Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 301 The girl who ran away

The morning fog gradually faded, and people started a new day.

Frederick got dressed and went downstairs. Puna immediately asked enthusiastically: "What do you want for breakfast?"

Before Frederick could answer, a chubby middle-aged man who was having breakfast in the hall said deliberately unhappily: "Little Puna, why were you so cold-faced when I came here, but you were so enthusiastic as soon as he came? Don’t you have a crush on me?”

Puna replied viciously: "You don't pay back the credit, and you still expect me to be nice to you?!"

Frederick saw that the man was wearing clothes of local colors, and Puna was not really angry, thinking that he might be a neighbor or a regular customer.

He said to Poona: "I am just like this gentleman."

Since Frederick ordered steamed buns and steamed buns, steamed dishes have appeared in many places in the past few years.

Puna's method here is to roll the coarse flour into a strip as thick as a finger, place the steamer on the mouth of the pot, cook the soup in the pot below, and steam the thick noodles on top. When eating, cut the steamed thick noodles into small pieces and add soup or sauce.

There is no shortage of fruits and vegetables here. In addition to small dough balls, Frederick's bowl also has cucumber-like melon pieces that are also cut into pieces.

As he ate, he listened to the others discussing the latest news.

"Have you heard?" said a captain or something, "Duke Walder's eldest son is terminally ill."

The person next to him sighed and said: "I heard that, alas, a young man urinates blood and there is no cure."

Frederick just heard it as news and didn't know that it actually related to him, but even if he knew it, he didn't care.

After breakfast, Frederick continued to walk around the city.

Yesterday afternoon's tea party was followed by a dinner party, but Yvette, as the host, was unhappy because she was disappointed by the priest, so everyone quickly finished their meal and dispersed.

Frederick came to the book bar and agreed with Ayman last night to meet here today.

Aiman ​​greeted the book bar owner and took Frederick to his box as soon as he arrived.

After about ten minutes, Aiman ​​came with a middle-aged man.

"Baron Damen is my uncle." Ayman looked a little afraid of his uncle and addressed him directly by his title. "He is responsible for Earl Vali's silk sales. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

After the pleasantries, Baron Damen sat on the sofa and asked Frederick with a cold face: "Do you want to do the silk business?"

"We in Valley Territory also have business relationships with Wesson. We sold silk to the Springfield Arsenal three years ago."

Frederick didn't care about such trivial matters as the source of raw materials, so he said in surprise: "You have cooperation with Bruce? That's great!"

Baron Damen's face improved slightly when he heard him say the name of the person in charge of the Springfield factory.

Frederick continued: "There is such a thing. Another factory of Duke Wesson needs a light, strong, heat-resistant and waterproof fabric. The quantity is large, so it has cost requirements."

After hearing this, Baron Damen asked: "What is it used for? Which aspect of performance needs to be highlighted?"

"Hot-air balloons." Frederick answered bluntly, "We are going to produce more hot-air balloons, so we need new fabrics. The key is to make them dense and strong."

Baron Damen asked him in confusion: "What is a hot air balloon?"

Frederick thought that hot air balloons had been around for so many years and that Maria had made a lot of money from it. With the business contacts, many people should know about it.

He spent some time explaining the principles and functions of the hot air balloon, but Baron Damen could not understand why the silk bag could fly.

On the contrary, Ayman's eyes lit up when he heard what he said. After Frederick finished speaking, he quietly took the diagram away, and Frederick pretended not to have seen it.

Baron Damen thought for a while and then said: "If it is only fine and strong, and it is cheap, I recommend using spider silk. This is the anti-arrow layer of your armor."

"If you want to withstand high temperatures, you can perform some special treatments, which will cost half as much."

Frederick asked about the price. Compared to silk, it was relatively cheap and acceptable.

He still had a lot of money on him. He signed a contract and paid for some samples on the spot. At the same time, he wrote a letter and asked Baron Damen's people to send it to Wesson.

Baron Damen took this very seriously and said he would send his right-hand man to deliver it.

He never thought of cheating. Who doesn't know that Duke Wesson and Hayreddin have a very good relationship. With just one word, Hayreddin only needs to send a few ships to park on the nearby sea and raise the flag. No ship can Dare to come.

Baron Damen still had some ideas and asked casually: "We want to buy some plowing machines, but we have to wait in line for a long time. Do you have any ideas?"

Frederick also pretended to think about it and replied: "I'll write another letter, and you can send someone to take it to the Ministry of Military Affairs. They will help."

Soon after, Baron Damen left with satisfaction. After closing the door, Aiman ​​immediately asked Frederick: "The one you mentioned can really make people fly in the sky?"

Frederick smiled and said: "That's natural. I can teach you to give it a try."

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Yvette ran in sweating. Before Aiman ​​could salute, she said: "Let me hide here for a while!"

Frederick was stunned. Was there a coup?

Aiman ​​seemed not surprised by this and pointed at the table.

Yvette was about to get in when Frederick said: "Give me the shoe!"

Yvette was wondering when there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Frederick didn't care anymore, took off her shoes, opened the window, and then slammed the two shoes on the sofa and the windowsill in front of the window.

The door was pushed open again, and the middle-aged priest from yesterday was the leader.

Aiman ​​jumped up nervously from the sofa while pretending to hold a book, pointed to the open window and said, "The second lady jumped out of the window and escaped."

The middle-aged priest walked to the window with a cold face and saw two footprints. He then stretched his head out and saw that the pedestrians on the street either raised their heads to look at the window and talked about it, or looked in a certain direction and snorted coldly.

At this time, Frederick walked in from the door, greeted Ayman very warmly, and greeted the priests very politely. It seemed that he was here to see Ayman.

The priests retreated, and when the sound of coming down the stairs was heard, Frederick immediately took out the shoes hidden in his trousers and asked Yvette to put them on.

As long as the priests went downstairs and asked, they knew that the man who jumped just now was a man, and they didn't have much time left.

At this time Aiman ​​said to Frederick: "You take the second lady and leave, I will hold them back!"

Frederick and Yvette did not hesitate. Aiman ​​would not die anyway, so they immediately ran into the empty box opposite and jumped out of the window.

As soon as they left, the middle-aged priest came back angrily.

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