Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 4 Let’s all stay and work

The first time Frederick saw Warcraft was when he was three years old when he went on vacation with his family to the manor on the shores of Lake Brombach.

At that time, an injured rabbit ran to the lake to drink water. The smell of blood attracted a group of fist-sized yellow slimes.

When the rabbit saw that the slime was up to no good, it kicked its hind legs towards the fastest one.

It's just that there is a yellow oil on the surface and inside of this yellow slime's body, which is very slippery. If you beat it and boil it in water, the oil can be boiled out and used as lubricant.

The slime's body looked crystal clear, but it felt as elastic as rubber. With the oil on its body, the rabbit's leg slipped away.

Frederick was thinking that this rabbit was quite big and should be delicious.

Unexpectedly, the rabbit turned around, opened its mouth, and spit out a fireball the size of a glass marble, which set the slime on fire.

Three years later, Frederick conducted an experiment. He boiled the broth for an hour and put it into a porcelain bottle that had just been taken out of the stove fire and sealed it with wax. When he opened the lid after three days at room temperature, he found that the soup had gone bad.

The same goes for the bacteria in the pus on the wound. The pus extracted from the wound was boiled in water for an hour. After the water cooled, it was poured onto the wound on the rabbit's leg. This wound suppurated faster than the control wound on the other leg.

Because of this, he was lectured by his mother on the grounds that he should not abuse animals.

At that time, Frederick understood that in the magical world, not only animals could turn into monsters, but also microorganisms might have become more magical, and they had to use magical methods to solve the problem.

It's just that there have been wars here for years, and the development of magic is biased towards the military. No one has the time to think about how to "convert the military to civilians."

Friedrich thought for a long time. He had never thought about deworming drugs before. It was the first time that he had been researching how to kill people for decades with funding from the sponsor, and it was the first time he asked to save someone.

Faced with such a challenging job, he finally said, "I think I'll give it a try."

Frederick smiled slightly, raised his glass and toasted him with juice instead of wine, and then said to Manuai: "Your Excellency is a necromancer, and you should be familiar with the magic of 'withering of life'."

Manuai replied seriously: "Wither of Life is the introductory magic of the Necromancer. It kills the enemy by destroying the enemy's vitality."

"This magic is easy to learn but difficult to master. Ordinary apprentices can only kill flowers, plants and insects. If they are not careful, they may even hurt themselves."

Magic such as withering life appears as a common magic for villains in various stories. Raising one's hand to kill someone is commonplace, but as he said, it is easy to learn but difficult to master.

He was worried that Frederick would learn this magic from him, so he took a precaution first.

Frederick smiled slightly, took a teapot, poured out all the tea inside, and asked the servant to bring a bowl of vegetable and chicken soup and poured it into it. Finally, he asked Alfred to bring a candle and seal the mouth and lid with beeswax. around.

While he was busy, he said at the same time: "I once met a wandering scholar who had a microscope in his hand that could see magnified objects."

"At that time, he showed me the magnified appearance of many things. Among them, there were very, very small insects moving in the rotten soup."

"He said that bugs like this can be found everywhere, but if there are too many, they will cause food to spoil."

"Unfortunately, I didn't have much pocket money at the time and couldn't buy that microscope."

"I would like to ask you to use the wither of life on this teapot and the broth inside to kill all the little bugs, while preventing the little bugs from outside from entering."

"If it is true as the scholar said, the broth without the bugs will not go bad for a long time."

Manuel has a question mark on his head. There are various theories about food corruption, but this is the first time he has heard of this.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief, as did the others.

Frederick replied: "I can't say for sure. We will only know if we try."

"I have tried several times and the broth boiled every half a day will not go bad, so I have a guess that the bugs in the soup are easy to kill, but the eggs of the bugs are difficult to kill."

"I think if I can use the wither of life to kill all the bugs and eggs in the soup, it will prove that part of my guess is right."

Manuel seemed very interested in this experiment, nodded and said, "Then let's try it."

He asked Frederick to place the teapot on the table. Without chanting or using the wand, he directly stretched out his right hand and pointed it at the teapot. Each of his five fingers deftly drew different patterns, and a purple-black light appeared on his fingertips.

The teapot looked unchanged. It was quiet, as if nothing was happening.

