Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 297 Lin Hai’s last stop

It often takes a month or two for major events outside to reach the forest. At this time, Frederick did not know that the Ghazi Empire had taken the initiative to negotiate. He was standing on a canoe and walking along the river. Wherever he went, it mattered. .

This canoe was carved out of a big tree by himself, making it much easier to travel on the water.

As long as you follow the water, you can reach the sea no matter how you walk.

Those who can walk alone in the forest are ruthless people. Although the Warcraft hunters and caravans encountered along the way are not all respectful, they are polite enough.

There are just some exceptions.

At noon that day, Frederick encountered a fleet of ships loading goods on the shore. The owner of the goods was a Warcraft Hunter Chamber of Commerce.

The rising rivers and flooded swamps during the rainy season allow people to expand their range of activities, allowing them to reach places that are difficult to reach during the dry season.

It is now the end of October, the rainy season has come to an end, and the World of Warcraft hunters who came to hunt have begun to return with full loads.

"Excuse me." Frederick paddled his canoe over and asked a young sailor who was feeding buffalo beside the boat, "How can I get to the nearest city from here?"

The sailor was a little younger than Frederick. When he saw that the person asking the question was unkempt, unshaven, and his clothes were too old, he pointed to the downstream direction and said: "Go all the way down the left bank."

"Thank you." Frederick picked up a red fruit from the boat and threw it to the young sailor.

At this time, an old sailor came over and slapped the young sailor on the back of the head and said, "Are there any people like you who give directions randomly?"

The young sailor said nonchalantly: "Anyway, I just came out to have fun. When I go back, can he come to the palace to find me?"

Frederick didn't know the conversation between the sailors after he left. He sat in the canoe and ate the same red wild fruit for lunch leisurely.

This unnamed red wild fruit is not very common in the forest. It tastes very sweet and can replenish a lot of energy. However, the urine and urine will turn bright red afterward. He was shocked by Ellie at first.

In addition to fruits, there is also barbecue for lunch. I caught a pheasant last night. During this time, I found that the meat is cooked in the same way as a beggar's chicken. It is roasted over high fire for a longer time and can be stored for two or three days without damaging the outer mud layer.

More than two hours later, Frederick burped and suddenly found that the water around him was getting faster and faster, and there was a faint roar.

Ahead is a waterfall with a drop of more than 300 meters. Below the waterfall is a huge basin. A beautiful castle stands on the mountain in the middle. Farther to the north is the sea.

With Frederick's current strength, he would not suffer any harm if he fell into the lake from such a height using the hussar's gravity-reducing magic after being prepared.


Frederick heard that the nobles along the coast of the Inland Sea spoke the ancient Pulan language, so he swam to the shore and asked the two young men: "Gentlemen, what is this place?"

The younger of the two young men hid behind the other. The anger in the older's eyes receded slightly and he replied coldly: "This is the territory of Earl Valli."

After thanking Frederick, he immediately turned around and swam away, pretending not to see the two skirts lying on the rocks on the shore not far away.

After he left, the younger one asked tremblingly: "Sister, why did you let him go?"

The older sister looked up at the top of the waterfall and replied calmly: "The strength of the person who can safely fall from the top of the waterfall should not be underestimated, and he gave us steps to go down. Too much entanglement will make things worse."

After hearing this, my sister felt that it made sense, but it was just that the steps... were not necessary.

Frederick had to swim two kilometers in the lake with his backpack before finding a place to land. Fortunately, he was worried that the canoe would capsize and wrapped his luggage in a tarpaulin. Not only did the backpack not get wet, it could also be used as a lifebuoy.

The water near the lake looked very clear, with no blood-sucking bugs and a few fish swimming by.

Frederick thought for a while, picked up some branches with leaves from around, and burned the ashes by the water. He was ready to take a bath and change clothes before entering the city.

This is the last stop of Lin Hai's trip. After a short rest, he will find a boat to go to his teacher's wife's house to eat and drink for a while.

Frederick shaved with a knife at the water's edge and cut his hair into short pieces. He suddenly became energetic.

Although there were no parasites on his body, there was still dirt and grime. Rubbing plant ash in the water for a while actually worked to create a nest.

