Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 287 A small town by the seaside

"What animal is that?"


"Are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding me about having a woman?"

Frederick had become acquainted with the captain who sailed the ship for him in the past few days. The guy used to be a pirate, and he became unscrupulous in his speech.

It was just that Frederick was a little speechless when he looked at the animals on the shore basking in the sun after rolling in the mud.

Their snouts are indeed a bit like cows, but their bodies are as big as manatees. They are two to three meters long. Their bodies are smooth and their gray skin looks tough. They have short limbs and webbed feet, which are short and wide. The tail looks good at paddling.

At this time, a boat passed by on the other side of the river. The boat was similar to the awning boat used by Lu Xun when he went to see the opera, except that the ropes on the bow of the boat were tied with two such buffaloes. A boatman steered the direction like driving a carriage, and the speed was faster than walking. Much faster.

Frederick could only sigh that the world is so wonderful.

The cages on that boat contained palm-sized birds, with colorful and colorful feathers and different sounds.

When the captain saw it, he sighed: "Good guy, that boatload of birds is enough to exchange for ten of our boatloads of salt."

Frederick said helplessly: "It's not us who raised the price."

One of the impacts brought about by the opening of the Wesson Zoo is the development of the animal trade. Now, any noble or businessman in Wesson who doesn't have one or two rare birds at home would be embarrassed to invite guests to their home.

This led to several chicken farms in Wisconsin taking advantage of the trend and starting to raise birds. The starting salary of graduates of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the field of bird breeding as animal trainers suddenly doubled.

The captain said to Frederick: "If it weren't for the missing part of my leg, I would have gone to the forest to catch birds."

As he spoke, the steam paddle steamer began to dock.

This is the dock of a small town on the edge of the forest sea. It is quite large and looks very lively.

At first, the tax collector came up with his nostrils turned upward to collect the tax. The captain pulled up his sleeves and showed him the shark tattoo on his arm. The cargo was exempted from tax.

Frederick asked curiously: "What's going on? Is it tax-free?"

The captain smiled and replied: "We can get tax exemption wherever the ship can go."

Frederick gave him a thumbs up.

There was something busy next. The captain directed the sailors to help him run around to contact warehouses and stalls, and inquire about prices.

In the coastal areas of the Kingdom of Kush, sea salt is slightly cheaper than wheat of equal weight, and can be sold here for at least five times the price. The fur here is quite cheap, and if you take it to the coast, it will be seven or eight times the price.

So Frederick disembarked here, and they also wanted to take some goods back with them.

That night, Frederick treated the captain and crew to a two-meter-long grilled python at what was said to be the best restaurant in town.

These men felt that Duke Wesson could handle it, so they left some weapons imported by Wesson for him before leaving the next day.

Yesterday, the captain helped Frederick find a half-front shop selling salt in the town's commercial street, and next to it was a shop selling linen.

The cloth seller was quite talkative, and he and Frederick sat under the awning in front of the shop and chatted.

"The best cloth in Linhai is spider silk cloth." The cloth boss said, "Don't think spiders are ugly, but their silk is thin and elastic when you boil it in hot water, but it is not easy to dye."

As he said this, he asked his wife to bring a piece of spider silk cloth to Frederick. The snow-white cloth had good elasticity and was relatively smooth.

At this time, a group of people came over, led by a thin middle-aged man wearing linen clothes with seven beautiful feathers on his chest.

The middle-aged man was followed by a dozen people pushing carts. These thin people were wearing clothes and skirts made of torn linen, leaves and slime plastic bags.

The man brought a piece of spider silk cloth, bargained with the cloth boss in the accented language of the Kingdom of Kush, and exchanged it for twenty pieces of linen cloth.

He saw that Frederick was selling salt, so he returned most of the linen cloth to Boss Bu and asked Boss Bu to give the money to Frederick. Then he went to the medicine owner diagonally across the street and asked the medicine owner to exchange the medicines on his cart for money. I bought several large bags of 50 kilograms of salt each.

After the guests left, Boss Bu said to Frederick seriously: "That man just now is the king."

"Ah?!" Frederick was stunned, "Is he like that?"

"That's right!" Boss Bu said with a smile, "There are two thousand people in his country!"

Frederick smiled and shook his head. It turned out to be the King of the Mountain.

Boss Bu continued: "What they say in their own country is what they say, but when they go to town, they have to be obedient, otherwise there is no hope of buying anything."

Frederick could only smile and shake his head.

Boss Bu continued: "Did you just see the feathers on his chest? For every 300 people in their country, the king can insert a feather. This is a symbol of national strength."

Frederick thought for a while. The data obtained from Wesson's census last year was that the local population and permanent foreign population totaled about 450,000, which meant that he could have 1,500 feathers in his chest.

The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

Without a word of conversation, an earl with three feathers on his chest pulled the fur owner across the street over. The earl wanted to buy a hundred kilograms of salt.

After the business was done, Frederick asked Boss Bu: "Are those noble gentlemen without money?"

Boss Bu shook his head and said, "Why do they need money? Everything to eat and drink in the woods can be obtained from the fields and woods, so they just come out to buy some things."

Frederick nodded and asked again: "What is the most profitable thing to sell here?"

Boss Bu said: "Of course it's your Wesson gun from Wesson State, but it's the royal family's business and we can't touch it."

Frederick asked again: "What about the least profitable one?"

Boss Bu laughed, pointed to a store at the end of the street and said, "That's the bookstore over there."

Then he said disdainfully: "Those savages don't know how to read. That bookstore can't sell a single book. But now they rent it to us and people from other places to pass the time, so they can't starve to death."

Frederick shook his head helplessly.

At this time, a group of men carrying spears and several magicians passed by. They all looked like very tough warriors.

Frederick asked, and Boss Bu said, "They are all World of Warcraft hunters. They are going to take advantage of the rainy season to hunt Warcraft in the woods just like you."

The group stopped to communicate for a while and then came over to ask Frederick if the salt was sold in bulk.

The salt here in Frederick is 250 grams in a pack, and a large pack is 50 kilograms. I opened a large pack and gave them some. I took the opportunity to treat them to a drink in the evening and ask them about the magical beasts in Lin Haili.

Those Warcraft hunters saw that Frederick was from the north and was working alone. He was here for training and not to steal business, so they readily agreed.

Seeing that it was almost noon, a group of people came. The queen at the head asked Frederick: "How much salt do you still have? If it is not too much, I will take it all."

Frederick smiled and said: "I still have more than ten tons in my warehouse."

The queen said: "I want them all, I have gold coins."

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