Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 294 In order to survive

When Frederick woke up, he saw himself lying in a wooden house, and the sky outside the window was dim and bright.

The wooden house is very simple, with the only decorations being wood carvings hanging on the walls. A bed is made of soft hay piled up with a layer of cloth, and the pillow is also a roll of cloth wrapped in hay.

He moved his body and could barely control it.

The wind blowing outside the window was carrying moisture, and the storm and rain that had been falling for several days and nights had just stopped.

During these days, Frederick's soul had been working hard to reintegrate with his body. During this period, his body retained its basic functions. He could breathe on his own, swallow and digest food. Soon, his hearing, touch, etc. also recovered, but Only the input signal, the output signal is now restored.

Perhaps because he moved a moment ago, the girls sleeping next to him woke up and exclaimed when they saw him opening his eyes.

The girls were sent by the queen here—now the queen mother—to take care of him. In the past few days, Frederick relied on them to provide him with water, food, urine, and wipes.

Soon after, the country's Queen Mother Ellie and Queen Bili, who had just ascended the throne for just two days, came to the room. The Queen followed behind carrying a bowl of porridge.

The small country was attacked by monsters, and most of the young and middle-aged people were slaughtered. Under the heavy pressure, Ellie's hair turned gray overnight. The fist that used to look like it could kill a bear can now only crush a chicken.

Ellie sat beside the hay bed, with a rare smile on her face. She looked into Frederick's slightly tired eyes and said, "Just wake up. If you don't wake up again, I don't know what to do."

When Frederick was unconscious, he heard this voice several times. He sighed and replied with a smile: "Thank you for your care these days, Your Highness."

"Don't dare, don't dare." Ellie waved her hands hurriedly and said, "You saved our lives, this is nothing."

The place where this country is located looks like a huge crater, surrounded by mountains that are difficult to pass. The rivers flowing out are fast and there are many reefs. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is difficult to escape at the same time. Frederick found a suspected human route. We came here only after taking the mountain road out.

Ellie then said: "You are hungry, drink some porridge first."

After saying that, Billie sat next to Frederick with a wooden bowl to feed him.

Frederick quickly refused, and Ellie said: "Just let her feed you. You saved us, you can stay and be the king, so what if I feed you?"

Now Frederick had nothing to say. He couldn't stay and be the king of the mountain. He could only let Bi Li feed herself quietly and finish the bowl of rice porridge cooked with milk.

After finishing breakfast, Frederick saw what it means that life will continue after the disaster has just passed.

After eating something, he was able to get out of bed and move around, so he went outside for a walk with Mint, the girl who had been taking care of him these days.

Mint is one or two years older than Frederick. He was once a hunter. He was injured during a hunting last year. He lost three fingers on his left hand, leaving only his thumb and index finger. Now he can only do some relatively light work.

It is surrounded by mountains and has abundant water resources. Most of the farmland has been reclaimed into paddy fields for growing rice. Except for the current rainy season, it can be grown three seasons a year. There are also some fields where beans and other vegetables are grown, and pumpkins are grown on the slopes at the foot of the mountains.

In addition, a kind of potato is grown here. This white potato is the staple food of most people. The rice harvested is mainly used to make wine and exchange materials with the outside world.

The rice was harvested here not long ago. Today is a rare sunny day. Soon after the sun came out, the grain drying field was dried. Now the surviving young and middle-aged people, old and weak women and children in the whole country came together to take out the rice in the warehouse to dry.

Frederick and Mint sat on the top of the wooden city wall, looking at the busy drying field not far away, where the Queen and Queen Mother were also busy.

Mint said to Frederick in a slightly hoarse voice: "The Queen and the Queen Mother have decided that we are going to seal the country."

Frederick was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what she meant.

Nowadays, this country has almost no defense power. If other places find out, it will only end up being robbed. If you want to survive, the only way to survive is to close it down and wait for the next generation to grow up.

Frederick asked: "What about materials like salt and iron?"

Mint replied: "There is a little stone salt in the mountains that is enough for us to eat, and there is also some iron ore nearby."

Frederick nodded, somewhat understanding their confidence in sealing the country.

