Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 283 Fighting alone against the crowd

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!!"

Countless arrows reflected the moonlight, like falling stars, and pounced on the speeding people and horses.

Countless fireballs lit up the night sky, followed by arrows.

The sound of the arrow piercing the ground was instantly covered up by the explosion of the fireball. In front of the military formation of nearly a thousand people, flames shot into the sky. The knights on both wings tightened their reins and looked closely at the place where the man and the horse were.

A golden pumpkin enveloped Frederick without any harm.

Several corn cannons appeared in front of him, and the golden corn the size of a van flew almost horizontally to the infantry formation in front.

The magicians of the Guards added magic shields to the infantry in time. Only the first two rows of infantry suffered some casualties after the shields were broken. However, the huge explosion and dazzling light made many people dizzy and temporarily unable to see.

Frederick did not use magic anymore. At this time, he had encountered countless interceptions and was a little tired. The enemy's brightly lit military camp was in the distance.

He took advantage of the enemy magicians' mental instability due to the destruction of their shields and rode into the military formation. After a while of slashing, he walked out through the formation and went directly to the location of the magicians.

This night, he used the elemental puppets and Plants vs. Zombies magic given by Psyche all over. The two elemental puppets, the assassin brother and the barbarian brother, killed the archer. He and the dark ranger sister, holding The little red riding hood girl with the scythe harvests the lives of the magicians together.

When the enemy cavalry came from both wings, Frederick had already slipped away, leaving corpses on the ground and some potato mines.

The pursuing cavalry was inexplicably knocked off their feet and slowed down for a while.

At this time, the carriage carrying Amir was already close to the military camp. When Frederick caught up with him, he was less than 500 meters away from the gate of the military camp.

A large group of dark green entangled aquatic plants suddenly appeared from the ground, and both men and horses were tightly entangled. Several tentacles quickly reached into the carriage and wrapped Amir tightly.

The person holding Amir was a middle-aged woman. She had been lurking in the Kingdom of Kush for thirty years. At first she didn't want to let go, but the next moment her hands were broken by the tentacles.

Frederick immediately stood there quietly. The sword in his left hand, the spear in his right hand and his whole body were stained red with blood. The steel shield he carried on his back had several grooves.

In front of him, countless guards rushed out of the barracks gate to form a formation, and the broken military formation also appeared behind him.

Amir ran to Frederick's side wrapped in entangled water plants, and then fixed himself behind the saddle.

Frederick did not turn around and leave. The horse under his crotch was already very tired and would die of exhaustion if he ran for a while longer. At this time, you need to calm the opponent so that they don't dare to pursue you.

In the military camp, Fatih had woken up and was wearing armor. He became interested after hearing that someone single-handedly killed the supporting troops sent by Wael and stopped the carriage in front of the military camp to rescue Amir.

"When did the Kingdom of Kush have such a brave man?" he asked Wa'er with great interest. "Such a man must be accepted. Money, women, land, knowledge, give him whatever he wants." .”

Hakan on the side immediately said: "Your Majesty, I will capture that man right away!"

Vael didn't expect that he was a step too late, and said hurriedly: "I can dedicate that person to His Majesty without bothering His Majesty Hakan."

This is an opportunity to show one's face in front of the emperor, and no one will miss it.

After Wael finished speaking, without waiting for Fatih's consent, he turned around and headed outside the military camp.

At this time, a thunderous voice came from outside: "Friedrich von Wesson is here, who dares to come forward and fight!"

Frederick roared like this with the idea of ​​capturing the thief first, which will embolden the soldiers. As long as the enemy's generals are killed, the ordinary soldiers and middle-level officers will defeat themselves.

He didn't know that his name could stop children from crying at night in the Ghazi Empire, but he found that the army on the opposite side suddenly became quiet, and those behind him who originally wanted to surround him retreated to both sides.

Fatih frowned and said to himself: "Why is he here?"

Vael stopped going out and immediately said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, listen to the voice, this man is Charles Smith from Wanjing City."

Fatih suddenly realized: "So that's the case, no wonder."

Then his eyes condensed: "I give an order, whoever captures Duke Wesson will be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins!"

The emperor's order was quickly passed to the front. At this time, a group of cavalry rushed out of the military camp gate, bypassed the military formation and attacked Frederick.

The leaders were five knights, and the flags held behind them were recognized by Frederick as the Zain family, the lords of Wanjing City.

Because the Zain family is strong in the seaport, the patriarch took the initiative to take his four sons and 800 cavalry to send His Majesty Fatih to each other.

They did not belong to the Imperial Guard system and did not send troops out at first. They just heard about the bounty outside the emperor's camp and immediately came out to snatch heads.

After Fatih learned about it, he just smiled. What he wanted was the result, and it didn't matter who did it.

But not long after, someone came to report: "Your Majesty, Zain's eldest son, Mahdi, was stabbed to death by Duke Wesson."

Fatih nodded expressionlessly. He had met Mahdi before in Wanjing City. This man had brought more than ten cavalry to overthrow a thousand-man army formation in the Kingdom of Kush many years ago. His strength should not be underestimated. , unexpectedly, he was stabbed to death by Duke Wesson.

