Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 284 Closure Plan

"Unfamiliar ceiling."

When Frederick opened his eyes, he found a sun painted in the middle of the ceiling, a circle of flowers and plants along the wall, and beautiful birds and butterflies flying in the middle space.

He recognized several of the birds, parrots, with very bright and beautiful feathers. They were one of the most popular animals in the Wesson Zoo, and the surrounding ones were also the hottest sellers.

Of course, the most popular place in the zoo was Dawn, so Frederick naturally didn't send it there, but one day it accidentally walked there and found that there were many children giving it something to eat. From then on, it went there on time to get off work.

"you're awake?"

At this time, a familiar voice came from the side.

Frederick turned his head, curled his lips, and said, "I thought it was a beautiful maid serving me... No... You don't have any plans for me, do you?"

Hayreddin rolled his eyes at him and said, "My women can fill two ships!"

"The Queen Mother is worried about someone assassinating you, so she asked me to guard you here."

Frederick thought the same thing. The only master of the Kingdom of Kush that he was familiar with was Hayreddin, so he could avoid communication troubles.

He struggled to sit up and found that his clothes had been changed and probably washed.

"How long have I been sleeping?" he asked. "I'm hungry."

Hayreddin rang the bell and asked the servant to bring some food, and then said: "It has been five days. You fainted after you sent His Highness Amir back that night."

"His Majesty Yi Wen and the Queen Mother received the news via telegram as soon as possible, and immediately flew over from Fustat City with the royal air cavalry regiment, and then summoned me to block the sea."

The servant quickly brought the food and placed a small table in front of Frederick.

It was a plate of boiled beans. The broad beans were boiled in water until they were shelled, and then cooked with olive oil, salt, unknown condiments and small finger-sized meatballs. It tasted quite good.

There is also a glass of tomato juice. Red is the color of the Flame Church here, and tomatoes are also called cherry tomatoes here.

As Frederick ate, Hayreddin continued to tell him about the current situation: "The situation is not good now. In addition to deploying a guard and other troops in the east, the Ghazi Empire also deployed twenty troops in the south. Ten thousand troops, I only found out this morning that their gryphon regiment is over there, it seems like it is the main force."

"Now we have to fight a war, but we have no idea how to defeat the fools on the ground. We have fewer soldiers than the Ghazi Empire. We divide our forces so that no one can defeat them. We can only eat their imperial guards and defend the south. Choose one of the two options.”

Frederick heard something and asked: "You have a bad relationship with the army on the ground?"

Hayreddin nodded and didn't say anything else. He couldn't clearly say that he had mastered the maritime power of the Kingdom of Kush. If he colluded with the nobles on the ground, he might die inexplicably one day.

Frederick ate for a while, thought for a while, and then said: "It is very strange that the enemy stole His Highness Amir. If it is a frontal battle, this little trick will not work. The king and queen are still young, so take him Being a hostage and killing him will only give them another one."

"So, a living Amir is more useful than a dead one. They will use this to blackmail negotiations. How do you think you will react then?"

Hayreddin said without hesitation: "It must be to mobilize the army, force them to lower their conditions, and try to send people to rescue them."

Then he began to think and said slowly: "Well... this way, there will be fewer troops in the south, and they will not be able to block the main attack from the opposite side."

"You mean those Praetorian Guards are just bait."

"It seems so. The navy of the Ghazi Empire has been severely damaged by you. If those imperial guards want to surround the port of Birse, they will not be able to defeat it with my support."

"If a war breaks out, the idiots on the ground can ignore the north and concentrate on dealing with the south."

"The people of the Ghazi Empire are not fools. They can definitely understand this, so they kidnapped His Highness Amir and moved our troops to the north to create opportunities for the south."

Frederick nodded, it was easy to talk to smart people.

Hayreddin asked him curiously: "If you were to command, how would you fight?"

Frederick thought for a while, smiled slightly, and said innocently: "Ah, didn't you tell me just now?"

"It's just to gather all your flying ones and equip them with explosive ones. First, blow up the griffins in the south to ensure the safety of the sky. Then blow up and burn all the food in their military camp, and then kill them from the sky. The food transport team made them lose their offensive ability."

"Now the morale of the Imperial Guards has been greatly reduced. The free use of their hands has also destroyed their food, which also prevents them from attacking."

"Then you take the idiots on the ground to the east in a boat and directly close the door to Luna Peninsula."

Hayreddin gasped at the cool air blown by the air conditioner. Everyone else was thinking about how to fight on the front line. Frederick was actually plotting the Luna Peninsula with an area of ​​almost 60,000 square kilometers. No wonder he broke into it at such a young age. A person with such a great reputation.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he found that this plan was very feasible. The main reason was that the Ghazi Empire's maritime power was temporarily vacant. He could easily transport part of the main army to the east of the Luna Peninsula and only needed to occupy a few transportation arteries. Can close the door.

Everyone has their own thoughts. Hayredin thought for a while, he must be able to escape the merits of his navy. If he has the ability to let those fools on the ground swim over by himself.

Therefore, it was just right for me to propose this plan publicly to avoid some people from objecting to the plan because it was proposed by foreigners. The real situation could be informed privately to the Queen Mother and the King.

However, another focus of this plan is whether the air force can eliminate the enemy's air force and food from the beginning like Frederick's plan, and pin them in place. Even if they return to the east of the Luna Peninsula, they will not have enough to eat.

If the enemy cannot be shocked at once and they rush into the Kingdom of Kush regardless of their retreat, they may be able to gain respite by supporting war with war, but that will be a big trouble.

In the end, Hayredin didn't care. Those flying idiots in the sky were more annoying than the idiots on the ground.

Hayredin stood up from his chair and saluted Frederick: "Thank you very much!"

Everyone had been dealing with each other for such a long time, so there was no need to say anything unnecessary. Hayredin knew without thinking what Frederick would ask him to do, which was nothing more than to help his woman and business at sea.

Frederick just smiled. He also understood Hayreddin. Men at sea are the most trustworthy. If a captain broke his word, he would have been thrown into the sea long ago.

After noon, Frederick's physical strength recovered a lot after eating a lot.

There was no need for Hayreddin to guard him anymore, and he could go to attend the royal meeting that was noisy every day.

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