Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 296 Plans in Three Silk Bags

Under the moonlight, a huge fleet set sail in silence, sailing towards the mouth of the Sun River's main channel, which is more than 100 kilometers west of Birsey Port.

The boats are all experienced sailors and can sail against the wind in the river.

Jurgen lubricated his new warhorse on the deck and checked whether it was rusted due to sea transportation, so as to relieve his slightly nervous mood.

Hairedin took a bottle of chilly happy water and handed it to him, and asked with a smile: "Is this your first time to lead a team by yourself?"

Jurgen took the happy water and said a little embarrassedly: "Yes, you saw it."

Hayredin smiled, leaned against the side of the ship, looked at the moon in the sky and said, "You are exactly the same as me when I first became a captain. You are always worried that a whole boat of people will be brought to the bottom of the sea by you, and you have to ask questions about everything. , I was so nervous that I couldn’t sleep.”

Jurgen leaned on his horse, took a sip of happy water and said, "The commander said, if I perform well this time, I will be promoted next year."

Hayreddin laughed and said: "I heard that you grew up with Duke Wesson. He will never neglect you, otherwise there will be no one you can trust."

Jurgen shook his head and whispered: "The commander is different. There used to be a man who helped the Wesson family do business for many years. When he committed a crime, he was sent to Cod Island to mine. He didn't come back for several years."

Hayreddin had heard about this, but he didn't care. After drinking the happy water in one breath, he said: "Go to rest early. The fleet will turn around tomorrow afternoon. It will be up to you then."

Jurgen nodded.

Hayredin's fleet cannot fight on land, and the battle on land has to rely on mercenaries like them.

After Jurgen checked the movable joints of the war horse, he started the system test. If there were no problems, he returned to his cabin.

Under the light, he opened a silk bag left by Frederick and took out the note inside, which read: "Battlefield maneuvers are not limited to the battlefield itself. There are many tributaries in the lower reaches of the Sun River, and large-scale maneuvers can be done to the south and then north. Also, in order to avoid the enemy's eye line at the mouth of the tributary."

Now the navy under the command of Hayreddin has adopted this plan.

At about nine o'clock in the evening the next day, part of the fleet began to dock on the river bank about thirty kilometers south of Port Sai.

Jurgen put the note back in the second silk bag, confirmed that the control necklace was on, and strode out of the cabin.

Everyone on the deck was busy. The war horse lying on the deck started and slowly stood up, its eyes glowing dark red.

A group of All Might students are testing the war horses to ensure that they will not fall off the chain in the upcoming battle.

The sailors on the ship were also busy, lifting boxes of weapons and activated war horses to the shore using the ship's crane.

Also hanging down were wine and sheep. Some sailors were killing sheep and roasting them by the river.

Jurgen carefully checked everyone's horses and equipment, and after making sure they were correct, he led everyone to line up in the open space aside.

There are a lot of clouds in the sky tonight, the moon hides from time to time, and the moonlight is bright and dark.

Hayredin led the people over. Some of the sailors behind him were holding bowls and some were holding wine. He personally filled the golden bowls in the hands of the Wesson Army soldiers participating in tonight's operation with fine wine.

He raised the wine bowl and said to the more than a hundred people standing silently in front of him: "Tonight, I beg you all. Please come back in good health and drink the wine together!"

After saying that, he drank all the wine in his bowl.

The barbecue sailors brought the roasted mutton, and the haggis was cooked into soup in the pressure cooker on the ship, making sure that everyone in Wesson's army was well fed.

At midnight, Hayreddin stood behind the side of the ship and watched quietly as Jurgen led the cavalry company and disappeared into the night.

At two o'clock in the morning, Jurgen stood on his horse, holding a telescope and observing the Gazi Empire's military camp outside the port of Birse.

Because the port of Birse has always been defensive and has never launched a counterattack, the Ghazi Empire's imperial guards could not attack it, so they began to fish.

Now there are two heavens inside and outside the military camp. The military camp is quiet, with only the flickering firelight, while the camp of the military merchants behind is brightly lit, and the melancholy sound can be heard far under the night sky.

Jurgen jumped off his horse and began to arrange the battle.

The biggest advantage of the Golem Puppet War Horse they are riding now is that it has a large load capacity and has the same endurance as a tractor. In addition to personal equipment, it also brings a lot of rockets.

