Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 309 Your Mission

Millie and the other six maids could not believe what they saw. In the past, the "mother" Garcia, who had supreme authority and no one dared to refute her words and deeds, and who could live and kill as she pleased, had to go from resisting to fighting back in front of a strange man. , then to surrender, submission, and finally flattery, only less than two hours passed.

Frederick believed that he was not a beast that fell in love with a woman when he saw one. This time, he was just testing Garcia's determination to let him assassinate him. After she agreed, he became angry when he thought about the days in the cannery, so he used Baihuazhuang. The secret technique of the Pig King.

As the sky grew brighter, Frederick carried Garcia, who was as limp as mud, directly to the bathroom, and asked the maids to wait outside until he told her to go in.

Garcia woke up quickly after being splashed with cold water, but quickly fell into a trance.

Frederick whispered in her ear: "Who do you want to assassinate?"

Garcia gasped and replied subconsciously: "Mafiya..."

Frederick sneered and didn't ask any more questions, letting her faint and then wash her off.

The maids outside the door were called in, and Frederick asked them to send Garcia back to rest, leaving only Millie behind.

Frederick discovered last night that half of the maids who were called by Garcia to "share the firepower" were just horrified after seeing Garcia's experience, while the other half showed a hint of joy, among which Millie was the most obvious.

Millie was carried into the bathtub by Frederick, and she couldn't help but feel nervous. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for that moment to come.

But she found that the man was just hugging her gently and caressing her back with one hand, and she couldn't help but relax a lot.

At this time, a voice whispered in her ear: "Do you have a grudge against that woman?"

Milly's body suddenly trembled, and she felt even more nervous than before.

"Don't tell mother!" she begged, "I can do whatever you want."

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized something was wrong. This man obviously didn't know her before, so how could he know what she was thinking.

Millie's face suddenly lost all color, and she thought that this man might have been asked by her "mother" to act.

She couldn't help but tremble violently when she thought about the fate of those who were considered traitors or undercover agents in the past.

Frederick gently stroked the girl's golden hair and said softly: "Don't worry, Garcia and I are not in the same group. You can trust me."

Milly's body was trembling all the time. Frederick said nothing more. Trust between the two parties was not something that could be gained at once. He just held her quietly.

After about ten minutes, Milly calmed down and whispered three names in Frederick's ear, and then said: "They are Garcia's half-sisters and her right-hand men. I hate them."

Frederick recalled in his mind that the three black-haired maids were only afraid.

Millie then mentioned the names of the two maids, and added: "They were originally the daughters of the ship owner. After their mother bankrupted the family, they were captured as female slaves to please men."

At this time, there were footsteps outside the bathroom door. Milly bit her lip and whispered: "Don't let others doubt."

So Frederick asked her to rub his back.

After leaving the bathroom, Frederick fell asleep after a good meal. The maids could do whatever they liked, and it didn't matter if they listened to the snores nearby.

He slept until dusk. After dinner, he looked at the maids with their heads lowered in front of them, shook his head and said, "You all should go out. You are far behind her."

Everyone was relieved and turned around and left the bedroom.

About ten minutes later, Garcia came over wearing gauze pajamas.

The next few days were spent like this, except that the person who bathed Frederick every morning and evening was different.

As time passed, Frederick got a lot of information and had a good idea of ​​what Garcia was going to do.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and with half a month left in 1033, Garcia took Frederick on a carriage, followed by servants and guards in donkey carts.

Garcia said to Frederick on the way: "We are going to Palermo City to attend the party held by the 'Mother' - that is, the 'Mother' Mafia of the Black Claw Gang. You are my cousin. Always lived up north.”

She handed a jewelry box to Frederick. Inside were six beautiful rings, three on each hand.

"Your task is very simple." Garcia said, "Mafiya has a bodyguard named Talhoff, a girl with blond curly hair. You invite her to dance and let the ring touch her skin."

Frederick's heart refused.

To others, the name Talhofer was just the bodyguard that appeared recently around Mafia, but Frederick knew who it was after hearing the name and hair features, and she was considered to be Richard Nare's. Heir to the mantle of swordsmanship.

The reason is nothing else, just because Katie likes writing poetry and painting, and Frederick wants to be a leader. Among the apprentices Richard Nall met who were talented enough, Talhofer, the fisherman from Weissenburg City, was the only one he met. The daughter can devote herself wholeheartedly to the study of swordsmanship.

Frederick met Talhofer a few years ago. After telling her a lot about the plane rectangular coordinate system, Richard Nall would never let the two of them meet again, lest he finally found an outstanding apprentice. Being led astray.

He knew that this junior sister was studying very quickly and had gone out for training last year. He did not expect that she would come to work as a bodyguard for the junior sister.

Frederick asked, "What if she doesn't want to dance with me?"

Garcia said: "Someone noticed that she likes men with blond hair. We will create opportunities for you, and then it will be up to you."

Frederick nodded, took out the ring and put it on.

One of these rings is a magic jewelry that can emit a huge electric current to attack the enemy at close range, with a certain chance of electrocuting yourself.

But he had a new question: "I can't dance your way."

This time it was Garcia's turn to draw a black line and said, "I'll teach you tonight!"

She continued: "Now I will teach you some of our ways of speaking and code words, so that you don't even know when others scold you."

The Octopus Gang's convoy took three days to arrive at Palermo City, which is the largest city and port on Citrus Island.

The people from Garcia rented a building for businessmen here early, and the group settled in easily.

"Don't go out these days." Garcia ordered. "Family members from the island and the south of Sardinia have arrived in the past few days. If you can avoid causing trouble, don't cause trouble."

Frederick agreed while wiping the sword he made.

When he first arrived at Citrus Island, he was anesthetized, all his clothes were sold by people in the restaurant, his documents were thrown into the fire, and only his weapons remained.

Large weapons cannot be brought in during the party, but someone can keep them outside.

Garcia put on the clothes of a maid and left the residence. Soon after, she walked into a private house, changed into the clothes of a local ordinary person and left through the back door. She got on the carriage at the entrance of the alley, and soon the carriage drove out of the city gate.

Frederick just polished his sword quietly in the room. When it got dark, Milly came with dinner.

Millie closed the door and put down her dinner to say what she wanted to say to Frederick.

Frederick shook his head slightly and said, "You don't need to tell me now. You can just figure it out by yourself."

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