Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 312 Construction Plan

Mafia now looks to be in her early forties. She has a rather heroic appearance and is nearly 1.8 meters tall. Her curly black hair is tied into a bun behind her head. She is wearing a dark blue silk dress with a wide collar, cuffs and wide collar. The hem of her skirt is embroidered with waves patterns in light blue and white, and the nails on the hands holding an ivory folding fan are painted black.

She looked around the reception room. None of the gangsters who dominated their respective areas dared to look at her and lowered their heads, except for Frederick who shook his head slightly.

At this time, Frederick was like a firefly in the dark night, suddenly attracting the attention of everyone in the Black Claw Gang, especially the tall girl with golden curly hair behind Mafia.

Most of the people here have black and brown hair, with a few dark blond hair. The only ones with blond hair and blue eyes are Frederick and Talhofer. It's hard not to notice.

Talhofer frowned for a moment, then returned to his usual appearance.

Mafiya said to the guests calmly, as if she had not seen Frederick, "Brothers and sisters, please sit down."

Garcia and others quickly sat down on the chairs at the round table by the wall. Each gang had its own table.

Frederick originally wanted to stand behind Garcia like a bodyguard, but he was pulled by her and sat next to him as the second in command.

In the evening, Frederick was going to seduce Talhofer. He was a bodyguard, but he was Mafiya's bodyguard. He had a high status in the world. If he showed himself as a bodyguard now, he would be poured into cement and sink to the bottom of the sea with no one to help him. say.

After everyone sat down, the servants served a large glass of happy water to the guests.

Frederick curled his lips slightly. It was actually at room temperature. Can he drink it?

He flicked the wall of the cup with his finger, and the happy water in the cup suddenly turned into ice, and then he took a big sip.

This action is a bit unique. Others are bodyguards who help the boss test the poison, but he just enjoys it.

Frederick finished the drink in a few gulps, asked the servant to refill it, and smiled at Talhofer.

Mafiya stood in the middle of the reception room and said to everyone: "Today I invite my brothers and sisters to be guests. It has nothing to do with knives and blood, but to tell you about a big money-making event."

Garcia, like everyone else, looked calm on the outside, but was gnashing her teeth in her heart.

This is not the first time Mafia has said this. The last time she was selling Wesson's canning and juice production lines.

It is true that there is money to be made by opening a factory, but Mafia sells equipment at five times the price of Wesson, and the most profitable northern sales channels are in her hands, so the products can only be sold to her at a relatively low price. , most of it was made by the Black Claw gang.

Mafia knew what these people were thinking, but she didn't care. She was not convinced that they could kill me.

At this time, a servant came in from outside carrying a shelf with a map and placed it behind her. It was a map of Citrus Island. In addition to the terrain, there were also larger towns and villages.

This island has been developed for thousands of years. Except for the dangerous terrain in the east-west mountain range in the north and the volcanoes in the east of the mountain range, most of the area has been opened up into farmland or orchards.

Now a thick red line is drawn on the map along the seaside of the triangular island, and a line is extended near the midpoint of each side to intersect with the city near the center. All large towns are connected by this line .

These towns extend some thin lines, connecting the larger surrounding villages.

Frederick nodded slightly while drinking his second glass of happy water. This is the railway planning map of Citrus Island. The thick main line uses steam locomotives, and the branch lines leading to each village use horse-drawn trains.

The railway project here was promoted by Richard Nall. The planning was too comprehensive, so it was a bit bloated and costly.

But Party A’s mother agreed to this plan, and Frederick couldn’t say anything.

Mafiya attached great importance to this project and explained it to everyone in person.

On Citrus Island, the harvest time of citrus in each region is relatively concentrated every year, so timely transportation is a big problem.

Those in Garcia who have canneries will go to orchards to sign contracts in July. The early-maturing orchards will have citrus shipped in mid-September, and then the later-maturing citrus from another orchard will arrive in late September. This lasts until late November.

If one orchard could not transport the oranges to the factory in time to arrive with the oranges from the next orchard, Frederick would be too busy peeling the oranges until his hands smoked, let alone the others.

Due to the warm climate here, blue-gray mold will grow on the skin of oranges if they are stored for a long time. The extracted penicillin has the characteristics of a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It can also resist people and can cause nerve paralysis and pulmonary edema.

At this time, the orchard has no choice but to break the contract and sell the citrus at a low price, losing a lot of money.

But the big guys are thinking, this also means that you can quickly send people to kill me.

It originally took several days to walk from Palermo City to Garcia's territory, but now it takes less than a day, and there is no time to even carry a bucket.

Frederick observed the bosses with great interest. Except for a few gangs from outside the island, the bosses of the local gangs did not look very good.

He drank the second glass of happy water and mentally calculated how much manpower, material resources and time this project would require.

It would be unreasonable for such a big project to just transport some citrus. The teacher's wife should not know this. Is there any backup plan?

After Mafia finished talking about the railway plan, she looked around at everyone with no expression on her face.

She was not with these people, but told them that this was the case.

Many of the big guys looked pale. They had figured out something very important.

Frederick smiled slightly, and he understood.

To build a railway, we must first solve the land problem. Only with the consent of the landowner can we have land to build the railway.

Among all the people here, only Frederick and Talhofer were landowners, but one had a large territory, while the other only had a small village along the river.

Mafiya is not a landlord, she is just an agent of the landlord like other gangsters.

She has now made the railway construction plan public, indicating that it has been approved by the local landowner, the royal family of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

So Mafiya left after informing her about this, without paying any attention to other people's reactions.

After everyone from the Black Claw Gang left, Garcia and many of the gangsters glanced at an old man sitting closer to the middle with their peripheral vision.

The old man just nodded slightly.

There is no way to discuss it now. Since the initiator of the action has nodded, let's continue.

Everyone can see that if the railway is built to the doorstep of the house, it means that the Black Claw gang has reached into the house, and there is no need to think about what will happen next.

As for Frederick, he was thinking about what would be the main course for dinner tonight.

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