Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 286 Going on a trip

When the sun rose close to the highest point of the day, Mrs. Sophie came to Frederick's room.

Frederick's luggage had all been packed, and his backpack and sword were placed beside the bed.

He was sitting on the bed, with a map more than one meter long and half a meter wide spread out in front of him, his expression not very good.

This map of the forest sea is very detailed. It not only has a panoramic view of the entire forest, but also many political powers along the northern inland sea coast and inside the forest.

Frederick found that the north knew too little about Linhai.

The previous maps had no scale and were very cartoonish, so he thought that Linhai was only two to three hundred kilometers wide from north to south, so he planned to find a place to cross from south to north.

A few years ago, the Kingdom of Kush began to redraw the map of the northern part of the southern continent in proportion based on longitude and latitude. As a result, the current map told him that the width of the forest sea in the north-south direction was more than two thousand kilometers.

What also surprised Frederick was the political power in the region.

Because of the water transportation advantages of the Sun River and its tributaries, the Kingdom of Kush controlled a large area of ​​land east of the Forest Sea and was the largest country in the region.

In the west, because dense forests hinder transportation, many countries are located in a narrow strip between the forest sea and the inland sea. If there is a river flowing into the sea, the areas on both sides of the river can be controlled. Cities and villages are built along the river.

In deeper places, the forest is denser, the monsters are numerous and powerful, and only waterways are safe for passage.

Many small rivers in the forest are not wide and deep enough to allow large-scale fleets to sail, and the countries along the coast cannot send troops on a large scale. Therefore, there are many independent small political powers in the forest. They can rule a small town of one or two thousand people and dare to call themselves kings. .

Frederick thought to himself, I really wouldn’t know it if I didn’t come here, the world is so wonderful.

Mrs. Sophie walked to the bedside and asked him: "When will you leave?"

Frederick pointed to the map and replied: "Tomorrow, first walk south along the Sun River for a while, then west along the river into the forest sea, go around in a circle and finally come out of the Hafs Kingdom, and then cross the sea to The island of Sicily in the Kingdom of Sardinia.”

He didn't say that he planned to be a World of Warcraft hunter for a while. This was a task assigned by Richard Nall.

Mrs. Sophie was not interested in his travel plans, but asked: "Are you dissatisfied with Yi Wen?"

Frederick raised his head and looked at Mrs. Sophie in confusion, and said in confusion: "How can I be satisfied or dissatisfied?"

Mrs. Sophie's expression looked calm, but her eyes were sharp and seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

She said: "You haven't told Yi Wen about the fan factory you talked about that day. He will definitely agree to it if you tell him about it."

"I can see that you are disappointed in him and need to spread the risk."

Frederick did not expect that she was so sharp and that his thoughts were seen.

"I just changed my mind temporarily." Frederick made an excuse, "You have a very bad relationship with the Ghazi Empire. They are potential big customers, so I want to change places."

Mrs. Sophie could not refute this excuse and could only sigh.

Frederick comforted her: "It doesn't matter, he is at least a king who can bear the family fortune."

Mrs. Sophie got the answer she wanted and left.

Frederick just shook his head slightly and said nothing more.

Hayreddin's plan was completely rejected, and Yi Wen ordered the bridges to be demolished, allowing the navy to move up the river after the war to prevent the Ghazi Empire's troops from crossing several important rivers.

No one is optimistic about this kind of passive defense, and Hairedin, who is engaged in naval warfare, can also see that the land east of the several river defense lines will definitely be lost.

Early the next morning, Hayredin came while Frederick was having breakfast, and it was he who helped contact the ship that was leaving later.

Frederick was eating fried pancakes mixed with pea puree and some herbs. Seeing Hayredin's gloomy expression, he asked him: "What, did you encounter something unpleasant?"

Hayreddin sat down at the long table and asked all the servants to retreat before saying, "I'm so angry. Those idiots on the ground actually asked me to send sailors to the ground to fill in the defense line!"

Frederick looked at him in surprise and asked, "You didn't agree, did you?"

Hayreddin replied: "Definitely not, I had a quarrel with them."

"Everyone can see now that the small rivers in the east cannot stop the Ghazi Empire's army. At least 80 kilometers of land will be lost in this battle."

"Start moving the people on that land tomorrow and go to the delta to reclaim wasteland."

Frederick shook his head slightly, and after eating two bites of peas and meatballs, he said: "Otherwise, after the enemy's offensive momentum stops, your ship will cut off their rear route and cut off the food channel. This is the only way. "

Hayreddin nodded and said, "I think so too. Can you ask your people in Constantbulo to sell me more weapons?"

Frederick ate his breakfast quietly and thought about it. After finishing the meal, he said: "It's no problem selling weapons. If you need it, I can also ask about five hundred people to help you as mercenaries."

Hayreddin said happily: "That's great. If I have a few hundred of you, plus my ships and people, I can do a lot of things, and I can even capture a few ports!"

Frederick thought for a while and said, "Why don't you and Dragaces hire more soldiers and take down the Luna Peninsula yourself."

Hayredin's eyes suddenly became sharp, but he quickly shook his head. He didn't have a good appetite, and he would starve to death if he tried to eat some of the cakes.

It was enough that Frederick was willing to sell weapons and send people, but he could not force too much.

After breakfast, Frederick wrote a note to Hayredin in a secret language, and asked him to take a few letters to Constantbul and deliver them to the garrison and send them back to Weissenburg.

Soon after, Frederick arrived at the inland port to the west of Port Beuse. When he saw the boat he was going to take, he was startled. He turned around and asked Hayredin: "How did this boat come here?"

This is a small river boat, about twenty meters long and more than three meters wide, with one cabin, an awning on the top, and a waterwheel across the stern.

This was a water wheel technology demonstration ship built when the steam paddle steamers were first developed. After the experiment was completed, it was actually sold. Frederick didn't pay attention at the time, but he didn't expect it to appear here.

The key is that the boat was originally human-powered, with a group of people on the boat driving the water wheel through a chain like a bicycle.

Hayreddin said proudly: "I bought it back. Not long ago, someone installed a tractor's steam engine. I also have a steamboat."

"This boat is lent to you. You can take some cargo with you if you like."

Frederick laughed and asked, "If I want to bring goods, I need you to recommend me."

Hayreddin immediately said: "Aren't you going to Lin Haili? The most precious cargo there is salt."

"Even if you don't sell it yourself, you can sell it by taking it to the market on the edge."

Frederick spent the morning purchasing some salt and set out in the afternoon.

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