Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 302 Avoiding Trouble

"how so!"

Yvette suddenly fell down on the bed of the hotel. Through the open window, she could see several thick columns of smoke rising from the city.

Frederick stood by the window, frowning.

Poona stood aside, clasping her hands together nervously.

An elderly priest stood in front of a bookstore on crutches, raised his hand covered with age spots, pointed at the bookstore and shouted: "Take out all the poisons of the heretics and burn them!"

A young monk in his teens asked next to him: "Which ones are poisons?"

The old priest slapped him on the back of the head, widened his eyes and shouted: "Anything that is not parchment is poison!"

A group of young priests rushed into the bookstore, kicked and kicked the customers away, then pushed the boss to the ground and began to take out all the books on the shelves and throw them to the ground.

Yvette's eyes were blank. She wanted to say something but couldn't. She watched helplessly as another column of smoke rose above the city.

When smoke also appeared in the port, someone came.

"Sister, Lulu!" Yvette jumped up when she saw the person coming.

Frederick turned around and saw that the people coming were a bespectacled girl in her twenties and a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing cloaks for traveling.

He immediately turned his head back and studied the direction of the wind carefully.

These two people were the two "brothers" he saw after falling from the waterfall.

There was silence for five seconds as Frederick was recognized.

Elle, the eldest daughter of Earl Valli, quickly adjusted her state and said seriously to Yvette: "Now you leave with us to avoid the wind. The luggage and boat are ready and we will leave immediately."

Yvette asked nervously: "What happened?"

Ai Lei didn't answer, but said, "We'll talk about it on the way."

Then she walked behind Frederick, snorted slightly and whispered: "Duke Wesson, my father, Count Valli, invites you to vacation with us on Cyclops Island."

After speaking, she thrust a roll of parchment into Frederick's hand.

Frederick read the letter written by Count Valli to himself. He was a little surprised that what happened today might become the fuse that detonated a huge powder keg. Count Valli was afraid that he would become a huge variable, and he was also worried about his daughter. For their safety, we sent them all away.

"Okay." Frederick nodded, "I'll go with you."

Ai Lei gave Puna a few words, and then left with her sisters and Frederick through the back door of the hotel, where an inconspicuous carriage had already been parked.

The carriage was very dull and silent all the way. After arriving at the dock, everyone boarded an ordinary passenger and cargo boat.

When land was no longer visible, Ai Lei talked about what had just happened in the cabin.

To put it simply, Yvette likes to read foreign literary works in recent years, which makes her teacher, the middle-aged priest, very unhappy.

Yvette's successful escape today aroused his anger, so he ordered all foreign books in the bookstore to be burned.

"How could this happen?!" Yvette exclaimed, "I want to go back and just apologize to the teacher."

"It's useless."×2

Frederick and Elle said in unison.

Lulu, the youngest of the three sisters, pouted and asked Frederick: "Why doesn't it work? It used to be no problem."

She also seemed to recognize Frederick, but never looked at him seriously along the way.

Frederick said to her seriously: "This is not a contradiction between two people, but a contradiction between two ideas. If this contradiction does not break out today, it will break out in the near future."

Lulu said with some dissatisfaction: "Humph, he talks as long as those old men."

At this time, Ailei said to her little sister seriously: "Lulu, he is right."

Lulu pouted and stopped talking.

Ai Lei turned to Frederick and asked, "What do you think of today's events?"

With Lulu whispering "Ask him why" in the background, Frederick replied: "I think that to solve political problems, we need to start with the economy first, so that we can find the root cause of the problem."

As the eldest daughter, Ailei was raised as the heir of the family. Her expression suddenly became more serious, as if she had caught a glimmer of light in her heart that she had vaguely felt before but could not grasp.

Yvette was still nervous and remorseful, and all the sounds went in one ear and out the other.

As for the youngest Lulu, she seems to be insulated from anything related to politics.

Just as Ailei was about to continue asking for advice, the captain knocked on the cabin door in a panic.

There are many undeveloped estuaries, bays and woods on the south coast of the inland sea that can hide ships, and they have become a haven for pirates.

The biggest pirate in this area is Hayreddin. As long as he pays a protection fee every year and puts up a flag, he will not be robbed by them.

But some small pirate gangs are not as grand as this. They sometimes run serious transportation and attack suitable targets when they encounter them.

Now a large ship is eyeing Count Valli's small medium-sized ship and is approaching with malicious intent.

The three girls from the Valli family rushed out of the cabin, and Frederick followed them out to see what was going on.

Frederick borrowed a telescope and looked at the ship opposite. He could see that the ship was full of people holding swords, and some were putting javelins on the crossbows.

Hayreddin told him about the pirates' fighting method. When the opponent's ship approaches, the javelins with ropes and barbs will shoot onto the opposite sail, and the lighter people will slide along the ropes.

He looked at the deck again. Elle was setting up some kind of magic enhancement formation, and Yvette was standing in the middle.

Frederick studied a golden butterfly controlled by Ai Lei with great interest. As it flew on the deck, its wings shed a large number of golden light spots. After a while, a magic circle was formed.

Yvette stood in the center of the magic circle, waiting for the captain to confirm the other party's intention.

When the "Leave the woman" flag was played on the other side, Yvette began to cast spells. The golden magic array on the deck lit up, and the abundant water elements around him quickly gathered here.

These water elements were quickly converted into earth elements in the golden magic array, and Yvette directed them to condense into watermelon-sized earth balls in the high air.

The pirate ship instantly became panicked and began to flee.

But Yvette didn't give them a chance. Dozens of earth balls flew towards the pirate ship a hundred meters away at high speed. Due to the opponent's steering, they finally hit the stern of the ship at close range.

This was enough. The stern of the pirate ship soon began to sink, and the pirates on the ship jumped off the ship holding various floating objects.

This place is not very far from the land of the southern continent, and the wind is blowing from the north. Even if it drifts, it can float to the shore, if there are no sharks or the like.

The captain on Count Valli's side had some chickens fetched from the kitchen, cut their throats over the side of the ship, threw them into the sea, and then ran away with the sails full.

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