Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 298 Helping Buy Books

Frederick rested in the bathhouse for a few days. Every day he took a bubble bath, got a massage, drank wine, and went to the small theater to watch "Duke Wesson Rides Alone to Save the Prince" and "Duke Wesson's Silk Bag". Watch new dramas such as "Gazi", or go to the library to read a book. After eating a full meal, sleep until you wake up naturally, and your whole body and mind will be completely relaxed.

Early that morning, after he checked out and left the bathhouse, he blinked at the thick white fog on the street.

The street was quiet at this time, and no one could be found even if I wanted to ask for directions.

He could only walk slowly on the road, carefully counting the intersections, then turning, and finally found the hotel with the pomegranate on the sign.

This hotel is quite large. It is owned by the mother of the girl who gave the massage in the bathhouse. Many small businessmen live here.

The layout of this hotel is the same as other places. The first floor is the dining area, with many tables and chairs. The innermost is the counter, and behind the counter is the wine rack.

Because it was foggy early in the morning and no one got up, the place was very deserted. There was only a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old cleaning glasses behind the counter.

After Frederick walked over, the girl raised her head, looked at her seriously incredulously, and then covered her wide-open mouth with her hand in surprise.

"Do you recognize me?" Frederick asked curiously.

The girl came back to her senses and said cautiously: "I saw your Excellency in Constantbul."

Frederick nodded. After they captured Constantbulo, they released all the women in the palace who Phocas had collected from various places with travel expenses.

"Just pretend you don't know me." Frederick smiled, "Is this your home?"

The girl nodded and prepared the best room in the hotel for him.

Frederick came to the room on the third floor and put away his luggage. After a while, there was a knock on the door of the room, and the girl at the counter brought breakfast.

Breakfast looks very interesting, mainly consisting of two long pieces of bread sandwiched with sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs and jam, and a glass of juice.

Only then did Frederick notice that the girl's right leg was a piece of wood, and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with your leg...?"

After putting down the breakfast, the girl replied respectfully: "Replying to your lord, my name is Puna. I was kidnapped by the tyrant Phocas' men to Constantbul three years ago. Because I was unwilling to serve him, he cut off one of my legs. Legs, keep them in the palace to deter others."

Frederick thought for a while and seemed to have heard about it at that time.

He said to Puna: "You go down and rest, there is no need to run up and down to get tired."

Puna hesitated for a moment, bit her lip and asked, "Sir, can I ask a question? About Weissen State."

Frederick pointed to the chair beside the table and said, "Sit down and ask."

After saying that, he sat down himself.

Puna said cautiously: "My sister will go to Weissensee next year, and our family will follow."

Then she looked at her right leg and asked, "Where...can someone like me find a job?"

Frederick looked at her legs. It should have been cut in the upper middle of the calf, and the knees should be fine.

"Are you literate?" asked Frederick.

Puna nodded hurriedly and said: "We who run hotels will meet guests from many countries, and they can speak several languages ​​and languages."

Frederick thought for a while and said: "I have a suggestion. You can sign up for a typing training class. This job is a bit like a scribe."

"Once you learn how to type, you can earn a decent income whether you go to a chamber of commerce or a factory to find a job, or you open your own typing shop."

Ogilvy and Mather made a calculator based on the core of the Golem 7 years ago. In the past two years, they finally made a typewriter that can be used commercially in their spare time from administrative work. Now people are waiting in front of the factory to pick up the goods. A snack street was set up.

Although typewriters are not cheap, Puna's sister is a technical talent who comes to run a school, and she has a letter of introduction from Lilu, so there is no problem in applying for a low-interest loan for targeted purchases.

Frederick told Puna the relevant policies, and the girl listened very seriously.

Now there is no big problem for foreigners working in Wesson. The only problem that is difficult to solve is the problem of believers of other religions. Frederick decided to have a good talk with the Pope when passing through the Holy City this time.

After Puna left, Frederick had breakfast and rested until about nine o'clock.

At this time, the fog dispersed and the streets began to become lively.

When Frederick went out shopping, he found that although the weather was hot, it was much cooler than before. Thinking about it, it had almost started to snow in Wesson.

He walked around the street and saw that half of the silk shops were occupied, and he had an idea in his mind.

BASF has not made any breakthroughs in using slime glue to make chemical fibers. Materials similar to nylon may not be available in a short time.

The Kirov airship showed off its capabilities a while ago, and the Air Force is going to expand its scale. So far, the airbag's airbag has the best performance using silk brushed slime glue.

So Charles wanted to see if there was cheap and strong silk that could reduce the cost of airships.

This kind of thing naturally requires experts, but he is not familiar with this place and doesn't even know where the experts are.

Frederick looked up at the castle on the hilltop next to the city, thinking that it would be most convenient to find the lord here, Count Valli.

It's just that I am empty-handed and have nothing to prove my identity. I might be chased away as a liar.

He finally decided to go back and ask Puna about it.

There were more pedestrians on the road, and the store in front was full of people. Dozens of young men and ladies lined up in front of the store next door.

Out of curiosity, Frederick walked over to take a look and found that it was a bookstore. There was a blackboard hanging on the wall next to the door. On it was written in chalk, "Your Excellency Qingju's latest poetry collection "The Returning Sea Breeze" has arrived, priced at two "Wali silver coin".

Looking at the growing queue, Frederick smiled and turned to leave.

"Sir!" Someone in the team took a step forward and grabbed the scabbard of Frederick's sword, with his back foot still in place. "Do you also want to buy Mr. Qingju's book? Can you stand for me for a while, I will go and make it easier. .I can buy an extra copy for you!”

Frederick saw that this young man was in his early twenties and looked rich and noble based on his clothes, so he said: "If the people behind you don't mind, I can help you occupy the seat."

The young man asked several questions, but there was no problem.

Frederick held his sword upright and stood over. The man quickly ran to the restaurant across the street.

Just started selling books, the team gradually moved forward, and the young man had not come back yet.

Not long after, we reached Frederick in line, took out two local silver coins, and bought a copy of "The Returning Sea Breeze".

After he walked out of the bookstore, he waited for ten minutes before he saw the young man dragging his numb feet out of the restaurant with a dead look on his face.

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