"Gu...kill me..."


The sky was bright and the chirping of birds came from the window. The powerful biological clock made Belle Burke wake up on time.

She was about to get up, but was held firmly in Frederick's arms.

"So little sleep?" asked Frederick.

"It's not you who caused him to sleep less!" Belle Burke gritted her teeth angrily and stretched out her hand to pinch his soft spot. "Let go, I should go to work."

"I'm not you, the notoriously lazy pig!"

Frederick smiled and did not let go. Instead, he said to her: "Then you can report to me your work during this period and what happened yesterday."

Seeing that he had no intention of letting go, Belle Burke pouted and said, "Damn guy...hey...don't move if you want to work!"

Frederick sat up and leaned against the head of the bed. He did not move after the connection, but just held her from behind.

After Belle Burke stabilized her mind, she said depressedly: "I must have done many evil things in my previous life. After I went to heaven, the God of Light asked me to come down to earth and endure the punishment of hell on earth."

Frederick smiled and said: "You didn't ask for it. Who told you to tease me when you had nothing to do?"

Belle Burke gritted her teeth and said, "If I had known you were such an animal at that time, I would have run as far as I could!"

Even though she said that, her waist still moved on its own.

With Frederick's cooperation, the work report could not be carried out until lunch.

In the restaurant, Mafia looked at the two guys with a smile and gave them the local homemade grilled fish, vegetable soup and seashell baked rice.

Mafia asked Frederick: "Why haven't I heard that Belle Burke is your lover before?"

She was very familiar with Frederick's situation, but the only known lovers of Frederick were a young captain who was doing business at sea and Princess Mary of the Osmaga Empire. There was a high probability that the sister of the King of Kush would be added in the future. Susan and Belle Burke are not on the list.

"She is not my lover!"

"I'm not his lover!"

Frederick and Bellebek answered in unison.

Mafia just smiled. Young people had many tricks, so the old woman didn't care, so she changed the topic.

She did not ask about Frederick's affairs in Garcia, but asked Xi whether he was used to the winter weather here and whether he had eaten well.

Frederick came here in late summer a few years ago, and the climate was not as humid and cold as it is now.

After saying a few words about his experiences in those days, he asked: "Where are Robert and Monica? Aren't they here?"

Seven years ago, Belle Burke followed the Crown Prince to attack Weisen State. At that time, King William asked someone to "kidnap" Mafia so that Richard Nall could be transferred away from the mountain. The two of them took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the situation.

Six years ago, Mafiya gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, both of whom were named after Frederick.

One of the purposes of Frederick's visit this time was to squeeze the faces of his little brothers and sisters.

Mafia said: "It's not peaceful yet, let them come out in a few days."

Frederick nodded. The gangs on the island were shuffling their cards. In such troubled times, it would be best for the two children to continue hiding.

Mafiya continued: "I promised my protector that I would let you meet her. She has many questions to ask you."

Frederick immediately agreed: "This is what it should be."

Mafiya also said that she was a little busy these days and asked him to do whatever he wanted. If he felt that his wife was a hindrance, he would move to a house outside the city and the servants would be ready.

Frederick immediately understood that there were some things in the gang's internal affairs that were not convenient for him to know, so he took Belle Burke and ran away after lunch.

Mafiya's house outside the city is located on the seaside, surrounded by a large orange orchard. It is less than a hundred meters from the sea. There is a long pier that goes deep into the sea, making it a good place for sea fishing.

Belle Burke also moved here, and her men began to settle in as well.

Of course, someone would handle the trivial matters such as check-in. Frederick took Belle Burke to the end of the pier, set up a fishing rod and listened to her report on her work while fishing.

The Wesson Railway Construction team led by Belle Burke arrived in Venice by land half a month after Frederick's expedition to Constantbul, and then took a boat to the city of Palermo.

At first, they just surveyed the terrain for the railway construction step by step, until two months ago, Mafiya asked Belle Burke for military help.

Starting from Belle Burke, most of the people in Wesson Railway Construction are prisoners of war. Although those mountain mercenaries from the Helvetia Federation have changed careers for many years, their foundation is still there. In recent years, they have received generous treatment and safe jobs. It also attracted many fellow villagers to join.

Not to mention the violent elements in the security company who only know how to fight but cannot change careers but want to make a lot of money. Many of them have been fighting since they were twelve or thirteen years old. It is easier to deal with the gangsters who are making trouble in the city than to catch a pig. .

The whole operation was very simple. Belle Burke carried out the operation at the same time two days ago based on the detailed information provided by Mafia, and then blocked the news.

Frederick did not express his position on this matter. He was unwilling for the construction company to take the initiative to turn into a mercenary company, but this time the situation was special.

After telling the story of these days, Belle Burke whispered: "This time she got help from the royal family of the Kingdom of Sardinia."

"They thought I was from a family of little knights and wouldn't know the habits of the royal family, so they didn't hide it too much."

"I don't know the specific details, but I can tell that both parties have reached some kind of win-win agreement."

Belle Burke's family is a long-established noble of the Rhine League, and her grandfather is in charge of the Heraldry Academy. They have received strict etiquette education since they were young, and they are semi-experts in etiquette and habits.

Frederick nodded slightly. It seemed that the master's wife had made substantial progress in becoming a noble. As long as the royal family did not cheat, it was basically settled.

"Don't get involved in these things in the future." He solemnly said to Belle Burke. "You will go to many places to make money in the future. You must maintain a neutral and non-political image."

"How's the railroad going?"

After several years of hard work, and with the guidance of Frederick, Belle Burke's work ability increased rapidly.

She said: "Mrs. Mafia originally wanted to build a ring-island railway first. After research, we found that the ring-island railway does not have great advantages given the existing developed coastal shipping."

"So we suggested that she first build the main railway line in the interior leading to the seaside port, and then build the branch lines for horse-drawn carriages. The demand for freight in these places is greater and it is easier to recover the cost."

"At present, Ms. Mafia agrees with our plan."

Frederick nodded and agreed with Belle Burke's approach.

Belle Burke added: "Mrs. Mafia wants to set up some factories other than fruit processing, but has no clue. She may consult you about this matter."

Frederick just nodded to indicate that he understood and said nothing more about it.

"That's it." He finally said, "You go and send a telegram home and just say I'm here. There's no need to say anything else."

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