Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 308 Assassination Business

On his fifth day at work, Frederick sat in front of a pile of oranges and kept peeling them.

There are a total of 1,000 citrus in this pile. The diameter of the fruit is about 5 cm. If you peel them off today, you will complete the task.

He inquired yesterday that this cannery is owned by a small gang called the Octopus Gang, and is quite large. The surrounding walls are six meters high, with barbed wire imported from Weissensee on top, and a full set of canning production machines in the factory. They were all imported from Wesson, because the little boss who taught him how to do things on the first day of work kept talking about his experience when he was learning to use machines in Wesson.


There was a crack of whip behind Frederick, and a thug yelled: "Work faster, don't be lazy, if you don't finish the work, you won't have food!"

Many of the people who worked were outsiders like Frederick. Some people could not understand what he said, but they understood the sound of the whip.

Frederick was speechless. He remembered that when he helped his wife design the production line, there was obviously equipment for peeling fruit, which was a bit like a lathe. He did not expect that he would become the equipment.

He controlled the strength and peeled an orange without damaging any pulp. He put the orange peel in a basket, with a special place to collect the essential oil, and put the pulp on the table next to him.

The girls under him sat at the table. They were responsible for breaking the pulp into pieces, and then using tweezers to remove the white orange veins and core from the pulp. Someone would take away the cleaned fruit segments.

There are six peeling teams like them, half working day shifts and half working evening shifts, with no breaks from morning to night, let alone lunch.

If you're hungry, just take a bite of the orange tendon, but if you're caught, your mouth will be opened to check if you've eaten the pulp. If you eat it secretly, you'll be beaten.

Frederick figured out the details here. There were about a dozen thugs, the strongest of whom was the muscular guy who held the ax that day. Now he began to think about how to escape.

It is not difficult for him to escape on his own, but it is difficult to bring the kidnapped people with him. The port and town outside the factory are the territory of the Octopus Gang, and next to it is the town of the Swordfish Gang. Even if it is a group of outsiders who are unfamiliar with the place. If he ran out, he would probably be out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den.

Frederick was not going to give his name, because he was kidnapped and kidnapped, which was too embarrassing.

Today's work was completed half an hour early. When Frederick and the girls were packing their things and waiting to get off work, the muscular guy came over and took Frederick away.

There was a carriage parked at the gate of the factory, which Weisenzhou could use as a taxi. The window of the door was covered with white gauze, so you could see someone inside.

Frederick was brought to the car door, and the muscular man said respectfully to the people in the car: "Mother, that person has been brought."

Frederick's eyes narrowed slightly. Katie had taught him the local slang. The person in the car was not the muscleman's biological mother, but the boss of the Octopus Gang, who should be named Garcia.

Garcia said: "Outsiders, come to the car door."

Frederick walked over. She sounded quite young.

Garcia looked at Frederick through the gauze in the car, and after a moment said: "Foreigners, kill the people behind you."

Frederick turned around and punched without hesitation, punching the muscleman in the chest before he could react.

This punch seemed to have little power, but the next moment the muscular man fell to the ground and refused to rest in peace.

The carriage door opened and Garcia said calmly: "Come up."

Frederick climbed into the carriage and looked at the woman in front of him calmly.

Garcia is in her early twenties, wearing a blue cotton dress and a navy blue vest, with many shell headdresses on her black hair, and holding a short wand over one meter tall in her hand.

"Why don't you run away?" When Garcia asked, her sharp eyes looked directly into Frederick's eyes, as if she wanted to see through him.

An expert would know if he was there as soon as he made a move. She could tell at a glance that Frederick was very strong. Escape was not a problem, but not escaping would definitely be a problem.

Frederick replied: "I think it is quite expensive to open such an orange factory. I plan to see how you do it and open one myself."

Garcia asked him: "What's your name? Where are you from? What are you doing? Don't use that fake name, tell your real name."

Frederick felt a hint of soul attack, a bit like soul magic that lured the other party to tell the truth.

But the strength of this magic was too low for him. The similar magic used when interrogating Psyche after his dessert was stolen was dozens of times higher, but nothing could be asked.

Frederick pretended to be confused and replied: "My name is Harry Potter, from the Osmaga Empire..."

He made up an identity for himself. There was a family in the city of Venn whose surname sounded a bit like "Potter". Someone in their family did travel.

Garcia added: "I want you to do something for me. When the thing is done, I will give you enough gold coins."

Frederick asked: "Who to kill?"

We are not fools. If we find an outsider, first test our strength, and then offer a high price, what else can we do except kill people.

"An old woman." Garcia whispered.

Frederick was silent. It seemed that this was a very important person.

Garcia continued: "As long as you can use the dagger I gave her to hurt her, I can give you money and women."

Frederick thought for a moment, fearing that he was a false target to attract attention during the assassination operation, or even a part of the frame-up.

Wow, who still uses traditional daggers to assassinate people? The largest assassin organization in the Kingdom of Sardinia has long purchased revolvers in large quantities.

He asked: "What if I asked you to give the women in my group 20 Ore each and let them leave?"

Garcia opened the car door and made a gesture, and the leader here came quickly. After receiving the order, the leader quickly called the women and gave each of them a bag of gold coins on the spot.

"I will let them follow you." Garcia said, "You have time to send them away."

She would not think that the person in front of her would have any feelings for an ordinary woman who had only been with him for a few days. She thought this was just a trust test.

Garcia continued: "How about it, in the next ten days, you can enjoy fine wine, delicious food, and beautiful women. I can find you any kind of woman you want."

Frederick looked at her seriously for a while and said, "What do I want from you?"

Garcia was obviously stunned for a moment, but her expression quickly returned to calmness and she said: "Tomorrow night, only one night."

Frederick leaned on the seat of the carriage and said calmly: "Let's go."

Garcia tapped the floor of the carriage with her wand, and the carriage began to leave. The women got on the carriage and followed behind, and finally arrived at a manor near the port. No one in the carriage spoke a word along the way.

That night Frederick and the women had a good meal, got them clothes, and took them to the port the next morning. When they saw a pirate ship under Hayreddin, they were sent aboard.

Garcia sent an old man to follow him. Frederick knew at a glance that this man was an agile magician who could run and fight. It would be difficult for ordinary people to escape.

After sending the women away, Frederick returned to the manor and did nothing else.

At the same time, Garcia asked the maid to freshen herself up in the bathroom.

The maid whispered: "Mother, do you really want to do this? Do you want me to take your place?"

Garcia said calmly: "There is no room for error in this operation. If you miss it once, you will have no chance."

"Mafiya's ambition is too great. She rules the west. We cannot even call her mother."

"She just said a word, and outsiders called West Ridge Island Citrus Island. Now all the business outside has to go through her hands, and we can only eat scraps. If this continues, our family in the east will be destroyed by her sooner or later. "

"Mili, you will have to work hard in the next few days. As long as the plan is completed, I will meet your requirements."

Millie bit her lip and whispered: "Our lives are given by our mother. We can do whatever our mother tells us to do."

Garcia sighed deeply. The struggle between families is extremely cruel. Small and medium-sized families like hers that live in the cracks will be wiped out if they are not careful. I don’t know how many people want to stand higher by stepping on their own bones. Why didn't he come here on corpses all the way?

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