he said: "After this battle is over, you will accompany me to Weissen State."

Hakan immediately trembled and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, this is impossible!"

The emperor's travel is not a trivial matter, and it sounds like he is going to travel incognito, or to go to such a far place, there may be problems whether it is personal safety or domestic politics.

If something went wrong, Hakan would feel like he was the one taking the blame, and he might really have to run away with the bucket.

But Fatih had no intention of discussing with Hakan, but gave an order.

"What time is it now?" Fatih asked. "When will Amir arrive?"

At this time, the carriage carrying Prince Amir had entered Frederick's field of vision, and the child's cry could be vaguely heard.

But the first response team sent by the Ghazi Empire arrived. A large group of two to three hundred people, dark under the moonlight, among whom were three or five knights wearing breastplates and chainmails, and a dozen or so who only had chainmails. A's cavalry, and the rest are infantry and archers with spears.

This team was originally going to ambush nearby. After hearing the people on the carriage saying that there was only one pursuer, the leading officer immediately rushed over with his men on horseback. There were double-armored knights in the middle and other cavalry flanking them.

Frederick spotted the person giving the orders and clamped his legs on the horse's belly. An electric current flowed into the horse's body. The timid horse turned into a lively one, and its speed increased by a level.

Before the opponent's cavalry could deploy, Frederick had already rushed forward. The fishing rod with a spear tip turned into a lance, and before the opponent could react, he shot into the throat.

After a successful blow, he immediately turned the gun and stabbed the knight next to him to death with the same shot.

At this time, two knights rushed up, shouting and waving their sabers. Frederick held a gun in one hand and drew a sword in the other. Within a moment, he stabbed one to death and beheaded the other.

He charged through the enemy's cavalry, leaving a few more corpses behind, then charged at the infantry.

Before the infantry could get into position, they saw that the lord and the knight were killed as easily as chickens. Their morale plummeted and they lost the courage to continue fighting.

Frederick just hacked and killed for a while, and the opponent fled in all directions.

He looked at the other officer's horse. It was a war horse with unicorn blood. It could be sold for several hundred florins in the north, so he changed the horse and collected some spare weapons.

It's just that this first-class war horse didn't like its new owner at first, but he behaved after being slapped twice on the head.

Frederick saw that the carriage was about to disappear under the moonlight and immediately gave chase.

After chasing for a while, we saw that we were getting closer. At this time, a group of heavy infantrymen using super long guns appeared in front.

After hearing the cry of the carriage, they began to form a formation. The leading officer led a dozen cavalrymen in a circle in the bushes and rushed up from the flank.

The speed of the war horse was affected in the bushes. Frederick took off his bow and arrow, aimed at the person whose armor reflected the most brilliantly, and shot.

The first arrow was deflected by an invisible shield half a meter away from the opponent's body. The second arrow had a small fireball attached to it, glowing red, like a bolide in the dark night.

Seeing the right moment, the opponent stretched out his lance and aimed at the arrow shaft, preparing to knock down the arrow. Unexpectedly, the seemingly ordinary enchanted fireball on the arrow suddenly exploded, and the world seemed to be filled with fire.

The sticky fire elemental flames splashed around like water, and within a moment, a dozen cavalrymen and their horses turned into torches.

The group of super-long-pike heavy infantry blocking the road panicked, and then an arrow with two apertures flew over their heads.

After the two circles of light elements collided, a violent explosion occurred. The heavy infantry were immediately staggered by the explosion, and many people fainted.

Frederick clapped his horse forward, stepping on the people on the ground and rushing forward.

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