Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 285 Training

On a hot summer day, a glass of ice-cold Leibi will chill your whole body and mind.

The research and development of the beverage factory is in charge of Psyche, and Frederick drinks whatever she invents. Unexpectedly, Rebido has come out now, and this is the first time he drank it in the Kingdom of Kush.

Frederick drank a bottle of Rebi in one go, and then said to the worker next to him: "Okay, let's start assembling the fan."

The place he was in was the parts repair shop behind Wesson Steam Tractor's "4S shop" in Port Port. There was a lathe driven by a steam engine and a lot of parts, which was enough for trouble.

At this moment, the distinguished guest arrived.

Mrs. Sophie walked in wearing a light blue robe. When she saw Frederick, she said: "I should have thought that you would be here to make it easier for me to find you. No need to salute."

There were several workers from the Kingdom of Kush in the workshop, who were about to salute the Queen Mother when they were stopped.

Mrs. Sophie asked her men to wait outside and walked into the workshop.

Frederick did not stay away from her, and said with a smile: "If you quarrel all the time, I will come out and walk around."

Hayreddin's battle plan stirred up a thousand waves, with some in favor and many opposed. The young king agreed in his heart, but did not express his position easily, so the quarrel lasted for three days and three nights.

Frederick did not interfere in their decision-making, so he ran out to play.

"You continue to be busy and don't worry about me." Mrs. Sophie stood aside and watched the fun. "Isn't the girl I assigned you pretty enough to come to such a hot place?"

Frederick assembled the machine together with a steam engine technician from Wesson, and said at the same time: "I found that many people couldn't afford an air conditioner, so I decided to produce a cheap machine that could blow air. Many people can afford it. .”

Mrs. Sophie said helplessly: "Did you come all the way here just to do this kind of thing? Yi Wen and Simi wanted to thank you, but you didn't know where you went. They sent someone to the river to ask those questions. The fishermen didn’t see you either.”

Frederick smiled and said: "I came here for tourism. I originally wanted to see you quietly before leaving, so as not to make it known to everyone."

Mrs. Sophie had nothing to say to him, and after a moment she said: "Go home for dinner tonight, just the family, no one else."

Frederick agreed.

After Mrs. Sophie finished speaking, she did not leave, but watched him playing with various parts.

What Frederick wanted to do was very simple. Use the cylinder and other parts of a small-horsepower steam engine to make a fan driven by a Stirling engine.

The Stirling engine is an external combustion engine with an external heat source. It can be driven by burning alcohol lamp, charcoal, or even lard, and has a high speed.

But its shortcomings are also obvious, such as low power, low efficiency, large size, and problems such as fuel carbon deposition if it burns on fire.

Don't even think about using it to drive a vehicle for now, but you can still drive the fan blades to blow the air.

The parts had been prepared, and Frederick and the technicians quickly assembled the machine and installed it on the iron frame.

The iron bars of the iron frame were broken into shapes and welded by Frederick with his bare hands, and they fit just right.

The fan blades were cut by Frederick himself from a local light-weight wood, and the outer cover was simply bent out of rattan.

Frederick asked someone to drill holes in the bottom of an iron cup and light it with wood as a heat source. Not long after it was placed under the hot cylinder, the fan blades began to rotate rapidly.

Madame Sophie had been watching from the side and stood in front when the fan started turning. The wind blew her robe and headscarf flying back.

"It's not too windy!" She was a little surprised. "It looks like it shouldn't be expensive."

Frederick said with a smile: "This fan is just a principle model, and it is still far away from being able to be mass-produced."

"I plan to build a factory here specifically to produce this, and the profit distribution can be discussed."

Just as Mrs. Sophie was about to agree, she suddenly thought of something and said to him: "Go and talk to Yi Wen about this now. He is the king."

Frederick responded and said to the technician on the side: "This machine will be tried here first. After a while, the trial report, drawings and machine will be sent back to Ogilvy, and he will make arrangements."

"When the fans are put into the market, everyone who participates in these two days will receive fifty units each."

Then he pointed at the technician and said: "Padlovan, you contribute the most, with 100 units."

The technician named Padlovan immediately replied energetically: "Principal, I will definitely do a good job in testing and hand over the report, drawings and machine to Professor Omet in person!"

Frederick nodded and left with Mrs. Sophie.

Mrs. Sophie prepared a family dinner to thank Frederick. Frederick held Amir and sat on the carpet with Yi Wen and Simi. In the middle was a small low table with a fruit platter on it. and drinks.

Amir and Frederick were very close and they had a great time playing together.

Madame Sophie went to the kitchen to cook herself, leaving space for the young man.

