Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 311 Face is the most important

When going out to hang out, face is extremely important.

As soon as Garcia got off the carriage, the dress made of only five colors of silk and the nearly one pound of gold jewelry were outshone by the colorful silk dress and three pounds of gold jewelry next to her. She couldn't help but lower her head. .

The eldest sister came from the southern part of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the wealth of her territory was far beyond that of Garcia.

Frederick didn't care about this and focused on his wife's castle.

He had been to this island once a few years ago, when the castle was being renovated, and Mafia and her two children lived in a villa in an orchard outside the city. Today was the first time he walked here.

This castle has a long history. It is said that it used to be the palace of Emperor Pulan. The entire main building is a four-story castle with a zigzag shape. There are round towers at the four corners. The corridors extending out on both sides circle almost two footballs. Large lawn.

There are rumors in the world that this huge lawn was prepared for Richard Nall to practice martial arts. Katie said that when she was a child, she would be taken to the middle when she made a mistake. pause.

When he walked into the castle and saw the decoration inside, Frederick instantly felt that his castle was just a warehouse.

The Kingdom of Sardinia is world-famous for its art, and it was naturally influenced here.

The pillars in the foyer are all covered with a decorative layer made of snow-white gypsum, and gold foil is covered with leafy and intertwined column tops. It looks like a gold flower basket is placed on the top.

The walls between the pillars have complex gold leaf acanthus patterns, and large religious-themed oil paintings hang on them. Frederick even discovered that his father's oil painting was hanging on the first right side of the door.

The top of the foyer leads straight to the sky, with a glass dome at the top surrounded by one hundred and eight angels of different shapes. The hair and wings of these angels are also made of gold foil.

Frederick looked at the relatively narrow doorways around the foyer. If the enemy came in and the door was blocked, God knows what would be thrown down from above.

He was acting like a country bumpkin who had just entered the city. He kept looking around and saw people who looked like him.

The corridor leading to the living room is also full of oil paintings, and the themes here are mainly famous figures and historical events.

Frederick saw an oil painting that showed the master kneeling on one knee at the end of the bridge, with his head lowered, humbly listening to the teachings of an old nun wearing a white robe. He saw that the signature was painted by Katie when she was 22 years old.

As soon as you walked into the living room, you could see an oil painting more than two meters high and nearly six meters long hanging on the wall opposite the door. Many guests stopped to look at it, and some began to explain the story in the oil painting.

Garcia quickened her pace and walked over, but Frederick could only reluctantly follow.

From an artistic and technical point of view, this oil painting, which Psyche painted to earn some pocket money, is of great value.

This oil painting pioneered hyperrealism. The facial features and expressions of every character in the painting can be seen clearly, and you can even see the tails of war horses flying when they are running.

If we look at it from a historical perspective... Frederick felt that he would not dare to attack 100,000 winged cavalry with only 800 cavalry like in the painting.

However, the interpreter felt that the people and events depicted in the oil painting were real, and told in an enthusiastic voice how Frederick chopped off the oil from beginning to end.

The guests here are all gangsters, and fighting and killing are common, but the number rarely exceeds a hundred people.

A big man with a scar on his nose sighed: "That's one hundred thousand people. It will take a long time to peel even one hundred thousand oranges!"

The gangsters next to him kept nodding.

Another big man who lost one ear sighed: "It would be great if my father was like Duke Wesson."

Frederick smiled on the side and could only smile.

At this time, a soprano voice sounded in the living room, and the guests suddenly became commotion.

There was no band or singer in the reception room, but a servant turned on a radio-like machine by the door to play music.

It would be okay if it was just a song on the radio. Garcia was stunned for a while and said in disbelief: "Impossible, there is no way Mafia invited Princess Laura here!"

Like everyone else, she gathered around the machine and found that the machine was different from the radio. There was a dark disk rotating on the top. On top of the disk was a rod, with a hammer-like cylinder at the top emitting a beam from the bottom. A very thin light shines on the black disk.

Frederick was also very surprised. He had not paid attention to the research on phonographs in the past two years and did not find that it had appeared now.

The phonograph is a project of the Royal Mages of the Rhine League. This thing has been researched since 1026. Frederick promised 10,000 gold florins back then, but the answer was always "soon".

Frederick remembered that the principle of the gramophone had been finalized a long time ago. The royal mages took reference from radios and communicators. When recording, they first converted the sound signals into magic powers of varying strengths and controlled the blade on a record made of translucent slime glue. Burn extremely narrow grooves, play time elements through these grooves, and then transform into sound.

However, it was extremely difficult to turn the principles on paper into machines that could be sold later. The processing precision requirements were too high. The craftsmen of the Rhine League could not do it. It was also difficult for Weisen to achieve it at the time. The materials for the records were also very troublesome, so all the energy was spent on it. This is up.

Frederick observed very carefully, and found something under the shelf where the gramophone was placed that did not seem to match the gramophone. That thing was a rocker that started the walking tractor.

He thought about it and understood that the rotation of the record was powered by a clockwork, and the rocker was used to wind up the clockwork.

"It's amazing!" Garcia sighed, "How come Duke Wesson's men are always able to make wonderful things that no one can imagine?"

A middle-aged boss who knew her next to her said, "That's Duke Wesson who has created countless miracles. He can also make people fly and hear another person's voice hundreds of kilometers away. He can do this What’s so strange about the machine?”

Frederick was thinking that this gramophone appeared here, and the person who recorded the record was obviously of high status. Firstly, he should be someone invited by the royal mages. Secondly, this machine can be mass-produced, so he sent one for advertising. Thirdly, The lady here wants to show off in front of these guests.

Face is the most important thing in the world. Even if the floor is paved with gold, it is not as good as this gramophone, which even if you have money, you can't buy it.

The record finished playing in 4 minutes, just as the first single ended, and the servant immediately changed to the second one.

This record made Frederick's mouth twitch. It was the chorus "The People of the Rhine Will Never Be Defeated". This time it was really a cultural export.

The vast majority of the audience did not understand the lyrics of this foreign song, but it did not prevent them from hearing it with excitement and recalling their own years of killing people.

Frederick was thinking about the issue of cultural output with the help of gramophone, when he was suddenly pulled into a corner by Garcia.

Garcia whispered: "Mafia is here!"

The mistress was coming, and Frederick immediately straightened his clothes and hair.

But what happened next made him want to cover his face. It seemed that Wesson State's cultural output was too powerful.

The servant next to the gramophone put on a new record. Amidst the music of "The Brave Seven Dragons", Mafia, the leader of the Black Claw gang, the largest gang in the southern Kingdom of Sardinia, slowly walked into the living room and met with Weissen It's the same during the meeting over there.

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