Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 317 Let’s talk business first

In the past two years, the popular style of Wesson women's clothing has been using single materials and colors, mainly focusing on lace, buttons and pleats.

The visitor today is wearing a long-sleeved dress made of fine beige silk from the Kingdom of Sardinia. The hem is a pleated skirt style. The thin skirt pleats are like waves, and the waist is shaped with pleats like elastic bands. From the waist, from the collar to the top of the abdomen is a string of jeweled buttons.

The most expensive part of this dress is the handmade lace inlaid on the neckline, cuffs and skirt. These laces are woven bit by bit from silk by skilled craftsmen, and their price is equivalent to the same weight of gold.

The weather in Citrus Island is a bit cold now. The guest is wearing a snow-white fur shawl. It is made of the best white bear skin from the dark land of the Far North. It not only keeps warm, but it also cannot be pierced by ordinary people with a knife. In the place of origin, such a bear The peels can be exchanged for tons of canned oranges.

Frederick just took one look and knew that this guest was not only rich, but probably a high-ranking person.

Considering that the mistress has been very close to the royal family recently, it is estimated that this person may be a member of the royal family.

He stood up and saluted, and the other person returned the salute politely.

After the two parties introduced themselves, Frederick said in surprise: "So you are Her Royal Highness Princess Lola! No wonder your voice is so nice."

He also recently listened to the record and asked his wife to find out that Princess Lola, the youngest daughter of King Francesco of the Kingdom of Sardinia, is a national treasure-level singer. Even the aisles were full of people when she performed at the opera house.

Ten years ago, Lola, who was sixteen years old at the time, was already well-known in the entertainment industry. At that time, King Louis of the Kingdom of Gaul invited her to perform in the city of Barris, but Francisco refused, saying that if he wanted to hear my daughter sing, he would do it himself. come over.

It was only at that time that the Kingdom of Gaul was violently beating up the Rhine League in the lowlands. In the year when Frederick was violently beating up his neighbors, Louis took the art troupe of the Kingdom of Gaul to personally go to Baili City, the capital of the King of Sardinia.

However, this matter had little to do with the Rhine League, known as the "cultural depression", and Frederick had no time to pay attention to these things at the time.

Laura sat down on the lounge chair across the small tea table from Frederick, and said as usual: "Sister Caris wrote me a letter in Constantbulo, and you were mentioned in it."

Frederick was somewhat impressed by this name. After thinking about it, he recalled that Caris was the senior lolita who could transform into a three-meter-tall tall girl with whom he had played in a competition in Wanjing City.

Caris also has another identity, she is a member of the Witch Sisters.

Frederick asked Laura in the secret language of the Witch Sisters: "Are you a member of the Witch Sisters?"

Laura replied in the same secret language: "Yes, sister Caris and I have the same teacher."

Frederick nodded. It seemed that the water of this organization was very deep. He had already met the two princess members.

He asked: "In what capacity did you come to me today?"

"Both." Laura replied solemnly, "Let's talk about the sisterhood first."

"We learned that you can build ships without sails, and we want to buy two or three. When I went to Weisenberg City to record a record in the fall, I asked Lord Psyche for help on this matter, and she said let us talk to you."

Frederick thought for a while, if it was just an ordinary steamship, placing an order would only be a matter of Psyche's words. There was no need to talk to him, indicating that they had a special purpose.

"Do you have any additional requirements for steamers?" he asked. "May I know what you are using them for?"

Laura answered very solemnly: "We, the Witch Sisters, have been working hard to find the ruins before Ragnarok, but we have traveled across the continent for so many years and failed to find any high-value clues."

"I wonder if you have heard of rumors that there is another continent to the west of the sea. We believe that the ruins are on that continent."

Frederick understood that they wanted to go to the New World.

He said with some embarrassment: "The technology of steamships is far from mature now, there are still many problems, and ocean voyages are not yet possible."

