Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 289 On the River in Lin Hai

On a small river more than thirty meters wide, a large fleet of boats headed towards the depths of the forest sea at a speed of more than ten kilometers per hour.

Frederick and doctor Haijiaqi were sitting in one of the passenger boats with several apprentices and some people from Biyala, looking at the cabin curiously.

This boat is a flat-bottomed boat about ten meters long. It is surrounded by wooden frames, and shutter-like wooden boards are nailed to the frames as bulkheads. You can't see the outside when you sit inside, and even if it rains outside, you can't get in. , quite ventilated.

He didn't ask why the ship was designed like this, but he understood it by noon.

Near noon, the scorching sun shines on the cabin. If the bulkhead is not ventilated, the inside will be suffocated.

Not long after, there was a gust of wind, and stones and clods of earth came from the shore and crashed on the boat.

The boatman could only let the buffalo run faster, but he erected a wooden board to block it.

Hai Jiaqi has been a doctor here for many years, and Lin Haili often comes and goes. When he saw Frederick's inexplicable expression, he said: "The shore is the territory of a group of dino apes. They will throw their heads away when they see a ship or some magical beast passing by." Things are smashed, and if the boat capsizes they will swim over and take everything they can."

Frederick heard from Warcraft hunters about this kind of beast. Although they are not able to breathe fire like a fire dragon, or their fur becomes as hard as rock, their limbs are extremely powerful. When angry, they can slap a person's head away. .

Haijiaqi couldn't stop talking after he started talking. It was crackling like the sound of wind and rain just coming from outside. After introducing animals such as the Seven Black Baboons with seven black spots on their bodies and the Heart Black Ducks that are preparing to migrate to breed. He added: "In the forest, the most terrifying thing is all kinds of bugs. You don't know when they will get into your clothes, pierce your flesh and suck blood, leaving half of your butt exposed."

At this time, another passenger on the boat answered, she was Bila’s sister Ayesha: “Yes, many people were burrowed into their legs by these bugs and couldn’t pull them out, and they died of fever soon after. "

Aisha is in her twenties. Her husband died in the rebellion. She fled to Linhai with her two young children and some members of her husband's family.

Now that Bila has gone to wholesale supplies and deliver letters to Frederick, she will manage this caravan.

Ayesha had always been taciturn, and Frederick just sat aside when they chatted. It was not until Haijiaqi talked about "domestic" problems that she spoke.

When talking about the professional field, Hai Jiaqi said seriously: "If an insect bites into the flesh, it cannot be pulled out. Its mouth will bite the flesh, and if you pull it out hard, the head will be broken inside, and the person will be poisoned by the insect. "

"The simplest method is to dry the clay and grind it into powder. Boil the water in a pot for about a finger's width, then put the clay powder in and cook until it turns into a slurry like snot."

"Let the mud cool down and cover it on and around the insect's butt. The insect uses the slit on its butt to breathe. If it is suffocated, it will crawl out on its own."

"Cover the boiling water until it is less than two finger widths wide and let it cool. When the bugs come out, use it to wash the wound. Once it is clean, apply the medicine."

Aisha listened very carefully and repeated it completely after Hai Jiaqi finished speaking.

At first, Frederick wondered whether oil could be used to block the insect's valve, but he soon realized that oil was precious food, and using boiled and sterilized mud only required some firewood.

Hai Jiaqi continued: "During the rainy season, the swamps leading to the river will turn into ponds, and at that time multi-egg fish will enter the ponds to lay their eggs."

"Polyegg fish are usually as long as the wrist to the fingertips, and are as thick as fingers. They will eat bugs in the swamps, and at the same time, there will be more fish eggs in their stomachs, and finally their stomachs will be as big as a fist."

"At this time, you can pick up the female fish and retrieve the eggs. After eating the eggs, the wound will heal quickly, and the patient will recover quickly after eating the eggs. You can also wash the eggs, drain them, and pickle them with a lot of salt."

Frederick asked curiously: "Does this fish roe taste good after being pickled?"

Hai Jiaqi trembled as if he heard something terrible, and said: "I think it tastes bad, fishy and salty, but my wife likes it at home. I like to eat fresh, a little fresh and sweet, It’s crunchy when you bite it, but my wife hates it.”

Frederick thought about it, and if this kind of fish eggs could be used as nutritional supplements, there should be good sales.

At this time, there was a sound of horns amid the rain outside, and the boatmen on the bow and stern of the boat shouted to pour the poisonous oil quickly.

At the same time, Hai Jiaqi, Ayesha and several other passengers jumped up, and together with the helmsman who got into the cabin, they quickly untied several ropes on the roof of the cabin. After lowering the curtains made of wood chips, the interior of the cabin was Wrapped tightly.

Haijiaqi pulled Frederick to sit back-to-back with him, and at the same time said to him: "There are fire-spotted snakes outside, with thick fingers. If they get in, kill them with weapons."

"Be careful not to get bitten, I can't save you."

Frederick asked, "What about the buffalo?"

Hai Jiaqi said: "The boatman will pour poisonous oil, and the snakes in the water are afraid of this. But now that it's raining, I'm afraid there will be less poisonous oil at the stern of the boat, and snakes will climb up from there."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone screamed from the stern of the boat.

Frederick stood up and saw a meter-long white snake with red stripes worming its way in from outside the louvered bulkhead, looking for a gap in the wooden curtain.

The screaming man subconsciously threw a ball of ice mist, and the snake was wrapped in a layer of ice.

But the snake seemed to heat up on its own, and the ice disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Frederick rushed over and killed the snake with a can of necromancy.

The boatman who was catching up with the boat also sped up and soon left the range of the group of fire-spotted snakes.

After the boatman confirmed that there were no snakes on board, all the passengers breathed a sigh of relief.

Haijiaqi said to Frederick: "The venom of this kind of snake is very terrible. After being bitten, you don't feel anything at first. After a while, the surrounding meat feels like it has been cooked in water. There is no cure."

"I heard that someone dropped snake venom into raw eggs, and the whites immediately turned white as if they had been boiled."

Then he looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he whispered: "I heard that someone is studying the use of this snake venom to treat hemorrhoids."

Frederick just nodded without comment.

It was lunch time, and Ayesha took the girl who screamed just now to distribute lunch to everyone.

In the Kingdom of Kush, everything can be stuffed with rice. The dry food these days is grape leaf rice. It is made by rolling grape leaves into a roll first, then stuffing soaked rice and a little vanilla into it, sealing it, steaming it, and then drying it. It is said that the rice inside will not be a problem for two or three days.

The box containing the dry food was a storage box made of slime glue imported from Wesson, with moisture-absorbing charcoal placed underneath. Frederick did not have diarrhea even after eating for four days, and everyone arrived safely. destination.

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