Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 316 Younger Brothers and Sisters


"What a big fish!"

A tiger shark with a body length of more than 40 meters chased a seal with white fur and rushed towards the pier where Frederick was fishing.

The two children, Robert and Monica, were so excited that they threw away the fishing rods in their hands and asked the maid behind them to quickly get their airsoft guns.

Then Frederick gave each of the brother and sister a knife in their heads.

The airsoft gun the child plays with is a modified folding airsoft gun. The caliber is only 5mm. The bullets are made of slime glue. It can only hit butterflies from 20 meters away, but cannot even knock down birds.

Frederick said to them: "That shark is almost as heavy as five thousand of you. What's the use of that toy?"

"Brother Frederick," Robert pulled on Frederick's sleeve and began to be cute with his sister, "can you give us a golden stick cannon?"

Monica pulled the sleeve on the other side and said, "With that, we won't be afraid of even bigger sharks!"

The brother and sister's hair is as dark as Mafia's, but their eyes are emerald green like Richard Nar's, and their chubby faces look quite cute.

But Frederick was exclaiming in his heart, good fellow, you two little guys just opened your mouth to get a weapon that even the master's wife dared not ask for. How can you get it again?

"Don't make trouble." He took his brother and sister's hands and walked to the dock. "Let's go see the sharks."

The tiger shark chasing the seal was only about ten meters away from the fishing pier, and the seal seemed to be trying to jump onto the pier to escape from the shark's mouth.

The seal sprinted towards the pier with all his strength. After approaching, he jumped high. As long as he escaped to the water, he would be safe.

Then it was kicked back into the sea by Frederick.

The seawater where the pier extended was quite deep, and it suddenly rushed to a place less than ten meters away. The mouth of the blood plate was more than one meter wide, and the layers of teeth were like daggers.

Shark teeth are very sharp and can be made into javelin heads for hunting large fish. It is not a problem for such a large shark to bite through the sides and armor of fishing boats.

Behind Frederick, Robert and Monica's maids and guards looked pale and were about to pick up their little masters and leave.

Unexpectedly, Frederick suddenly put his arms around the waists of Robert and Monica, and jumped into the sea with them in his arms.

The two children and the people on the dock suddenly let out a scream, which was vaguely heard by people in the distant house.

Mafia was busy in the kitchen when someone immediately reported that Master Weisen had jumped into the sea with the second young master and the third young lady.

"Go and prepare hot water for them to bathe." After finishing speaking, Mafia continued to roll the dough made of flour, lard, sugar, salt and wine into a round pancake crust.

"There are tiger sharks in the sea," her man said nervously.

Mafia frowned and said, "Go tell Frederick that shark meat is not delicious."

At this time, Frederick was holding the two little guys and standing on the head of the shark, racing wildly on the sea.

The unlucky shark wanted to dive into the sea, but there was a huge ice block under it, and the buoyancy of the ice held its body above the water.

Of course, the tiger shark couldn't swim fast with the huge ice block, but with the help of Frederick, it was pushed by the ice block and swam very fast.

Robert and Monica stood on the shark's head. Although their little hands held Frederick's hand tightly, their little faces were as red as a ripe apple with excitement.

After a while, they were no longer so scared and began to wave to the fishing boats on the sea.

The three of them wandered around the sea for almost an hour before landing.

Three large iron pots were prepared in the house, with water and some medicinal materials in them, and a fire burning underneath. They just threw the people in to stew them when they came back.

It was just that Frederick felt strange looking at the ginger slices, knotted shallots, and a few onion rings floating in front of him.

But this was quite effective. After a while, I was sweating all over, and I didn't catch a cold because I was wet by the sea water and blown by the wind just now.

Three people put on clean clothes and came to the restaurant for lunch. Their faces were as red as the red ketchup on the noodles on the plate.

There are two snacks on the table.

One is to roll a round pancake into a cylinder and fill it with goat cheese mixed with sugar and vanilla extract, and finally sprinkle with candied orange peel and grated nuts.

Another mixes bread crumbs, parsley, dry cheese and raisins to make a filling, then rolls the filling in the flesh of a whole sardine and bakes it, then drizzles it with lemon juice.

These snacks were made by Mafiya, but she didn't have dinner together because she had something to do.

The two children also had yogurt with honey, and Frederick drank fruit wine made from orange juice.

Robert looked at Frederick's wine glass eagerly, as if he wanted to drink it.

Frederick raised his glass and asked, "Want to drink?"

As a result, Monica nodded harder than Robert.

Frederick shook his head and said seriously: "No, it will take a few years for you to drink this kind of wine."

Although many people in this era have been drinking wine instead of water since childhood, the alcohol content of these wines is very low, only in single digits, and higher-alcohol wines can only be drunk in teenagers.

The orange wine that Frederick drank had about ten degrees of alcohol content, and children were not allowed to drink it, even if their mouths were too loud.

But Robert quickly put this matter behind him and asked Frederick while eating: "Brother, I heard that you can make people fly very high, higher than the clouds?"

"Yes." Frederick nodded and said, "Do you also want to fly up and have a look?"

Robert kept nodding.

Monica also asked: "I heard that someone can jump from the clouds without falling to death, right?"

"Yes." Frederick continued to nod, "The first one to jump down is your father!"

The two children opened their mouths in surprise.

Monica asked again: "Can you do that?"

Frederick smiled and nodded.

Hot air balloon skydiving is a local sport that has emerged in Wesson in recent years.

The cost of skydiving is extremely high, but the first, fifth, twentieth and fiftieth skydiving will all get a beautiful commemorative badge. The fiftieth skydiving commemorative medal even has a number and a certificate signed by Duke Wesson. of.

As a result, many young men and ladies, who have a lot of money and a lot of things to do, and brag as the main content of their lives all day long, flocked to this activity, and the number in Maria's bank account kept rising.

Monica asked again: "Will it hit the bird?"

Frederick smiled and replied: "If you are lucky, you can catch the flying bird."

The eyes of the two children suddenly lit up.

But Frederick immediately poured cold water on them: "You have to be 16 years old or older to play this game."

Lunch ended quickly with questions and answers. Robert and Monica started to feel sleepy after eating, so the maids took them back to their room to take a nap.

Frederick came to the terrace and asked his servant to bring over a popular novel.

He stretched out on the soft and comfortable lounge chair, took the book from the servant, and looked at the cover, "Ten Days of the Flood".

He thought the book was about a disaster, but after turning two pages, he discovered that it was about what happened when ten young people were trapped in a castle by a flood for ten days.

To pass the time, the characters in the book take turns asking one question and having the others answer it.

Frederick thought it was quite interesting, so he continued to flip through it and started reading.

The first story in the book reads:

"John put down the half-drunk tea cup, thought hard for a few minutes, raised his head and said slowly: My question is very simple. Suppose point A and point B are two points on the vertical facade that are not on the same horizontal line. In all connections between these two points, Among the plane curves of points, find a curve so that the time required for a particle affected only by gravity and with an initial velocity of zero to move along this curve from point A to point B is the shortest of all curves."

Frederick scratched his head, turned to the next page, and found that there was a picture on this page. It was indeed a question of the fastest descent line.

He frowned and continued to turn over a few pages. Finally, he put the book on the table aside and frowned.

What a great guy, he actually wrote the textbook content of Weisenberg University into a novel, including the Weisenberg Hemisphere Experiment, which is quite amazing.

At this time, a nice voice asked him from behind: "You can't understand this book either?"

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