Manuai's face suddenly became solemn, and he closed his eyes as if he was feeling something with his heart.

"Your Excellency's guess is reasonable." He said to Frederick seriously, "I can feel that there is a very small amount of life force dissipating in the teapot under the magic. It should be such small bugs and eggs. If you don't pay attention, you won't see it at all. Will find out.”

"Well, this needs to be studied carefully."

A smile appeared on Frederick's face again. Sin's influential deception had arrived, and it was not difficult for the others.

His little thought was quickly seen through by others. Diesel raised his glass to salute him, and then asked: "I wonder if you have any new insights on explosion magic?"

"If it is a good research direction, I will stay here to conduct research."

At this time, Ah Fu suddenly said seriously: "Our master is going to dig a canal, so I would like to ask you to blow up the soil."

The corners of Diesel's mouth twitched slightly, but he said nothing.

Frederick asked Afu curiously: "Is there anything... unpleasant between you?"

Diesel didn't wait for Ah Fu to answer, and immediately said: "Isn't it just exploding soil? No problem, no problem!"

"There are professors and students of architecture among the people accompanying us, so they can make early plans."

Frederick smiled and nodded, and then said: "I have a question I would like to ask."

"I have an idea, which is to find a section of pipe and plug the end. There is an explosion magic there. Put a ball or something like that in the pipe. After the explosion magic is activated, the ball will be pushed quickly. It flew out at high speed."

"I want to use this weapon to replace the bow and arrow. Do you think this can be done?"

He wanted to use magic to replace the gun's propellant. He thought it could be done in theory, but it was unclear what the actual effect would be.

In Diesel's resentful eyes, Afu said: "Master, he is the best at this kind of thing."

Frederick was startled and asked, "Why?"

Ah Fu said calmly: "Let me tell you a story."

"A long time ago, several people went to the mountains to collect medicine together, and planned to rest in a cave when it got dark."

"Just when everyone was getting ready to have dinner, a fool found a snake crawling out of the depths of the cave, so he cast an explosion."

Frederick blinked. At first he wanted to ask if the cave had collapsed, but then he thought of another possibility.

He asked: "How far did you fly at that time?"

Ah Fu was silent for a moment and replied: "That's not the point. The point is that you can't get back anything you eat."

Frederick immediately understood what was going on and stopped asking. Instead, he asked Diesel: "Can my idea just now be realized?"

Diesel thought for a while and replied: "If it is to replace bows and arrows, then the size of the magic array cannot be too large. This requires further research."

He had a preliminary plan in mind, but only a fool would take it out now because he would rely on it to make money in the future.

Frederick naturally agreed, and then asked Matthias: "I wonder if you can cultivate crops with higher yields?"

Matthias said seriously: "Plants also need food to grow, and their food comes from the soil."

“The bigger the crops grow, the more food we eat, and the more barren the land becomes, requiring a long period of fallow to restore land fertility.”

"Someone has tried your idea, but the land was plundered too much. Taking into account the fallow time, the total harvest has become smaller."

"I think your Excellency will also let Monofro cultivate stronger livestock, but the land's output is limited, and there will not be enough feed to feed the livestock."

Monoflo nodded in agreement.

After hearing this, Frederick pondered for a moment and said, "I understand this. I have learned some knowledge about land fertility. We can talk about it later when we are free."

The understanding of fertilizers in this era is still based on long-term accumulated experience. The use of plant ash, manure and green manure has developed to a certain extent. There is a certain understanding that beans with rhizobia can fertilize fields, but they are not aware that rhizobia are It's working.

Frederick decided to set up a few farms for trial planting for a few years, and then promote it if the effect was good.

At this time, everyone had a new direction. Only All Might was a little disappointed. Frederick did not look for him, thinking that the financial sponsor was not interested in the golem puppet.

These few of them are not alone. Their families are included in the teachers and students, and they are also considered academic leaders. They also have the scholars, professors and students they lead to support themselves through their own business.

At this time, Frederick said: "Your Excellency Omet, I wonder if you are willing to stay?"

"I want to talk in detail after you settle down. I want to ask you about the golem puppets. Maybe I need to customize a few special ones."

All Might's eyes lit up and he immediately replied: "As you wish!"

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