Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 310 Preparations

This winter seems to be colder than in previous years. In previous years, it would be 15 or 16 degrees Celsius at noon near the Chinese New Year, but today it is only 12 or 13 degrees Celsius, followed by a longer period of sunny weather.

Almost every village within a hundred miles is busy. Men are slaughtering animals, cutting meat and mixing it into puree. Peasant women are hanging stuffed sausages on shelves. Children are holding branches to drive away bugs. They take advantage of the good weather to make more and more food. Earn a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes for your family.

From time to time, horse-drawn carriages and donkey carts came to various villages. The stewards of the chamber of commerce asked if anyone had ordered the sausages in the village. If no one had ordered the sausages yet and the quality was good, they would sign a contract.

Garcia's disguise as a steward had just left a village. The village chief laughed unbridled after seeing her carriage go away, and the people in the village also showed bright smiles.

The cost of sausages has been reduced this year, the output has increased several times, and the price is much lower than in previous years, but this silly girl doesn't know and gives it at the price of the previous two years.

The village chief's son ran to the hut next to the grain drying field to solve the problem. When he came out, he accidentally fell and knocked down a small tree that had been planted just two days ago.

After Garcia's carriage left the village, it walked between two lemon orchards. It was time for the orchards to rest, and everything was quiet.

A carriage came oncoming, and the coachman greeted them according to their own rules, and then turned the carriage to both sides.

The road between the orchards is wide enough for two cars to pass by.

There was a middle-aged man in Garcia's carriage. He looked like the most fashionable chamber of commerce steward in the city. He was wearing a "gentleman's suit," which was an improved version of the suit invented by Frederick.

The middle-aged man handed a ring to Garcia.

Garcia confirmed the ring, took it in her hand, and then shook her head five times.

The codes matched, and the middle-aged man asked: "Did you buy the pig's trotters?"

He is a professional messenger. He only knows how to find specific people to question according to his boss's instructions, and then brings them back. He has no idea what the secret words he uses mean.

Sometimes there is more than one such messenger. Afterwards, the person in the middle runs away and cannot be found, and the clue is lost.

For this reason, code words are mostly kept simple in order to avoid distortion of the message during transmission.

Garcia replied: "No."

She didn't know what the "pig's trotters" represented, but she knew the order of the questions. Now it was like memorizing the test paper and answering the questions with only one answer sheet.

The messenger asked again: "Is the pig's trotter a front leg or a hind leg, the left or the right?"

Garcia replied: "The back leg, the left one."

While asking and answering questions, the carriage walked half a circle around the orchard, and another carriage came from the opposite direction with its bell ringing particularly loudly.

Garcia sat alone in the carriage, closing her eyes and thinking seriously.

I reported the situation that everything was ready, and the news from over there was that everything was proceeding as usual.

She felt a little uneasy. After all, the target of the assassination was not a small family, but Mafiya, who became a legend on Xiliji Island and spoke the truth.

Among their families, Mafia is a living legend. She took revenge alone, fell in love with the sword master, used ruthless means to regain the family property in less than ten years, and continued to expand. Stories such as Garcia's are often talked about. You can recite it by yourself.

Garcia sighed. She didn't want to be an enemy of such a person, but her hand was stretched too far. She tried to buy a title from the Kingdom of Sardinia and become the co-ruler of Citrus Island in the sun and night.

Power abhors a vacuum.

This island is the royal territory of the Kingdom of Sardinia, but the royal family left too many blood debts when it conquered the island a hundred years ago. It has always had limited control over the island and can only collect taxes and recruit mercenaries through a tax package system.

On the surface, the task of administrative officials is only to supervise taxation, and administrative power is divided among large and small families.

All the royal family wanted was money and an army, so giving a title to a general tax collector was not a problem. Mafia took a fancy to this point.

The small family is willing to comply as before, but what Mafiya wants is submission, which breaks the bottom line of each family.

Garcia is not worried about retaliation afterwards. According to the tradition here, Richard Nall is just an outsider and is not qualified to participate in "family affairs." If he insists on participating, it will only offend the locals. Even Katie can only go back alone. Home, if you can't come back with Wesson's army, there's nothing to be afraid of.

In addition to survival, what is more exciting is the benefit.

In a family, once the head of the family dies, the family is basically broken up.

When a whale falls, everything comes into being, and the same is true for families.

Garcia spent most of the day wandering around, going to several villages and pretending to buy sausages. At dusk, she returned to her residence wearing the same maid clothes she had left with a few kilograms of sausages.

She called Millie to change her clothes in her room, and asked at the same time: "What did he do today?"

Millie replied: "He played cards with us and had to take off his clothes if he lost."

"The tailor came this afternoon and his clothes can be made tomorrow."

Garcia just nodded slightly.

After changing clothes, the old man who had watched Frederick send the female workers away on the first day came over.

Garcia asked him: "How are you ready?"

The old man replied respectfully: "Mother, the dagger has been coated with poison."

Garcia nodded.

The most important part of this operation still has to be done by oneself, outsiders are just a cover to attract attention.

When acting, you need to have a complete set, and the outsider must use it well. The more you are ready to start acting, the more you must meet his requirements.

Garcia took a deep breath. Thinking of what happened at night these days, her face and neck suddenly turned red. She subconsciously turned her head to see if the sun had set outside.

The next afternoon, Garcia attended a salon as a bodyguard and officially appeared in the circle.

Garcia was domineering in her own territory, but she was not popular outside. Those parents who were much stronger than her didn't take her seriously at all.

Frederick noticed that there were quite a lot of conflicts between these people in the past. There were several exchanges of words during the conversation, but when it reached a certain level, someone would come out to smooth things over, and both sides would use the ladder to get down.

They don't give face to the people trying to smooth things over, but they don't dare to cause trouble here.

As if watching a play, Frederick stood quietly behind Garcia, like a real bodyguard.

Other bodyguards were also looking at him, and many of them had a hint of contempt on their faces, thinking that he was just a pretty boy.

Frederick didn't care and responded with a warm smile.

Three days later, the party hosted by Mafia began.

On the carriage, Garcia once again gave serious instructions: "Remember, when you dance with Talhofer, lead her to where I am, and I will pick you up."

Frederick said calmly: "I remember. You must also remember that the money and the leaving ship are ready."

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