Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 293 Death Comes

"No one knows what the most terrifying monster in the forest is, because everyone who has seen it has died."

Frederick recalled what Hai Jiaqi said to him before he left, and now that he thought about it, he felt it made sense.

The sound of breaking wind coming from his side prevented him from thinking anymore. It was a dog's claw that could tear through plate armor.


The claws were blocked by the scabbard, making a metallic collision sound.

There were a few more scratches on the sturdy scabbard, but the giant dog about the size of a horse, covered in black mist, didn't seem to feel anything at all.

Frederick didn't know what breed this giant dog was, and he had never heard of it. He thought that everyone who had seen it had lost their heads like the hundreds of people around him.

Now he only knows that this giant dog is extremely powerful and moves as fast as lightning. The sword cannot even cut off a few hairs on its body. What's more serious is that magic attacks are feeding it.

This non-stop battle has been going on for half a day now. Frederick knew that its eyes and nose could be hurt at the cost of being slapped into a "U" shape with a slap on his fishing rod and spear and leaving a bloody mouth on his forehead. .

However, the giant dog was extremely smart and gave up attacking with its teeth. At the same time, it protected its other eye and nose. Its tail, which was equally powerful, guarded the vital points behind it. Frederick could not find a breakthrough for a while.

After blocking another claw attack, Frederick felt a flat helmet at his feet. He picked it up with his feet and kicked it with great force into the giant dog's normal eyes.

But this had no effect on the giant dog, who let the helmet hit his face, took advantage of Frederick's opportunity to raise his legs, jumped up, and pounced on him with both claws.

Frederick could only jump back to avoid it, ensuring that he was between the giant dog and a town.

Now all the young and middle-aged people in this town are dead, leaving only the old, weak, women and children. When a giant dog enters, it is no different from a mouse entering a rice vat.

Frederick had a moment of hesitation. This was just a small town he passed through during Lin Hai's training. He didn't know anyone in it. Even if they all died, no one would know that he refused to save him.

But when he thought of the eleven or twelve-year-old boy who charged at the giant dog with a kitchen knife and whose head was eventually chewed up and swallowed, the idea of ​​​​escape instantly disappeared without a trace.

Frederick felt that he was a little stupid, but people always do stupid things while they are young.

The giant dog attacked again, and this time Frederick swung his sword to slash at the claws it was swinging at.

He aimed at the flesh between the sharp claws, and compressed lightning danced on the blade. This was the only magic that could cause some damage to the giant dog.

The dog's claws were slightly deflected at the last moment, and the clawed sword blocked the blade exactly.

The dog's claw on the other side swung over, faster than ever before, breaking through the shield of the sword's scabbard, and opened two bloody wounds on Frederick's chest.

Frederick took the opportunity to slash at the dog's leg with his backhand sword. The shock from the sword hilt made him feel like he was cutting on steel.

The dog's leg was injured, and lightning flashed around the wound, but the giant dog just put the injured area to its mouth and quickly licked it and ate the lightning. The black mist that emerged from the dog's skin made the wound disappear in the blink of an eye.

Frederick was a little helpless. It moved too fast and could not attack the mouth with the lowest defense.

Now he can only analyze that this giant dog can quickly recover from flesh wounds, but its eyes may be too precise and it did not recover in a short time.

Seeing the sunset appear in the sky, the giant dog seemed a little impatient. He took a deep breath and suddenly let out a bark.

Frederick was caught off guard and was hit. It was as if his whole body had been hit by a dump truck, and his soul was separated from his body. He could see that he was getting further and further away from his back.

He was often captured by Psyche to experience soul magic, but he had never been attacked to such a degree. After all, Psyche had no reason to kill him, and the shadow of death suddenly loomed over his heart.

Seeing his body getting further and further away, he tried hard to fly back, but found that there was no place around him that he could rely on, as if he was floating in the void.

Frederick thought about "reaching out" to find all available things around him, and suddenly felt that all movements between heaven and earth had become extremely slow. Everything could be felt wherever his "hands" touched, from the soil on the ground to the objects in the air. Dust, even the air shaken by sound waves, are all under control.

As his "hand" stretched farther and farther, he grasped more and more things, and soon his body and the giant dog were also included.

However, Frederick's soul still failed to return to his body. He "watched helplessly" as his out-of-control body was falling. The giant dog began to jump up. There was a piece of grass root in the soil splashed by its hind paws, and the blood plate aimed its mouth at the body. head.

He anxiously "explored" his body, looking for a way back, but to no avail.

The dog's mouth is getting closer and closer, and finally it will hold the entire human head, and it will bite it to pieces in the next moment.

Frederick suddenly felt peaceful in his heart, and death did not seem to be a terrible thing. Anyway, he had been hit by a dump truck once and lived here for more than ten years, leaving behind the buds of capitalism, but only to those around him. The people are somewhat owed, but overall they can rest in peace.

I just don’t know if I will just disappear into thin air, or if I will still be “alive” in my current state, and maybe I can travel through time again.

He just "watched" quietly, waiting for the giant dog to bite the body's head into pieces and eat it, waiting for death to come.

Just when the giant dog's teeth touched the skin, Frederick realized that he seemed to "touch" something strange. It seemed that the thing did not exist in this world, but in another dimension.

When the dog's teeth penetrated the dermis, he "grabbed" the "thing". This "thing" seemed to have no body, but it seemed to contain a huge amount of information.

When the first muscle touched the dog's tooth, Frederick seemed to understand the information in the "thing", and the "thing" began to merge with the soul.

The more you understand the information in the "thing", the deeper it merges with the soul.

Frederick focused all his attention on the "thing", and the speed at which it merged with his soul became faster and faster.

A bolt of lightning as thick as an arm suddenly struck in the clear sky, causing people and dogs to burn.

However, this was only the beginning. Lightning struck one after another, and the dog fell to the ground with the human head in its mouth, twitching in the lightning.

Frederick's soul was also trembling. He understood that "thing" was the "characteristic" of "electricity" in the world. The more he understood, the more lightning struck down.

He suddenly felt that his soul had touched something again, but he understood it impeccably. The feeling now was a bit like the step towards the touch field mentioned by Richard Nall when he became a saint, but no one else was struck by lightning.

But he couldn't think about it anymore. The lightning started to wreak havoc in his soul, and the pain caused by it made him almost collapse. He could only concentrate on not letting himself collapse.

Countless lightnings fell one after another until late at night.

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