Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 313 The dance begins

"You were so embarrassed just now!"

Garcia was very angry, and the consequences... there were no consequences. Frederick felt that it would be good if she could live to see the sun tomorrow morning.

The dinner party has just ended, and they are currently resting in their guest room, changing clothes and putting on makeup. The dance will take place later.

At the dinner just now, Frederick asked the servants to serve the main course four times in a row. Even Mafia made a joke, which scared Garcia.

Garcia is a little nervous now, for fear that this will affect the actions of the dance later, and it will be very troublesome if Talhofer cannot be lured away from Mafia.

Frederick said softly: "It's okay. When I was in the Osmaga Empire, I heard from businessmen that Duke Wesson said, 'If you are not active in eating, you will have a problem with your thinking.'"

You can't blame him, because the main dish of today's dinner is his favorite "Fasting Fish Balls".

This fist-sized grilled fish meatball actually only has a thin layer of fish on the outside, with mutton filling inside, and a hard-boiled egg wrapped in vanilla sauce in the center.

This dish is related to the priests who are fasting. The only meat they can eat during the fast is "fruit of the sea", so when this dish is served, they close their eyes and eat it when they see it is fish. Don't ask. Why does it taste like beef when you eat it? It is a gift from the God of Light.

Speaking of which, Frederick was a paladin, and he was considered a clergyman. In theory, he had to fast, but he was just "retained in the heart of the God of Light."

Garcia was at a loss for this person and could only say: "I'm ready, it's up to you to behave well later."

She was very nervous at the moment, holding her wand tightly in her right hand.

Frederick hadn't talked to her about magic yet, and he was idle now. He asked, "This wand of yours is very beautiful. Who made it?"

Garcia's wand is a short wand that increases the speed of casting spells. The log is inlaid with magic circuits made of a mixture of magic crystals and metals. There is an egg-sized iron ball on the top of the wand, with magic crystals inside, which can also be used to hit people.

This kind of wand is suitable for battle mages, and can be used in both distance and close combat. Because it is easy to carry, it is also used by nobles as a walking stick.

For Frederick's level, this wand was mid-range, but for Garcia, it was the highest quality he could get his hands on.

However, Frederick focused on close combat and usually carried a sword. The epic wand given to him by the royal family of the Rhine League was put in the cabinet to collect dust, so Maria would use it when she was studying with Psyche.

Garcia raised her wand and looked at it, then entered the memory mode: "This is the last gift my father gave me. It was a trophy obtained from another family. My father also died in an assassination attempt that killed the remaining members of that family."

Frederick found that Milly's hand, which was combing his hair, suddenly became a little heavier, and the comb scratched his scalp.

He held the maid in his arms and pretended to take advantage of her to comfort her.

Frederick had seen and heard many stories of revenge. Although he didn't know the details, he generally understood what it was about.

Garcia said to Frederick angrily: "If you want to do it, hurry up and go to the side room!"

Frederick let go of Millie, shook his head and said, "Forget it, you know I can't be fast."

Garcia blushed and gave him a pair of eyes.

It was time for the dance, and Garcia took Frederick, Milly and the little old man to the lawn outside the castle. The venue for tonight was arranged outdoors.

As soon as she left the castle, Garcia couldn't help but frown slightly.

The venue was surrounded by silk curtains and surrounded by a circle of guards.

These guards wore black uniforms with dark red edges embroidered on the collars, cuffs, collars and seams of the outer trousers. The brim of the round visor on their heads was folded up, like a ship.

They wore two revolvers and daggers on their waists, and held short-barreled revolvers in their hands. They stood upright and felt oppressive.

The most important thing is that they all wear black leather gloves on their hands.

Frederick glanced at these guards and nodded in his mind.

At the beginning, the master's wife sent more than 200 people to Wesson for training. In the end, four people were able to pass the training of the Black Cat Squadron, eighteen people were able to meet the standards of Frederick's escort, and fifty people were able to become ordinary infantrymen. Others "can only help the cook wash dishes."

These seventy-two people are now the core fighting force of the Black Claw gang, and there are now more than twenty people standing guard outside the curtain.

As Garcia walked, she was thinking whether these people appeared here today because Mafia had heard something, or because they were simply showing their strength.

After walking into the curtain, Garcia breathed a sigh of relief. There were no guards here. It seemed that Mafia was just setting up guards on a routine basis.

She turned around and looked at the little old man. If she wanted to escape after that, all she had to do was escape the pursuit of these people.

And there are other families responsible for dealing with them, so they might be able to escape without any danger.

Prom is not just about dancing, but more about creating a relaxed and free space for people to communicate.

There is no privacy, of course. Conspiracy depends on whether both parties have something to say.

Garcia asked Milly and the little old man not to move around in their places, and took Harry Potter to chat politely with familiar families.

In the relaxed music played by the band, Frederick met many big shots as Garcia's cousin.

Everyone in the circle knows that Garcia's father left behind many illegitimate children during his lifetime. Now Garcia uses these people highly and is wary of them, because once she dies, the family property will be theirs.

Garcia always used these younger brothers and sisters to enjoy a round first, and then draw the pie, so some big shots who didn't know what was going to happen tonight were not surprised by Frederick's appearance.

After a while the music played by the band became more intense, and Mafia arrived, followed only by Talhofer and a few maids.

After the music stopped, Mafia smiled and said to everyone: "I am an old woman and can't dance anymore. Don't keep the young people waiting, let's start."

Cheerful music sounded and people were looking for dance partners.

Garcia said to Frederick: "Go."

At this time, a big man in his thirties came to invite Garcia to dance. Garcia handed the wand to the little old man and walked into the dancing venue with him.

Friedrich stood in line for two minutes with a smile on his face before it was his turn to invite Talhofer.

"My beautiful lady," Frederick said in the language of Wessen, "may I have the honor to invite you to dance with me?"

Talhofer smiled politely and declined to everyone else. When she saw it was Frederick, she said with a cold face: "No!"

Mafia smiled and said to her: "It doesn't hurt to agree."

Talhofer shook his head.

Frederick smiled and whispered: "Ten buckets of happy water."

Talhofer said with a cold face: "Thirty barrels."

"Deal!" Frederick extended his hand to Talhofer.

Talhofer put his hand on his and walked onto the dance floor with him.

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