Just when Fatih was judging Frederick's strength in his mind, someone came to report: "Your Majesty, the second son Nur, the third son Samir, and the fourth son Yoan of the Zain family avenged their elder brother. Nur was beheaded, and about Ann was killed with an arrow, and Samir was captured by Duke Wesson and thrown to death in front of his horse."

Fatih's expression became solemn. The other three sons of the Zain family were brave enough to be as good as his eldest brother, but unexpectedly they were all easily killed by Frederick.

He immediately walked outside the tent to see if the other party was really so brave.

At this time, someone came to report: "Your Majesty, Count Zain was stabbed to death by Count Wesson in order to avenge his son!"

Outside the military camp, Frederick glanced at the corpses on the ground, put on Count Zain's unicorn as if no one was watching, and gave it two slaps to make it obedient.

"Who else!"

Everyone on the opposite side looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to move.

At this time, someone yelled: "Pagans, don't be arrogant, let me, Maldik of Mitanni, take your life!"

Frederick didn't know where Mitanni was, but he saw a man and a horse rushing out from the opposite side. They didn't take two steps and they were all covered in flame armor, looking very majestic.

Maldik used an extra-long saber that was almost 1.5 meters long, and it was already covered in scorching flames.

When he approached Frederick, he made his horse jump up and slashed with his sword at the same time, using the power of man and horse to cut Frederick into two parts.

Frederick calculated the opponent's position, and when Maldik reached the highest point, he suddenly stood up from the unicorn, leaned forward, and stabbed the opponent's abdomen with his spear like lightning.

Maldik did not expect that the opponent's noble status would trade lives for lives. He hesitated a little and slashed at the spear with his saber.

The spear did not break as Maldik thought. Instead, his saber was pushed away, and then a stinging pain came from his abdomen.

Frederick's fishing rod and spearhead were both made of elemental metal and easily broke through the opponent's flame armor, breastplate and chainmail.

In the blink of an eye, Mardik was lifted off the horse by Frederick and then thrown aside.

The flames on Maldik's body did not disappear, but this time the flames were from the inside out.

"Any more?"

Frederick asked again.

At this time, Fatih had already arrived in front of the formation, squinting slightly as he looked at Frederick.

Vael followed, but the bodies on the ground made him hesitate.

Frederick calmly but breathed in as loudly as possible. The consumption just now was not small.

Upon seeing this, Hakan flew into the air and came to a place a hundred meters away from Frederick. He said condescendingly: "'Hakan the Storm' is here. Duke Wesson, please surrender."

Frederick was speechless. He didn't expect that there was a Dharma God on the opposite side. It was a bit difficult to deal with it now.

Hakan was getting closer and closer, and Frederick felt that his domain had enveloped him, and the strong wind around him could almost tear his clothes to pieces.

But Hakan saw that Frederick had no intention of surrender, so he played another card.

He didn't dare to kill Frederick, not to mention that Richard Nall would come to trouble him. If Psyche was summoned, he would be dead.

I saw that his body began to grow taller and stronger, and two horns protruded from the sides of his head.

Frederick had seen Karis use similar magic in Wanjing City, and her physical strength would be doubled by then.

He was not allowed to attack during any transformation. When Hakan was halfway through his transformation, three steel thorns appeared in his hands, and a circle made of lightning appeared in front of him.

Hakan could sense everything in his own domain and thought these lightning rings were a means of defense for Frederick, so he ignored them.

The fight with the God of Magic was a matter of milliseconds. Frederick had no time to use a certain magic electromagnetic gun at full power, and was afraid of being interrupted by the opponent, so he shot out the steel thorn without waiting for the maximum power.

Three steel spikes shot at Hakan, who had just completed his transformation, at twice the speed of sound. There were only two pairs of light element collision rings in the tail cavity.

Hakan had just covered himself with a layer of majestic blue wind element armor. When he saw the steel spikes flying, he thought it was an arrow-like attack. The light element ring at the tail was just an ordinary magic attack, so he waved the covering The fist of the wind elemental armor hit the steel thorn.

The moment his fist deflected the steel spur, Hakan's instinct told him that he was in danger, so he quickly retreated.

But it was not enough. The energy brought by the unprecedented violent explosion caused the surrounding magic elements to instantly become chaotic. All magic elements were no longer under control, and even his domain was shaken for a moment.

The lightning circle in front of Frederick did not disappear. He pulled out Count Zain's saber hanging on the saddle and threw it at Hakan with electromagnetic acceleration.

Hakan didn't notice the gray annihilation element on the saber, and subconsciously blocked it with his hand. He didn't expect that the saber could actually cut through his wind armor.

The battle ended in a few blinks. Hakan picked up his arm and retreated. It was possible to catch it while it was still fresh, but his strength would be greatly reduced for a period of time.

At this time, Frederick was too tired to speak. He forced himself to force the unicorn to turn around and head towards Port Port.

Fatih's face was horribly dark. He wanted to order an attack several times but was not sure how much combat power Frederick had left. He was worried about what if he still had the strength to kill himself.

The entire battlefield was unusually weird, and no one dared to step forward, allowing Frederick to take Amir away, eventually disappearing into the night.

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