In today's agricultural society, being self-sufficient and closed for twenty years does not seem to be a big problem.

It’s just that the productivity level here is too low. Frederick and Mint walked for a day and found that the plows still used straight shaft plows. There were obviously many small rivers and streams but no waterwheels. The other tools were also very primitive, which made Frederick worried. Can they survive.

When night fell and everyone was preparing to eat the second meal of the day, Ellie said helplessly to Frederick: "We have only been here thirty years, and we have learned how to farm with great difficulty. The blacksmith has good skills, but There are no good carpenters, and good carpenters from outside are not willing to come.”

Frederick somewhat understood and said, "I want to live here for a while and teach you how to make some tools."

He felt like he had gained some new abilities after being struck by lightning a while ago, and he planned to get familiar with it here before leaving.

Ellie immediately laughed when she heard it: "Oh, thank you so much. You are really the messenger sent by the Mushroom God!"

Frederick just smiled on the surface, thinking that this mushroom god appeared out of nowhere again, it couldn't be some evil religious organization.

He looked at the big rat cooked with mushrooms in the bowl that had just been served with mint, and thought that this could not be the Holy Communion.

Ellie added: "I have a heartfelt request, and I hope you can agree."

Frederick asked: "What is it?"

"Alas..." Ellie sighed deeply, "What we lack now is population. If we don't have enough people, we can't survive at all. If we don't get captured by people outside and become slaves, we will also be eaten by new monsters."

"I would like to ask you to leave some descendants here. If you are so strong, your descendants must be very strong so that we can survive."

The corner of Frederick's mouth twitched. He had run away just because he didn't want to leave an illegitimate child.

Ellie noticed that he seemed unwilling, and said: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, we won't do anything to the savior."

Frederick used her words to say: "I'm sorry, I can't do this."

Ellie smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I was rude, just pretend I didn't say it."

"Oh, in order to keep everyone alive, my hair has turned white in two days. It's difficult."

Frederick didn't have much to do about this. He could only teach them some ways to increase crop yields.

"Mint!" Ellie suddenly turned her head and shouted toward the door, "Is the soup ready? Serve it quickly when it's ready. Don't let your benefactor go hungry!"

She then said to Frederick: "They caught a bird in the drying field this afternoon. It was quite fat."

Frederick just smiled and said nothing more.

This "palace" is only a three-story wooden building, which is not as good as the small villa in Weisen State Manor, so we can't be too demanding.

Mint quickly came over with a bowl of soup. It was inconvenient for her to hold the bottom of the bowl with her left hand, so Ellie helped her put it on the table.

In addition to a cooked bird, there were only a few vegetable leaves in the pottery pot. Ellie didn't eat it, but only shared it with Frederick and Billie, who was sitting nearby and looked afraid of strangers.

"You young people, eat more." Ellie said as she shared the soup. "I'm old. I just need to live as long as I can before I starve to death."

Frederick tried it and found that the soup was quite fragrant and suited his taste.

There was no nightlife here. After dinner, Mint opened a bucket of water and wiped his body, and then it was time to go to bed.

As soon as Frederick lay down, a girl who had heard the noise in the past few days came in with a smoking pottery pot, saying that it was smoke to repel mosquitoes at night.

There are a lot of mosquitoes here at night, and the spider webs outside the window are full of prey.

Frederick felt very tired, thinking it was the sequelae of the battle, and fell asleep as soon as he got into bed.

In another room, there were several young girls standing in front of Ellie. She said seriously: "Looking at the days, you guys happen to be pregnant easily these days. Whether we can survive or not, our future depends on you." .”

After speaking, Ellie gave each of these girls a cup of potion and asked them to go to Frederick's room after they drank it.

Then Ellie picked up a long list and put a mark behind the names of these girls.

The night passed, and the book did not go into details.

The next morning, it was already bright when Frederick woke up. He felt that he had slept very soundly last night and could not sleep until dawn.

He was lying on the bed thinking, let's get the Quyuan plow out first today.

Until Frederick left the country, no one knew what happened every night in those days. Hundreds of years later, no one discovered a clue until the world started genetic sequencing.

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