Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 299 Book Friends Tea Party

With the development of Weisen's publishing industry and business exchanges, many living habits have also spread to other places.

For example, "Book Bar", the book bar here is like a paid library. After entering the door, you pay and you can sit until the sun goes down. After dark, it will be more expensive to light up the lights.

The walls around the first floor are filled with bookshelves and long tables and chairs for reading. There is an eating area in one corner, and a counter selling pens, ink, and notebooks.

The second floor is a private room with a very good environment, air conditioning, and good snacks and tea, which is suitable for quiet reading.

The young man who just asked Frederick to help him queue up was called Aiman ​​Damen. He warmly invited Frederick to a book bar near the study and told the proprietress that all the expenses of this gentleman would be charged to his own account. Then we came to the box upstairs.

His name was written on the sign nailed to the door of the box, which was obviously a long-term rental.

Frederick saw that there were many books on the bookshelf here, most of which were literary works. In addition to Qing Ju, the author of today's collection of poems, and his own name, there were also many that he had never heard of.

Ayman explained: "This building belongs to my home. It is a place where I read and relax. It is much more relaxed than at home."

Frederick understood that it was the landlord.

These books were all printed in Weisen State, but there were too many books now. Naturally, he could not read them all, so he picked up a travelogue on the southern coast of the Inner Sea written by Pu Lanwen.

After seeing him take the book, Aiman ​​said apologetically: "I will be very fascinated when I read the book later. If you have anything, please help yourself."

Frederick expressed his thanks.

Aiman ​​was indeed reading seriously. Soon a waiter brought tea and snacks without even raising his head.

This book "The Sea Breeze Returning to Hong Kong" is based on the theme of family affection. It contains 30 new poems and 30 old poems with the same theme. This is the traditional practice of poets nowadays. Firstly, it increases the thickness of the book, and secondly, you can see the difference between the new poems and the old ones. Differences Between Old Poems.

Open the book, each poem is printed on the left, and the relevant illustrations are on the right, which is very beautiful.

The box was quiet except for the sound of turning books from time to time. Soon Aiman ​​began to recite with great emotion.

It was noon, and Aiman ​​just drank a little tea and ate a few biscuits, and continued to bury his head in the book.

Frederick was also watching the travel notes intently, while thinking about the next course of action.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the door to the box was suddenly pushed open, and a girl rushed in and pulled Aiman ​​out. At the same time, she shouted: "Hurry up, the second lady is holding a tea party in the afternoon, and I want you to attend!"

This girl was about the same age as Frederick. Although she was wearing a cute skirt, her arms looked like she could kill a cow with one punch. Ayman was immediately dragged up from the sofa.

"Anas!" Ayman called, "We have guests!"

The girl named Anas discovered Frederick at this moment, and her face suddenly turned red.

Aiman ​​said to Frederick apologetically: "I'm very sorry, this is my fiancée."

Frederick stood up and said, "It doesn't matter. Since you have something to do, I won't bother you anymore."

Aiman ​​thought for a moment and said to him: "If you are free, how about joining the second lady's salon with me? She likes to listen to the guests telling stories about the outside world."

Anas also helped: "Yes, yes, the second lady is not in good health and cannot travel far. She likes to listen to stories."

Frederick saw that their clothes were all made of pure cotton. Although they were fine, they were not made of silk like those of the rich and powerful. He thought that the second young lady should also be in their circle, so he agreed with the thought of making a living.

However, he was wrong. The local area is rich in silk, so young people with personality do not wear silk products, but wear woven cotton from Wesson.

So Frederick took the carriage of Anais, the youngest daughter of the knight captain under Count Valli, and accompanied Ayman, the youngest son of the count's steward, to a villa on the hillside of the castle. In the back garden, he met Yvette, the second daughter of Count Valli. ·Valley.

The two were awkward for a second when they met, but Yvette immediately returned to normal, pretending that she had not seen the hair-shedding gorilla at the lake a few days ago, and politely welcomed the guests from afar.

Frederick also pretended that he had never seen her before and introduced himself politely: "Charles Smith from Wesson, thank you Miss Yvette for your hospitality."

The tea party was held under the shade of the trees in the garden. Eight people sat around on a fine carpet. They were all young people in their teens and twenties, equally divided between men and women. Everyone except Frederick had a copy of "The Returning Sea Breeze" in front of them. 》, today’s theme is self-evident.

Yvette asked the servant to bring some food to Ayman and Frederick, and said with a smile: "I am sure that Ayman forgot to eat lunch while reading, and also caused trouble for the guests."

Everyone else laughed, obviously this wasn't the first time this happened.

The tea party soon returned to the main topic. Under the auspices of Yvette, everyone began to express their opinions on the "Returning Sea Breeze" that had just arrived this morning.

Discussions among book friends focused on the fact that the author, Mr. Qingju, also started writing sonnets in the past five years, and the most intense debate was on the format of the poem.

The poetry of this era was dominated by religious hymns. Whether it was the Church of Light on the northern shore of the Inland Sea, the Earth God Religion in the extreme west, the Natural Church in the extreme north, or the Church of Fire in the southern continent, the requirements were almost the same. The longer the poems, the better. If it doesn’t have more than thirty lines, it’s hard to call it a poem. The more quotations from scriptures, the more beautiful it will be. It’s best if every line has its source.

There are also short poems of ten to twenty lines, but they are used by troubadours to entertain people at banquets and to make money in taverns, and are difficult to express in a refined way.

It was not until the appearance of Wesson Daily that the limited page limited the length of poetry that poetry within twenty lines began to flourish.

After two years of development, the length of the poem was mainly fourteen lines.

The formats of these sonnets are different, mainly 4-4-3-3, 4-4-4-2, and 8-6, and the rhyme patterns are also varied.

Especially Mr. Qingju, the poems he wrote have all kinds of formats and rhymes.

Some people think one is better, others think the other is more beautiful, and they argue endlessly.

Frederick just listened silently, smiling.

After about an hour, Yvette felt that she seemed to have neglected the guests from afar, so she followed the topic and asked Frederick: "Have you read the poems of Lord Qingju?"

Frederick replied: "My Sardinian textbook is her poetry."

This is no nonsense. Readers all know that "Green Orange" is a pen name, but only a few people know her true identity, including Frederick.

It was impossible for him not to recognize her, because this "Green Orange" was Katie, the eldest daughter of his master Richard Nall, the heir to the first underworld family in the south of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the second largest shareholder of the Wesson Paper Group.

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