Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 300 Literary Works of True Feelings

The sun in the sky gradually turned to the west, and the servants set up sunshade curtains in the garden to prevent the sun from shining on the master and guests.

Everyone was very happy that Frederick had read Qing Ju’s poems and wanted to hear the opinions of readers in the far north.

"That's right!" Aiman ​​suddenly remembered something, "I heard that Mr. Qingju has settled in your Weisen state. Are you married and have children?"

Frederick just smiled. He couldn't tell them that his senior sister suffered from postpartum depression and beat herself to get through that period.

"I don't inquire about the privacy of the author's life." He said calmly, "It is not good to disturb other people's lives."

Anas punched Aiman ​​hard and said a little unhappy: "That's right, don't keep thinking about these things."

Others had the same idea and condemned Aiman ​​for five minutes until he promised to treat him to a seafood banquet tomorrow.

Yvette asked Frederick again: "I heard that Your Excellency Qingju is going to close his pen. Is this true?"

People around him immediately became serious when they heard it. This news began to circulate in book circles last year. No one believed it at first, but the news came from several writers in the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the credibility suddenly increased.

There are different opinions on the reasons. Some people think that she suffered from a serious illness. Some people speculate that she was involved in a serious political struggle and was under house arrest. Others speculate that she was involved in the gang struggle in the southern part of the Kingdom of Sardinia in the past two years. However, no one can give a clear explanation. Convincing evidence.

Frederick thought for a while and replied: "I heard before that our Wesson Translator Court invited her to join, and she may have agreed."

"Interpreter Court?" Yvette had never heard of it, and the people around her also had questions.

Among the many institutions in Wessen, the reputation of the Translation Court is not well known to the outside world. The main reason is that they have been translating books in other languages ​​into German for these years, and their influence is only in the Rhine League and the German language in the east. place, and also has a little influence on the Osmaga Empire.

On the coast of the Inland Sea, little is known about it, as there are no books translated by the Translators for sale.

Frederick saw their confusion and explained: "The Translation Court is engaged in the translation of various books. It used to translate books in other languages ​​into German. In recent years, it plans to start translating books from various places into various languages." language."

"In the near future, Sardinian works can be translated into multiple languages ​​and spread in more places."

"Similarly, works from more places will be translated into languages ​​such as Pram and Sardinian, allowing people to see more foreign works."

"Really?" Yvette looked a little excited, "So you can see Pu Lanwen's poems and novels about the Kingdom of Gaul in the near future?!"

Frederick smiled and nodded.

In addition to cultural traditions, the spread of language is also affected by region and trade. The local language here is similar to the language of the Kingdom of Kush. Because trade with the Kingdom of Sardinia is prosperous, many people know Sardinian.

But there is not much connection here with the Kingdom of Gaul, so there are very few people who understand Gaulish. Only one girl among the locals here understands it.

In recent years, Frederick had been exchanging letters with his pen pal Françoise from the Kingdom of Gaul every month, and he was naturally familiar with the Gallic language. During the exchanges, he also experienced the cultural prosperity of the Kingdom of Gaul. It is understandable that Frederick Werther was interested.

However, he and Françoise had been quarreling for half a year last year by writing letters about something, and this time he planned to meet her while traveling.

Yvette brought the topic back to the theme of today's tea party. After taking a sip of tea, she asked Frederick: "Your Majesty Qingju, the format of your poems has changed a lot in the past two years and has not been finalized. What do you think?"

Frederick replied seriously: "I think she was influenced by Duke Wesson."

Yvette was very surprised by this statement, because many people think that she is constantly trying and improving, while a few people think that she is not good enough and cannot create a unified style. Each has its own reasons.

The same goes for the others, most of them curious, and some seem a little angry.

Frederick said seriously: "A few years ago, Duke Wesson published a book called "The Marching Pot Poetry Collection". He pointed out in the preface that what can really move people's hearts in literary and artistic works such as poetry, novels, and dramas is the spiritual core and all techniques. They all serve the spiritual core.”