Nowadays, the Wesson Army's combat process starts with a round of artillery fire, and tonight's operation commanded by Jurgen is no exception.

It's just that the accuracy of the rockets is not very good, and they must be close to the target to achieve maximum effect.

He asked people to take advantage of the moon being obscured by clouds to place two magic incendiary bombs worth 500 florins a hundred meters away from the merchant camp, and set the timer to launch in half an hour.

Then he deployed timed rockets at the current ambush location, and launched them one hour after the first two rockets were fired, covering the camp of the merchants accompanying the army and the surrounding area.

Finally, Jurgen led a large group of people around and came to the other direction of the military camp, lurking and waiting quietly.

When the time came, two huge white fireballs suddenly appeared in the camp of the merchants accompanying the army, and the clouds in the sky were also illuminated.

Bugles sounded in the military camp of the Ghazi Empire, and the camp suddenly became chaotic.

The junior officers began to come out to maintain order, complaining in their hearts that those big men could drink wine and fuck beautiful girls at the merchants who accompanied the army, while they did this hard work themselves.

At this time, someone shouted "Duke Wesson is here", these officers also became scared, and the entire military camp became increasingly difficult to control.

Jurgen was very depressed. He didn't expect the enemy to blow up the camp.

Even more depressed than him was Vael. He just came out to use the toilet. Why was there smoke in the toilet?

Vael's head was still dizzy under the influence of alcohol, and his body was staggering. When he realized that the smoke in the toilet was because of the fire, the straw roof collapsed.

Wael, one of the deputy commanders of the Imperial Guards of the Ghazi Empire, disappeared. His whereabouts became a mystery in the following hundreds of years. Some people said that he escaped and lived in seclusion, and some believed that he was secretly executed by the emperor. Until the developer found A human remains was excavated from the remains of a septic tank during the construction of a new development here.

Jurgen did not wait for the second wave of rockets and immediately ordered an attack.

On the watchtower in front of them, the awakened sentries looked at the camp of the accompanying merchants that turned into a sea of ​​fire in surprise. They did not turn their heads until the sound of horse hooves sounded.

A row of war horses with glowing red eyes appeared in the dark night. These horses were much taller than the best horses, and the eyes of the people sitting on the horses were reflective.

The sentry remembered a certain rumor and jumped off the watchtower so that he could shout "The Devil's Army is coming" and disappear into the barracks.

The mechanical war horse jumped up and crossed the five-meter-high wall. The next thing Jurgen and others had to do was to kill and burn everything.

They were like the rapidly rotating blades in a blender. Nothing could stop them for a moment, leaving a trail of minced meat wherever they passed.

The food camp in the center of the military camp was right in front of him. Jurgen still remembered that he was a magician, so he took off his magic wand and started casting spells.

At that moment, the people around became quiet and looked up at the golden eagle flying in the wind.

The golden eagle with a wingspan of more than 20 meters circled the camp, and the golden flames falling from the ends of its wings burned everything it encountered.

At this time, the second round of rockets was automatically launched. Due to the wind, many fell into the military camp, and the Ghazi Empire army completely collapsed.

After that night, the story of "Golden Eagle" Jurgen's Hundred Riders hijacking the camp without any casualties spread along the coast of the inland sea.

The army in Port Baisai took the opportunity to rush out of the city gate. They didn't have the courage to intercept them head-on, but they were quite capable of chasing after the tail and taking a bite.

The river where Frederick was fishing was suddenly blocked by a stone bridge, and many people jumped into the river in an attempt to swim to the other side.

At this moment, a row of people with big eyes and long noses suddenly appeared on the opposite side, pouring bullets at them.

The Flying Tulip appeared on the river, its guns joining in the carnage, and soon had to retreat due to too many corpses on the river.

The radio station in Port Port reported the battle situation immediately.

More than 40 kilometers south of the Ghazi Empire's Southern Front Army, one of Hayreddin's right-hand men put the note into a silk bag.

As he waved his hand, a violent explosion occurred on the river embankment, and the river water instantly surged into the distance.

Early the next morning, Fatih stood on the wall of the military camp and saw a fish weighing at least 20 kilograms jumping more than 100 meters in front of him.

Although the military camp is at a high place, it is surrounded by waist-deep water, and the outcome is self-evident.

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