Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 288: Encountering someone who is furloughed from his job in a foreign country

"It's a strange ceiling again."

Frederick lay on the bed staring at the wooden ceiling in a daze.

He recalled what happened last night. First, he invited the group of Warcraft hunters to eat roasted wild boar and drink wine. He also asked about the Warcraft in Lin Haili and the precautions. Finally, they bragged together until they broke up.

After he woke up, he checked and found that there was not a single copper missing from the money bag. The backpack and sword were also placed on the bedside and had not been opened, and the belt of his trousers had not been unfastened.

It was already noon, and Frederick went downstairs to pay for the room and leave. Unexpectedly, the boss said that the Warcraft hunters not only gave him money but also booked a meal for him.

He felt that this group of people could get along, but they all came from the same place and were bound by blood. He proposed to follow them to Lin Hai but was declined.

However, he also got a piece of information that the villages and towns in Lin Haili would invite Warcraft hunters to settle in, firstly to clean up the surrounding Warcraft, and secondly, to serve as mercenaries.

At this time, lunch was served. When Frederick saw it, he felt that everything in the Kingdom of Kush could be stuffed with rice. He had stuffed tomatoes with rice before, but now it was the belly of a chicken.

After lunch, he walked around the streets of the town, preparing to find an agency tomorrow to see where there were Warcraft hunters.

He didn't know where the intermediary was, so he asked Boss Bu yesterday.

Boss Bu pointed to the other end of the street and said, "Just go to the bookstore to find it. That person often rents books and reads there."

Frederick thanked him and later came to the bookstore, where the boss was shooing away flies out of boredom.

There were not no customers in the bookstore. There was a middle-aged man in his thirties with curly black hair who was looking at the books on the bookshelf behind the counter, looking very hesitant.

Frederick thought his hairstyle looked familiar, but he didn't care. He had seen too many outsiders over the years.

But as soon as he walked into the bookstore, the middle-aged man turned around and was stunned for a moment when he saw him. He tentatively asked in German: "Principal?"

This time Frederick was also stunned for a moment, frowned and asked: "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man said: "I am Bila, a lecturer in the Fine Arts Department of Weissenburg University. Do you still remember that I applied for leave without pay and went home to fight the rebellion the year before last, and you signed my agreement."

Frederick scratched his head. It seemed that he didn't remember much about this incident. He asked a few questions from Weissenburg University before confirming the other party's identity.

There were also some teachers and students from the northern and southern shores of the Southern Continent among the people at Weisenberg University who came from Constantbul, but the proportion was not high. Many of them went back after graduating in recent years, and even fewer remained.

Frederick saw the five feathers on his chest and asked, "So you have succeeded in suppressing the rebellion and succeeded in inheriting the throne?"

Bila shook his head with a wry smile and said, "My father was overthrown. I fled to the forest with my surviving family members and some people who were willing to go with me, and found a place as a new home."

Frederick didn't know what to say for a moment. Thinking of him standing here just now, he asked: "Do you want to buy a book?"

Bila replied sheepishly: "Yes, I didn't think so before. Now that I have become a leader, I realize that my knowledge is not enough."

“There are many things that I thought I understood after I heard about them in school, but when I started doing them myself, I found that I actually didn’t know anything.”

"There are a lot of sick people in my place now. I want to buy some books and go back to study, but I don't have that much money."

Frederick took a look at the books in the bookstore. Most of them were novels sold to the Kingdom of Kush promoting Weisen, and there were also a small number of technical books on medicine, agriculture, etc., in local languages.

He is now a rich man, not to mention the money he brought with him at the beginning and the money he earned from selling salt yesterday. The 400 gold coins in Wanjing City have not been touched. Before leaving Port Port, Mrs. Sophie sent another three kilograms of gold coins and gold bars. , I don’t even know how to use this money.

"Boss!" Frederick suddenly slapped the counter, "Pack up all the books you have here and sell them to me. How much will they cost?"

The bookstore owner was startled, then recovered and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

Frederick estimated the number of books in the bookstore, put down his backpack, opened it, took out two small gold bars, put them on the table, and asked, "Is this enough?"

The study owner was shocked when he saw the royal seal on the gold bar, and immediately replied: "It's much more, not that much."

Frederick pushed the gold bar forward and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. From now on, if you want any books Bila wants, you can help him stock them."

"Of course, you can also escape with the gold bars."

The bookstore owner immediately shook his head and joked that those who could produce gold bars with royal stamps were either powerful people or extremely vicious people. He patted his chest and promised, "I don't dare. I swear to the flames that I will serve His Majesty Bila with all my heart."

Bila was also frightened on the side, and hurriedly said to Frederick: "Principal, this...how can I have the nerve to ask you to pay so much money?"

Frederick glared at him and said: "You think I bought it for you. I want to build the Weissenburg University Linhai branch. I haven't decided where the school will be located yet!"

Bila opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment, and his eyes were a little moist.

Everyone is an adult and understands that some words mean one thing but actually mean the same thing.

Frederick took back a gold bar from the counter and asked the boss to pack all the books, stationery, and papers.

"Come on," said Frederick to Bela, "and see if there is anything else to buy."

Bila followed Frederick and asked hesitantly: "Principal, do you really want to build a branch?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that what the principal was doing was somewhat incomprehensible. He was just an ordinary lecturer in the school and had never spoken a serious word to the principal. It was not worth asking the principal to help him like this.

Frederick replied with a smile: "You can't fight. You can't make money either. Just think of me as investing in you. If Lin Haili can find the resources Weisen State needs, the money will be earned back. If I can’t find it, I’m stupid.”

Then he complained about Bila: "You are really in such a state of desperation that you are drowning in the forest. Why don't you tell your family?"

"Not talking about restoring the country or anything like that, it's okay to just ask a few lecturers from the medical school to teach you how to treat the disease. Why don't you learn it yourself slowly?"

"You don't have any money yet. As a university lecturer, can't you get a loan from the bank? Are you afraid of not having enough money to buy some goods and sell them?"

"It's not like you don't know how much those beautiful birds are sold for now in Wesson. You can catch some and sell them back without even needing a loan."

Billa felt a little embarrassed and turned red.

He recalled his recent experiences. After his family was overthrown last year, he fled all the way into Linhai and found a decent place to stay. However, he was stuck in a daze and was living life in a muddle. He never thought of going back to school to ask for help.

This time Frederick had nothing to lose. Lin Hai was a huge treasure house. It would be great if he could find useful resources. If not, he would do a good deed.

There was a shortage of everything in Bila, from pots and pans to various farm tools, let alone weapons.

So Frederick told him during dinner: "The things here are too expensive. You can buy what you need urgently first. For large quantities, you can go to big cities to buy them, which are much cheaper."

At this time, an old man at the same table said: "Yes, yes, my wife's brother is doing business in Fustat City, the royal capital. The boss can send people to go with my wife's brother to ensure that he will not bully others."

This old man's name was Haijiaqi, a doctor in the town. Frederick paid him money to take his apprentice to Bila's place to treat people and search for any medicinal materials around.

Frederick thought for a moment and then said to Bila: "If you want to buy Wesson weapons, I still have some in the warehouse. If you want more, go to Constantbul and I will write you a note."

Bila said a little embarrassedly: "Just a few weapons is enough. If there are not enough, we will think of a way later."

Then he thought for a moment and said: "It's better if I take someone to Fustat City. Those are the principal's money, and others won't be worried about it."

"I'll buy the urgent things and send them back tomorrow. You can go with them."

Frederick thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

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