Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 292 Challenge Lin Hai

It was raining. It didn't seem to be heavy in the morning, but it was pouring. I put on a raincoat made of tough palm-sized leaves that looked like scales, and was busy in the fields without delay.

By noon, the swamp at the foot of the mountain was filled with water, and a piece of black charcoal was floating on it.

When it gets dark, you can look up and see the moon and stars.

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, lightning was dancing in the dark clouds like a giant python, and the thunder did not stop for a moment. Some god in the sky drained the fish pond, and the water fell to the ground.

In a town without clocks, people can only tell the time by whether they are hungry.

When it got dark on the third day, the rain stopped. Almost the entire village's labor force rushed out of their homes and went to the farmland without even eating breakfast. They rescued the crops that could be saved. The fruits and vegetables that were damaged by the rain were the last two days. Food for the day.

When Frederick came to the wall, he saw that the swamp at the foot of the mountain had turned into a mud pond full of yellow mud. Many animals in the water came to the surface to breathe. There were a lot of charcoal, blackened tree trunks and some wildfires floating on the water. Burnt grass roots.

The hillside on the east side has been washed into an earthy yellow color by the rain, and many tree roots are exposed. If it rains a few more times, they will probably be washed down the mountain.

Haijiaqi walked over at noon and saw that Frederick was still here, and asked him curiously: "What are you looking at?"

Frederick pointed to the swamp that had become much clearer and said: "I found that they should be able to succeed. If the rain continues, the mud washed down from the mountain will fill up the swamp sooner or later. If a dam is built along the river, it will be very easy to It is possible to make the land much higher than the river surface. But there is also a problem. If the groundwater cannot be drained out, there will be some problems with the land."

Hai Jiaqi nodded seriously and said, "I don't understand."

Frederick laughed. There are specialties in medicine, but in fact, what he said may not be right.

At this time, someone invited them to have lunch. When Hai Jiaqi saw the staple food in his eyes, he said in surprise: "What we eat here are gold bars!"

What's in the bowl today is not the boiled peas like the other day, but finger-thick vermicelli, which is particularly beautiful against the clear chicken soup and green vegetable leaves.

Hai Jiaqi and his students have been treating the residents of the town in recent days. Aisha has prepared the best conditions for them in the village, and the diet is on par with the hunters in the village.

Frederick smiled and said to her: "I taught them how to make it yesterday. The material is peas. It tastes better and is less prone to bloating."

These pea vermicelli are also simple to make. Grind dried peas into powder, add cold water, stir and filter through a cloth, then boil until the water evaporates and let cool. The filtered soybean meal can be eaten by people or fed to chickens.

Hai Jiaqi ate a piece of pea vermicelli and thought it was quite good. He said, "It's good. I have bad teeth, so it doesn't take much effort to eat."

Frederick said while eating: "If it can be cut into thin slices and dried into slices, it can be stored for a long time. It is also convenient to take into the forest and eat. It can be eaten as soon as it is boiled in boiling water."

Hai Jiaqi thought for a while and said, "It would be great if that's the case. Those boat runners and World of Warcraft hunters would definitely like it."

Frederick just smiled. It would be up to them how they would use this to make a fuss in the future.

Hai Jiaqi was also well-informed and began to think about it. Later, he made money by helping Bila and others sell dried vermicelli outside.

In the afternoon, Frederick returned to the woodshed where he lived and began to organize his weapons, equipment and outdoor supplies.

He came here mainly to hone his martial arts skills in Linhai. It was just a matter of convenience to help Bila. The specific work still needed to be done by themselves.

At this time, Rosanna poked her head in and asked timidly: "Duke Wesson, can you excuse me?"

Frederick was checking the whetstone. When he saw it was her, he replied: "Come in and tell me if you have anything to do."

He often went to the chicken farm to help in the past two days, and he became familiar with Rosanna. This was the first time he saw this little girl speak so hesitantly.

After Rosanna came in, she hesitated for a moment and then asked Frederick: "Excuse me, Lord Duke, can I learn magic from you?"

Frederick looked up at her and replied: "I won't stay here long. I can only teach you one or two magic uses and tricks. If you want to learn systematically, I won't have enough time."

Rosanna immediately replied: "No problem, I have learned some ordinary magic before, but I lack the attack method that can be used independently."

After hearing this, Frederick understood immediately. Life here must be supported by force, otherwise it will only be a sheep in the wolf's mouth. It is easy to become stronger.

But he said a little embarrassedly: "I will go into the forest tomorrow. I will teach you when I come back in a few days."

Frederick had already asked the locals about a place where the monsters in the surrounding areas drank water. There was a hunter's cabin nearby, so there was no need to worry about the monsters hunting him down.

Rosanna lowered her head and said hesitantly: "Can I go with you? In fact, I am not the only one who wants to learn from you. If we go together, we can also take care of you."

Frederick thought for a while, then shook his head and rejected: "No, the place I went to is very dangerous, and I can't take care of you. You'd better wait until I come back. This matter is non-negotiable."

Seeing his firmness, Rosanna finally had no choice but to leave.

That night, Hai Jiaqi came to Frederick with a smile and gave him a large bag of medicine commonly used by hunters.

"I underestimated you." Hai Jiaqi said with a wicked smile, "I thought you couldn't control it."

Frederick was putting the medicine bag in his backpack and asked him strangely: "Why can't you control it?"

Hai Jiaqi smiled and said in a low voice: "Actually, I used to be a doctor in a noble family. Our master was killed by the Queen Mother, so I ran away and hid my name."

"There are many noble ladies here. They look down on ordinary men, but they can't live without children. How could they let a man as strong and powerful as you go?"

"Hey, someone has come to ask me if I have any pregnancy medicine in the past two days."

Frederick heard a black line and immediately understood what was going on.

In the end, he could only shake his head. He had no intention of leaving an illegitimate child outside.

The blood relationship these days is a strong bond. It is one thing for two people to forget each other after a passionate collision, but it is another thing to leave the bond behind.

Although the identity of an illegitimate child follows the mother's, and the man can deny it, Frederick felt that he could not do anything to abandon the child.

So he made a quick decision.

"Please wait a moment." Frederick said to Haijiaqi, "I am writing a letter, but don't tell anyone else. When Bila comes back, you can help me give it to him."

As he spoke, he took out a pen and paper and wrote a letter to the effect that he decided to challenge the king of the forest and sea everywhere in order to challenge his limits.

Hai Jiaqi said from the side: "It seems that you have made up your mind. No wonder you can achieve great things at this age."

Then he added: "Be careful in the woods and don't encounter mushroom goblins."

Frederick looked up and asked him: "What is a mushroom goblin?"

Hai Jiaqi said seriously: "They appear in the forest where there are many mushrooms during the rainy season. They are all very beautiful women. They have no clothes on their bodies and only wear mushrooms as big as a table. Don't think it is a good thing when you meet them. They only have women, and they will drain the men dry in order to reproduce, and only a few strong men can survive."

Frederick blinked and said helplessly: "Isn't this just poisonous mushroom poisoning? It sounds so magical."

Hai Jiaqi burst out laughing and said, "That's how you'll be impressed."

Frederick was speechless.

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