Yi Wen is not much older than Frederick. His black hair is tied into a spiral braid and hangs down his head. His eyes are golden like Mrs. Sophie, but darker.

The young king looked a little haggard. After greetings and courtesy, he asked Frederick directly: "How feasible is the plan you proposed through Hayreddin?"

As soon as he got down to business, Simi immediately left Yi Wen's side and knelt down behind him.

Frederick could understand his pressure. This was a gamble on the fate of the country. If he won, he could recover tens of thousands of square kilometers of land. If he lost, it would be miserable.

"It's hard to say the success rate of this operation." Frederick said while teasing Amir. "I don't know much about the combat effectiveness, marching ability, logistics ability, intelligence collection and analysis capabilities of your two armies, and I can't make any further predictions." judge."

"But I can share some of my experiences when commanding operations."

"When planning a war, don't first think about how to win, first think about what factors will lead to failure, and whether these failure factors can be solved or prevent it from being caught by the enemy."

“When making plans before going to war, you must treat your enemies as the smartest people in the world, who can discover your own weaknesses, and do not deceive yourself and treat them as fools.”

"The plan must have a response method in case of failure, so that you will not be at a loss when the time comes."

"There is a limit to what a person's head can come up with. As the commander-in-chief, we need to use everyone's intelligence."

"If your subordinate has proven his ability and is worthy of trust, then trust him and don't easily interfere with his specific operations."

"You must be firm in your confidence and goals. You must not change them easily. You must not give up because of a slight setback. Otherwise, your subordinates will be at a loss as to what to do."

"Our most important role in the war is to control the direction and choose the one we think is most appropriate from various suggestions to make the final decision."

Yi Wen looked embarrassed after hearing this. At first, he thought that Frederick, who had won many wars, would give some secrets to victory, but he didn't expect that they were all clichés.

Frederick saw what he was thinking and just smiled and continued to play with Amir's face.

Young people always think about the secret to achieve quick results, are constantly looking for shortcuts, and want to achieve results beyond what they have done before.

It's just that some things can only be understood after living for a long time. For example, those commonplace things can be passed down precisely because they are useful. You have to fall down a few times to realize this.

Soon after, Mrs. Sophie and her servants brought the dishes.

The main course was a large platter of roasted venison and giblets, with a salt and pepper dish in the middle.

The staple food is quite interesting. Rice is soaked in water, mixed with spices, stuffed into hollowed out tomatoes and then steamed.

The soup is made with goose meat as the main ingredient, plus herbs, fried garlic and parsley.

Frederick liked to eat vegetables the way he liked to eat them. Cut the leaves and blanch them in boiling water, then take them out and mix them with olive oil, salt, a little oyster sauce and soy sauce.

The conversation between Frederick and Yi Wen just reached the ears of Mrs. Sophie through the servants. After everyone started eating, she said to Yi Wen unceremoniously: "Look, what I said to you, Frederick and you What Hayreddin and the others said to you are basically the same.”

"I really should have taken you out to sea, so that you could experience for yourself in the storm what it means that everything in the world has its own laws and will not change due to personal thoughts."

She also fought against the wind and waves on the sea, and when she came back, she killed her political opponents until they were bloody. When she became harsh, she immediately suppressed Yi Wen.

Mrs. Sophie continued: "You must have read the letters Susan sent you many times in the past few years. There are some things Frederick said and did in them. I don't know if you have read them into your mind."

"If you continue to do your trick of 'I don't want you to think, I want me to think' and don't learn from Frederick's pragmatism, I won't be able to help you in the end."

"Not long ago, you thought that the Ghazi Empire's Imperial Guard had been defeated and the emperor had been replaced, so in order to stabilize the country, there would be no war in the near future. Someone reminded you that the new emperor would launch a war to establish his authority. What did you say at that time?"

"Okay now, the 300,000-strong army is right across the way. You don't even know when they started preparing to assemble. You didn't even know that the army had reached the border until your son was stolen."

"Stop talking. The more you talk, the angrier you get. Let's eat."

The area around the dining table suddenly became quiet, except for the sound of Simi feeding Amir rice cereal with minced meat and vegetable minced.

Frederick couldn't say anything. At this time, he already understood that he had become "someone else's child" when Mrs. Sophie was training her son. If he said anything at this time, it might irritate Yi Wen and backfire.

He was thinking at the same time, I'm afraid it's not easy to talk about the fan factory in the near future, so let's talk about it later, it will take some time anyway.

As for Yi Wen's reaction after being scolded by his mother this time, Frederick could not predict it.

But he also thought about finding another basket to put his eggs in the south.

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