Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 3 You all have special skills

At dusk, many scholars and students from Constantbul gathered around several large pots in the square with bowls in their hands, waiting for the cooks to prepare noodles.

The place where most noodles are eaten these days is in the Kingdom of Sardinia. They roll out the dough, cut out individual noodles, and then dry them in the sun.

In Wesenling, a noodle making machine has been used here. The feeding screw pushes the dough forward, and finally it is squeezed out from the mold at the top of the cylinder. Round and flat noodles are now available. All it takes is someone turning the handle. .

Put the noodles directly into the pot, put them into a bowl when they are cooked, and then go to the side and add a spoonful of garlic sauce, a spoonful of vegetables and a portion of sausage slices for each person.

After you finish eating the noodles, you can go to the pot and ask for a bowl of noodle soup.

For travelers who are exhausted physically and mentally after a long journey, having a hot meal is equivalent to a luxurious meal.

On the other side, Frederick invited Manuel and several other aristocratic scholars to have dinner at the town hall.

There was no time to prepare the luxurious food. The main dish tonight was noodles. The main course was roasted pork elbow with sauerkraut, seasonal vegetable chicken soup and fine wine from the Weissenberg wine cellar. The dessert was only arranged like flower petals. The "Black Crystal Egg" is quite large in terms of content.

Manuai and the others were very hungry during this period, and could rarely get off the ship. Every day they were made into a paste made from black bread and various other things.

No one was interested in talking during the dinner. It was rare that a landlord was willing to entertain him. The only serious thing to do was to immerse himself in hard work.

After the meal, Frederick asked Manuel: "I wonder what your plans are for the future?"

Manuai's eyes were full of confusion, and he said helplessly: "I don't know, we can only walk along and see where they are willing to take us."

After saying that, he raised his glass and drank the wine in one gulp, drinking more while there was good wine.

Frederick motioned to Alfred to pour him wine. After the wine glass was full, he asked: "I have a question. You are all rare great scholars in the world. You couldn't invite them in the past. Why are you in such a bad situation now?"

Manuai fell silent, looked at each other with several other scholars, and finally sighed deeply and said, "It was us who harmed everyone."

"I am a necromancer. Others can't even hide when they see me. How can they take me in?"

Then another scholar named Friedrich also shook his head and said: "I am a poisoner among pharmacists. If you take me in, I am afraid that you will not dare to drink the water."

The third scholar named Diesel smiled bitterly and said: "Your Excellency may not have heard of me. Your butler should know that my explosive magic is very powerful, but I can't tell the difference between myself and my enemy."

Hearing this, Frederick looked at Afu in surprise.

He knew very little about this butler, except that Afu had been saved by his father a long time ago, so he had been serving the Wesson family since then, and no one knew about his past.

Ah Fu just nodded.

The fourth scholar was named All Might. He spread his hands and said: "I am studying the Golem Puppet. However, with the rapid development of destructive magic in recent years, the high defense advantage of the Golem Puppet is becoming less and less obvious, and the wisdom is always inferior to that of the Golem. It’s so expensive for humans and so no one wants to use it anymore.”

The fifth scholar, Mathias, covered his face and said: "I am a plant master, but the plants I cultivated are too fat and very inflexible in battle."

The sixth Monofro pointed at Mathias and said: "I am the beast tamer, I am the same as him."

Finally, Manuel said: "They all came to Constantbul from the Rhine League to study when they were young, and now they are returning to their hometown to try their luck."

After hearing what the six of them had said, Frederick said seriously: "I heard it. You all have special skills."

"I'm not saying something sarcastic to laugh at you, I really think so."

"I've always believed that there's no such thing as useless magic, there's no inherently evil magic, there's just people who won't use it in the right place."

"Your Excellency Manuai, if you and the other scholars don't object, I invite you to rest at the manor by Lake Brombach."

“What I hope most is that you can stay and continue your education and academic research here.”

The scene instantly became extremely quiet. No one spoke. No one here is stupid. Everyone knows the relationship between giving and receiving.

Manuel took a deep look at Frederick, trying to see through his mind. For the moment, he couldn't figure out whether this eight-year-old child had a kind heart for a while, or whether he had other motives.

"Besides that?" Manuel asked, "Is there anything else we need to do?"

Frederick picked up the cup and took a sip of juice, thought about it seriously, and then said: "I am going to dig a canal in the territory to connect the Danube and Rhine rivers. By then this place will become a new commercial center."

"If you run a school here, you will definitely be able to recruit many students, and the food, clothing, housing and transportation of these students can also provide tax revenue for the territory."

"You also brought a lot of books, I think they are mainly in Imperial language, so I plan to help you translate them into Rhine language."

"At that time, I will sell the Rhine version of the book and give you a commission."

"Of course, I will also ask you to do something. I will find some young people and ask you to train them. I will also ask you for advice when I encounter some magic problems."

Then he said to Friedrich: "Your Excellency is a poisonist, and I plan to fund your research on cheap pharmaceuticals that can expel ascariasis without harming people."

Ascariasis is a huge problem these days, with about 10% of people in towns and cities infected, more than half in villages, and even higher in livestock.

Frederick discovered that the roundworms in this world were more severe than those in his hometown in his previous life. The temperature of the manure compost could not kill the roundworm eggs, so boiling water was needed. The eggs even had a shell like the seeds of some plants, which was difficult to digest and could be passed through by birds. fecal transmission.

Fortunately, there is a kind of green acid slime in the world. The acid secreted by their digestive cavity can not only dissolve the armor and clothes of female knights and female magicians, but can also dissolve roundworm eggs when digesting and absorbing organic matter from soil and fertilizers. The outer shell and eggs are digested.

Theoretically, throwing acid slime into the manure pile can reduce the spread of roundworms, but the manure pile must be taken to farmland for fertilizer, and the acid in the slime will damage the plants.

Frederick had no choice but to use anthelmintics to get rid of the roundworms when they were still young. The individuals at this time would die during composting to reduce the spread.

If a deworming drug with no or even low side effects and a low price could be developed, it would be equivalent to lying at home and watching gold coins rain from the sky.

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