"I think that if we want to find the continent in the west, this ship can at least cross the inner sea from east to west without docking."

“With Wesson’s technology, it would take an optimistic estimate of ten years to build such a ship.”

Laura was not familiar with ships and ocean navigation. The education of the royal family taught her that she should listen to the opinions of professionals on professional matters. She only needed to find a trustworthy professional to help her deal with professional matters.

She believed that Frederick was professional in this area, so she said: "I understand, I will report the truth to my sisters."

"Be sure to notify us when the boat is built. I will start saving money now. You don't have to worry about us not having money by then."

Frederick thought for a while and said: "I have a suggestion. If you sell me the maps and customs you have drawn over the years, I will give you a ship that can directly cross the inland sea from east to west."

Laura replied: "I will report it."

The Witch Sisters have been digging ruins everywhere for many years. Even the Peach Blossom Stone has pits dug by them, leaving behind a lot of geographical data.

In Frederick's eyes, these materials were more valuable than their accumulation of magical knowledge.

Laura's expression was still serious: "Next, let's talk about what the princess should say."

"My father plans to build a railway to connect Di Baili City and the six northern cities."

Frederick frowned slightly.

In addition to islands such as Citrus Island, the territory of the Kingdom of Sardinia mainly includes the entire Sardinian Peninsula and the plains south of the White Mountains in the north. In the middle of the Sardinian Peninsula are mountains running from north to south, and only the east and west sides are plains and hilly areas suitable for farming. , most of the middle is steep mountainous terrain.

The political form of this kingdom is complex, with its roots stretching back thousands of years.

After the fall of the Pulan Empire that was entrenched on the coast of the Inland Sea, this area, as the birthplace of the old empire, became a battleground for various forces that wanted to inherit the claims of the ancient empire. Over the past few decades, the city's capital changed with the king's flag, and the local population was reduced to ten.

Finally, the German kingdom from the Rhine region briefly occupied this area. During this period, the war was calmed down, and the Church of Light also took advantage of this period to develop.

Decades later, the Eastern Puran Empire, centered in Constantbul, united with the Church of Light to return to their hometown and regain the scepter of the ancient emperor. However, the Germans took the crown back to their hometown to establish the second Puran Empire.

The scepter is still in Constantinople, and the crown is on the head of the king of the Rhine League.

But not long after, the Ghazi Empire began to rise and competed with the Dongpulan Empire for the land on the south bank of the inland sea, causing Constantbul to focus its energy in that direction and had no time to look west.

The restored Sardinian region also gradually began to become independent, and soon became a pot of paste again.

At this time, a strong man descended from the sky and unified all parts of the country to establish the Kingdom of Sardinia.

At that time, this fierce man had seven daughters who could follow their father on the battlefield and kill people. The eldest daughter became the queen in the thousand-year-old capital of Baili City. The other six daughters were entrusted to wealthy places in the north to resist the Gallic Alliance who tried to cross the White Mountains and move south. , the Second Pulan Empire and the newly emerged Kingdom of Osmaga.

If the story ends here, it will be a happy ending of sisters united.

But the wheels of history rolled forward ruthlessly, and the descendants of the seven sisters began to have their own ideas.

Today, the main forces in the Kingdom of Sardinia are the royal family and the six free cities in the north. On the surface, they get along fairly well, but the political and economic struggles between them have never stopped.

This is still a conflict between high-level officials. At the lower levels, the relationships among small groups within each force are also messy.

Under such a political background, if the king wants to build a railway, what will other people think? Will they think like those previous gangs?

After thinking for a while, Frederick said: "I require you to ensure the safety of the construction team and settle the bill every five kilometers."

Lola said: "My father and the other five governors agreed on this matter. There are no problems with safety and funds."

Frederick said that in this case, he agreed in principle and would let his subordinates discuss the specific details.

"Okay," Laura had a relaxed smile on her face, "Let's talk about my own affairs."

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