Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 295 The final stage of the war

The air in the forest is particularly fresh after the rain. Colorful birds are jumping and singing on the branches. Rabbits with donkey tails are vigilantly eating young leaves in the bushes. A leopard as black as charcoal is staring at a newly grown adult in the tree. Group of orangutans.

Everything happening around him was "seen" by Frederick, as if he had opened up God's perspective, displayed in his mind with 1㎜ cube "black and white" pixel blocks.

A black bug the size of a sewing needle sensed the smell of human sweat and jumped and crawled towards the source of the smell, expecting to suck a belly full of blood.

Just when the bug was about to jump onto the girl's skin, a lightning spark appeared out of thin air and turned it into coke with a "pop" sound.

Mint sat quietly on the stone, with a basket of cakes and light wine at his feet. He looked at the crowds of people building a waterwheel at the foot of the mountain. With the waterwheel, work such as threshing, grinding, and chaffing would be much more convenient. , and can also pull the bellows for the iron-making furnace, so that the fire can be more prosperous.

Under the big tree not far behind her, Frederick was sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed, observing the world in a new way.

He is not proficient in this method of observation, which seems to be similar to the realm of the Sword God and Magic God. Now when he sits quietly and concentrates, he can see very far and very finely, but when doing daily activities such as walking, the observation radius suddenly shrinks to Less than 100 meters, the resolution also changed from 1㎜ to 5㎝. If you are running or fighting, the observation radius is reduced to about ten meters, and the resolution exceeds 20cm.

All Frederick can do now is practice more and master the tricks in practice. If it doesn't work, he can only wait until he goes back and ask Psyche or Richard Nar.

The sun gradually climbed directly above his head. Frederick opened his eyes and took a long breath.

The wind had died down two hours ago, and it was quite sultry in the mountains and forests. This kind of practice was very draining, and his body was covered with sweat.

Frederick took the linen towel handed over by Mint and wiped his sweat. This towel was not very absorbent, so he had to shake it off after wiping it twice to get rid of the sweat.

Mint took out the pastry from the basket, which was a kind of cake invented by Frederick not long ago.

Frederick first cut and ground local white potatoes into pulp. After filtering, the starch precipitated with some plant fiber. After drying in the sun, it can be stored for a long time. The filtered material can be fed to cattle and other livestock.

These starch and soybean flour are mixed with some salt and oil and steamed into a cake, which is a snack for lunch. He once lived on similar cakes for three days after his wallet was stolen in his previous life.

Although this kind of pastry is still very rough, it is much better than eating sweet potatoes that scratch your throat.

Mint handed the cake over and asked, "When are you leaving?"

Frederick replied: "In three days, I have already told the queen."

Mint hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "I want to trouble you with one thing. Can you help me name my future children?"

Frederick smiled. If you want to know what animals and plants are around, just look at their names. Only a few literate people have names with allusions.

"No problem." He, a patient with severe difficulties, smiled a little weirdly, "I'll write down some names when I go back, and then you can pick them slowly."

In the space age, archaeological experts were scratching their heads at the tombstones unearthed on this mountain with the names of Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Harry.

Frederick was doing it in the mountains, but in a distant place, a person who had indirectly interacted with him was not happy.

On both sides of a large river in the north of the Kingdom of Kush, the army of the Kingdom of Kush and the army of the Ghazi Empire faced each other across the river. Patrols walked by on the river embankment from time to time, and both sides were wary of the other side following Frederick's example of breaking the embankment and releasing water. Own.

Fatih, the young emperor of the Ghazi Empire, looked around at the generals with a sullen face in a gorgeous tent covered with golden silk, and asked in as calm a voice as possible: "What should we do next?"

Everyone present dared to speak.

More than a month ago, the northern and southern armies of the Ghazi Empire marched together.

The Northern Army Corps, dominated by the Guards, surrounded the port of Port Bose, but it was unable to capture the naval support of Hayreddin and could only besieged and contained the city on land, which did not even delay other people's business at sea.

As the main force, the Southern Front Army sang triumphant songs all the way. The Kushite Kingdom army in front of them could not organize an effective defense. They had to move everyone away and then burned all the villages, relying on the river to delay for a while.

It's just that the logistics supply line of the southern front army has been stretched. Not long ago, a group of people from the Kingdom of Kush destroyed several important bridges in the rear. The swollen river water due to the rainy season in Linhai blocked the road of the food transport team.

Nowadays, a large amount of food is blocked hundreds of kilometers to the east, and there are only more than ten days of rations left in the military camp. If this problem cannot be solved as soon as possible, the entire army will be starved of food.

No one in the tent responded for a long time. The logistics problem was not difficult to solve. All we had to do was build a pontoon bridge.

However, seeing that the enemy has no retreat and the final decisive battle is approaching, no one is willing to give up such a huge piece of military glory at this time and go back to the logistics support work that does not have much credit and is easy to take the blame.

Fatih looked around at the warlord leaders under his command, feeling a little irritated and feeling that he was gradually losing control of the battle situation.

No matter what it is, the moment when you completely lose control is the most dangerous moment.

After a long silence in the tent, someone finally stood up. An old Duke with a completely white beard said: "Your Majesty, the river is now very strong and we need the Imperial Guard to control the northern mouth of the river. Otherwise, the navy of the Kingdom of Kush will come upstream to us. will be surrounded.”

Fatih's expression changed instantly, and he suddenly thought that the Kush Kingdom destroyed the bridge to create conditions for the warships to go south against the current.

"Instruct the Imperial Guard," he immediately ordered, "to monitor the river with part... no, most of the force. If there is a fleet heading south, it must be sunk and blocked to block the channel!"

Fatih glanced at the warlords and chose the one who had the worst relationship with the others and ordered: "伱, take your people eastward immediately. You must build a pontoon bridge within five days to deliver the food here!"

The little warlord who was named could only come out from the corner of the crowd to receive the order.

At the same time, on the flagship of a fleet in the northern inland sea, Hayreddin and a group of captains quietly watched Jurgen, the leader of the Wesson Army Cavalry Guard Regiment, take out three silk bags of different colors from his briefcase.

"What is this?" Hayredin asked.

Jurgen said confidently: "This is the battle plan sent by the commander before entering Linhai. He ordered us to open it in front of the Marshal if we come to help."

Hayreddin borrowed five hundred men from the Wesen garrison in Constantbul, who had the power to refuse missions that were too dangerous.

Now that he heard that it was the plan left by Frederick, out of trust in the famous general, he motioned to Jurgen to open it and adopt it if there was no problem.

Jurgen took out a piece of paper from each of the three silk bags and spread them out on the table.

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