Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 5 Let’s make some money-making inventions first

Manuai and others held a plenary meeting the next day and unanimously decided to settle in Wesenland.

The meeting also unanimously approved the establishment of the University of Weissenburg and elected Baron Friedrich von Wesson as its first president.

Frederick was quite happy at first, until Afu quietly told him that the principal needed to be responsible for the school's funding issues, and his face immediately turned dark.

The landlord's family doesn't have any food left.

The cultivated land in Weisenling follows a three-field system. About 1,000 hectares of the more than 3,000 hectares of land are planted with wheat, 1,000 hectares with beans, 1,000 hectares with pasture for sheep, cattle and chickens, and the remainder with vegetables.

Frederick's father's agricultural and arithmetic skills were at this level. If it was 1,200 hectares for wheat and 800 hectares for beans and grazing, he couldn't calculate how much tax he should collect in a month.

flax? You can buy this thing, but it’s troublesome to grow it. Why do you grow it?

The weather in the past two years has been good, and Wesson has abundant water resources. The average wheat yield is 700 kilograms per hectare, and the average yield of various beans is 500 kilograms per hectare. The Wesson family set a tax rate of 30% because the yield of newly cultivated land is not high.

This means that about 200 tons of wheat and about 150 tons of various beans will be added to the granary this year, half of which will be sold for more than a hundred gold florin coins.

In addition to the mill royalties, the sale of wood, cheese, sheepskins, woodware, ironware, etc., the Wesson family's annual income is about 500 florins.

This income is considered poor among the earls, but it exceeds that of all barons.

However, in last year's war, Wesson's army was completely wiped out, and there was no war dividend. The expenditure on military food, pensions and mercenaries almost wiped out the original capital. At present, the liquidity in Frederick's hands is just over 100 florins. Harvest of wheat.

Because of this, Frederick decided to use his old money to plow on the canal.

But now that such a large number of scholars have arrived, the canal issue can only be postponed until they are settled.

The most important thing right now is to transport the dozens of books brought by the scholars, some plants in pots, two golem puppets and a lynx that looks like an orange cat to the lakeside manor.

These books were rescued by Manuel and his colleagues during the chaos of war. At that time, warlords involved in the civil strife wanted to use the library and the university as a stronghold. Negotiations were fruitless, and the scholars could only go their separate ways with the collection of books.

That's what they said anyway, and Frederick believed it.

These books can no longer be put on the boat. They have become damp for so long, and they will be infested with insects if they go on board.

Manuel received Frederick's prompt and took his students to use necromancy magic to kill insects in those books.

It's just that there is a shortage of manpower for the transportation work. Now is the time to plant beans in the fields after the wheat harvest, and the carriages are busy hauling wheat and flour.

Frederick could only draw men for corvee service, and each person had to work for one day, moving the books to the lakeside manor in various ways like ants moving.

He was currently sitting in a cargo carriage with All Might, with several boxes of books beside him. A draft horse weighing nearly a ton was pulling the carriage, "squeaking" on the road.

All Might took the opportunity to escort the car to explain the production process of the golem puppet to Frederick.

However, Frederick was more interested in the basic technologies involved in control core, metallurgy, materials, processing technology and moving parts.

"Hydraulic lathe." Frederick said thoughtfully, "I have one here too, and there are a lot of manpower. Carpenters use it to turn beads and make dishes."

"So, you can make a knife that can turn metal?"

All Might said confidently: "That's easy, just use magic to strengthen the blade."

Frederick thought for a while and then asked: "Is it expensive to use magic to strengthen metal?"

Ogilvy laughed mysteriously and whispered: "If someone else does it, it will definitely be very high, but I am different. I have the latest technology, whether it is strength, hardness, plasticity, toughness, elasticity or rust prevention. It can be done very cheaply!”

"Oh?!" Frederick looked at him in surprise, "Then you can make a fortune!"

All Might spread his hands and said helplessly: "There is no market. No matter how cheap the method is, the total amount will be a lot if the base is large. It will cost a lot of money to strengthen the weapons of all the soldiers. The generals all say that this is a waste of money. .”

"Those generals need to strengthen their weapons, but they are not short of money, and they trust the magicians they hired more."

"Not to mention civilians, ordinary knives at home are enough."

Frederick nodded slightly. These days, soldiers are just consumables. The outcome of the war mainly depends on generals and knights, elite units and magicians with magic bonuses. It doesn't matter whether they are strong or not.

He whispered: "I have a new invention, can we all make a fortune together?"

"Oh?" All Might asked curiously, "What is it?"

Frederick stretched out his finger, and a white light appeared on his fingertip, leaving a white mark when he scratched the board of the wooden box next to him.

Illumination is a small magic for walking at night. It is not difficult, but it is difficult to use it for writing and drawing.

All Might was slightly shocked. He didn't expect this kid to have such a high level of magic talent.

Frederick said while drawing a wheel: "Compared with dragging the board directly on the ground, it takes less effort to put the wheels on it."

Ogilvy said: "These are sliding friction and rolling friction..."

He then spent five minutes describing to Frederick what friction and the role of lubricating oil were.

Although Frederick knew more about physics than him, he still thanked him and then said: "Now the copper tiles and copper sleeves of our carriage axles are all sliding friction, which consumes a lot of energy, so why can't we change it to It’s rolling friction.”

"Like this, put the wheel between the copper tile and the copper sleeve."

After speaking, he drew a simple diagram of the ball bearing on the wooden board and explained its structure one by one.

After listening to this, All Might thought seriously and said after a long time: "This little thing looks really useful. It is not difficult to make the inner and outer rings, and strengthening is not a problem. However, the small balls inside must be round enough and the same size in the set. Try to be as close as possible, otherwise it will break easily.”

Frederick nodded in agreement. If the balls in the bearing are not round enough, they will cause vibration. If the size difference is too large, uneven force will easily occur. If the force of a large ball is too large, it will cause premature damage to the ball.

"This is easy to solve." Frederick said with a smile, "Let's do this together."

"I estimate that if this carriage is equipped with this part on the axle, it can pull twice as much cargo, and the waterwheel mill can grind flour much faster if it is installed."

"There are so many carriages and mills on this land. If only half of them are equipped with this part, we can see it raining gold coins!"

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