Not only were there fish in the water, but there seemed to be more birds in the sky. There were many kinds of birds in the sky, and they all gathered together, as if they were having a concert.

Frederick didn't pay attention and continued to wash in the water.


An exclamation made Frederick tremble.

In the bushes less than 10 meters behind him stood a girl in her early twenties, wearing a hunting suit, covering her mouth with her hands and looking at him in disbelief.

"Ah!" The girl's face suddenly turned red, "This orangutan is sick and his hair is almost falling out!"

After she finished speaking, she said in a very low voice: "There are baths in the city."

After saying that, she turned around and ran deep into the woods.

The hairless gorilla was stunned for a moment and suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Just now, he didn't feel anyone approaching at all.

This place looked a bit evil, so Frederick took out new clothes from his backpack and put them on, regardless of the fact that he was not clean. He burned the old clothes completely, and then walked away as fast as he could.

When the sunset appeared, Frederick passed through several kilometers of forests and more than ten kilometers of agricultural areas and arrived at the city in the center of the basin.

The city looks very lively. Judging from the clothes and accents of the pedestrians, half of them are businessmen from other places. After walking through many shops, it can be seen that the local product here is silk.

Not just silk, but also cheaper spider silk, the fabrics weaved are equally exquisite.

Frederick randomly found a tour guide and asked him to take him to the bank to change money, and then came to the bathing beach in the city.

Judging from the architectural style, this bathhouse is estimated to have a history of seven to eight hundred years. It belongs to the orthodox bathhouse of the ancient Pulan Empire. It has both a huge public bathhouse and private rooms suitable for gatherings with friends or having secret conversations.

Frederick originally wanted to go to the public area, but several muscle guys came over to ask how he had developed his muscles and decided to leave a private room.

The conditions of the single room are much better. There are two pools of hot and cold water, as well as a table and bed for resting and chatting. There is no shortage of delicious food and drinks. After all, it only costs one gold coin a day.

Naturally, there was someone who could help with back brushing, bathing and massaging. Frederick ordered the most expensive one.

After some washing and washing, which made him lose two pounds, the most skilled girl in the bathhouse asked Frederick: "Excuse me, do you need any of our special services?"

Frederick asked vigilantly: "What is the special service? Do I need to pay extra?"

You can never be too careful when going out, and you should ask questions clearly.

The older girl replied: "No extra charge, the service is our new back massage."

Frederick turned his head and glanced at the girl who weighed more than 200 pounds. He thought that he would accept countless challenges in life, and finally agreed.

I have to say that this big girl's massage skills are good. After some massage and ballet on the person's back, Frederick's tight muscles all relaxed.

Frederick soaked in the hot tub, breathed a comfortable sigh of relief, and said as if talking in his sleep: "Sister, are you interested in serving in my family? 20 gold coins a year is not non-negotiable."

The eldest sister was preparing the floral essential oil that would be used later. She shook her head and said, "No, next spring in the north, my family will go to Oak City, Wesson. The young lady of the Duke of Wesson asked me to be a teacher. Five days a year." Sixty gold coins is no problem.”

Frederick raised his eyebrows, knowing who it was.

Nowadays, Weissen State has a policy to encourage craftsmen to open training classes. This policy is tilted towards the emerging Oak City on the canal to attract skilled craftsmen from all over.

"That's good." Frederick nodded and said, "You can first go to the Ministry of Military Affairs to find Franz. Just say that he was recommended by me, Charles Smith. You can start by training the army's medical soldiers."

After hearing this, the older girl said politely: "Thank you for your kindness."

Then she sighed and said, "Oh, it's a pity that my sister, such a beautiful girl, lost her legs at such a young age. I don't know what she can do with her."

Frederick asked in surprise: "What happened to her?"

The big girl stopped talking and asked the customer to lie down on the massage bed and start applying oil to maintain skin.

She was only responsible for the massage, and then other girls served him fragrant wine and meat, waiting for him to eat and rest.

Frederick had not had a proper meal for a long time. After eating and drinking, he yawned and went to sleep on the bed next to him. He slept until noon the next day.

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