Most of the people present were confused and seemed to have never heard of the "Marching Pot Poetry Collection".

Although Frederick had a prominent military reputation, had been studied in government affairs, and often studied in business, no one in the literary and art circles would think highly of him. Naturally, no one was interested in his collection of poems, let alone his name. It has nothing to do with literature and art.

But there are still readers. The girl Anas seemed to have found a close friend and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, that's what Duke Wesson said! He also said that literary works should not persuade others, but use true feelings. Infect readers with real feelings!”

"Indeed, his poems come in various formats, and the rhyme patterns change from time to time, but each poem reads very smoothly, and you can understand the meaning of the poem after reading it once."

Friedrich Guy von Wesson was smiling on the side. The poem he wrote was first read to the cook and gardener at home. It was not successful until they understood it.

Anas' fiancé Aiman ​​asked her curiously: "When did you buy it? I haven't heard you mention it before?"

Anas replied: "My grandpa bought that book of poetry. When he read it, he would laugh and cry. Every time he finished reading it, he would clean his sword. I was curious and picked it up to read."

"The poems in it are all about the army. In addition to fighting, there is also a lot of life in the army. Some soldiers miss their families. There is even a poem about someone else 'harmonizing' their own washed and dried clothes. But It’s interesting.”

Her father is a knight captain, her grandfather is the military supporter of the Vali Territory, and her grandmother is the aunt of the Earl of Vali. As soon as the old man moved out, everyone became serious.

The atmosphere of the tea party was very free, and the topic suddenly changed again. Everyone asked about Frederick's collection of poems. Yvette, as the host, did not bring the topic back this time.

Everyone discussed for a while, and someone asked: "Could it be that Duke Wesson paid someone to write those poems?"

What he said is not impossible. Some nobles would do this kind of thing just to save face.

Frederick rolled his eyes at the man and said disdainfully: "You underestimate Duke Wesson. The commander goes down to the company for five to ten days every month to eat, live and train like ordinary soldiers. The content in those poems is based on real experiences.”

Then he laughed: "Ms. Anas said just now that someone's clothes were taken away while they were drying. It was because I was too anxious and took his clothes."

"The commander often said that literary creation is not something you come up with while sitting at a desk biting a quill, but rather entering into life, experiencing life, and sublimating life."

Everyone was amazed when they heard this. They had never thought of this statement.

A girl said: "That's true. The poems written by Mr. Qingju in the past two or three years are all about daily trivial matters, and everything reflects his feelings towards the people around him and towards life."

Others nodded in agreement.

A thought suddenly appeared in Yvette's mind, but the thought flashed past and she failed to grasp it.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then suddenly a servant ran over in a panic and whispered something in Yvette's ear.

Yvette's expression changed, and just as she was about to say something, a middle-aged man wearing a red divine robe strode over.

It was a Flame Church priest with a "C"-shaped hairline, a very prim and serious expression, followed by a young monk holding a tray.

The middle-aged priest quickly walked to the carpet, and Frederick stood up along with the others.

When he saw "The Returning Sea Breeze" lying on the carpet, he snorted unhappily, and Yvette could only lower her head.

"Don't indulge in the mind-destroying poisons of the pagans." The middle-aged priest looked very angry and glared at Frederick fiercely, as if he was poisoning the minds of the young and pure believers of the Flame Church.

Yvette replied respectfully: "Remember the teacher's teachings and don't dare to do it next time."

The middle-aged priest waved his hand, and the monk behind him walked to Yvette with a tray. On the tray waiting for him was a book with a red cover. Judging from the title, it should be about religious persuasion.

"This is the book you should read." The middle-aged priest said solemnly, "Stop reading those messy books."

Yvette agreed respectfully.

The middle-aged priest nodded with satisfaction and left the garden with his men in the sunset.

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