Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 318 How about making up an opera?

Music, no matter what world or era it is in, plays an important role in society.

From emperors and generals to ordinary people, from Bei Quezhu Palace to the fields, music can be found everywhere.

Lola has made great achievements in the field of music that is favored by nobles. She not only has profound attainments in singing, but also has begun to dabble in composition, opera and other fields in recent years.

In addition, she has an advantage that other peers cannot match.

"What do you think of this gourd harp?"

Laura didn't come alone, she not only brought servants, but also some musical instruments.

Frederick took a guitar handed to him by the maid.

There are gourds on the southern continent, and some good-quality gourds will be carved and inlaid with precious metals or gems and sold to the north.

As a result, the guitar that Frederick improved from the six-stringed harp was called the gourd harp because of its shape.

Because the wood used to make musical instruments will "breathe" and deform, and the processing accuracy and methods are limited, each piano is slightly different, so the finished instrument is like a piece of shit. Sometimes the famous master ends up with a scrap, and sometimes Ordinary craftsmen will get treasures.

Frederick tried the notes and then played "Erica."

"What a great piano!" He sighed, "Its sound is clear, its timbre is accurate, it feels good in the hand, and its workmanship is also excellent."

"Which master's work is this?"

Laura said proudly: "My husband made this for me, just to show it off to you."

"Their family has nothing to do with the world. They have been making musical instruments for hundreds of years and have achieved good results in this field."

Then she said bitterly: "He went to Weissenburg with me, and I was alone when he came back. He stayed there to study the clarinet with the instrument maker John Dine, and with a watchmaker named Helay. A mouth-blown organ to bring myself back.”

Frederick said with a smile: "In recent years, many musical instrument makers have come to our place."

Laura asked him: "I heard rumors that there are many new musical instrument modification methods in Wesson State that were proposed by you?"

Frederick smiled and nodded, and played another song. Laura's eyes lit up when she heard it, and after it was over, she asked: "Is this a new song?"

"Yes." Frederick nodded, "The name is "Ah, Goodbye, Friend." This is basically the song. The lyrics still need further polishing."

Laura thought about it and said, "This should be a song heading to the battlefield."

Frederick smiled and nodded.

Laura continued: "When I went to record in the fall, I found that short songs like this are very popular there, and there are many kinds. I even bought a few songbooks back."

Frederick said: "The people there don't have much artistic temperament. They watch few operas and plays, and they can't remember such long and complicated arias, so they make up some simple songs and everyone sings them."

"Some things are difficult to remember just by talking about them, but it will be easier to remember them if they are arranged into songs."

Laura smiled and said: "That's how the "Hygiene Song" was compiled."

At that time, she was stunned for a while when she heard some children singing "Children, pay attention to hygiene, wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet" in Weissenburg.

A kind smile appeared on her face: "When I came back, I translated it and taught it to the children. Now they all know when to wash their hands."

"I heard that there is someone there who writes songs for children?"

Frederick nodded and said, "Yes, she is an art teacher at a primary school in Lingen City."

Laura added: "You also wrote a lot of songs."

Frederick smiled and said: "It's just for fun."

The two chatted casually for a few words, and Laura suddenly said to Frederick seriously: "These ditties are entertainment after all, and opera is the jewel in the crown of art."

"You are very talented in music. You can consider writing a few operas."

Frederick gave some thought. The cultural output of a regime is part of its strength. If someone under his command can write a reasonably qualified opera, it will be very effective in increasing the soft power of Weisen State.

Laura said with great expectation: "I often wonder what the opera you write will be like."

Frederick just smiled and thought that if he really wanted to write, he would insert an opera in the advertisement.

He said a little embarrassedly: "I have listened to some operas, but I don't know how to write them."

Laura's eyes lit up. This was her area of ​​expertise. She started talking about how many acts there were in the opera, which act had what effect, and what the music style was like. She talked endlessly until the end of the dinner.

After hearing this, Frederick realized that he was not made for this business and there were too many rules.

If plagiarizing a song is just a few limericks, then an opera requires writing an eight-legged essay, which not only requires gorgeous words, but also needs to be neatly formatted, with almost formulaic requirements on how to start, transfer, and combine.

As for the reform, the gentlemen in the audience have been listening to this kind of drama since they were young. It has almost become a conditioned reflex when to start setting up suspense, when to lose the protagonist, and when to reverse. Any major changes will cause them psychological and physical discomfort.

Frederick felt that if he really wanted to write according to his own ideas, it would definitely cause a storm.

Laura left the house after dinner and returned to her residence in Palermo.

The New Year will be here in a few days, and she will leave by boat tomorrow morning without delay to go home and celebrate the New Year with her children.

That night, Frederick lay quietly in bed, thinking about the opera.

Belle Burke saw that he was thinking about something, so she didn't disturb him and just lay aside quietly.

After a long time, Frederick pinched her nose.

"Gu...you are going to do something bad again!" Belle Burke looked at him warily, fearing that he would try some new trick.

"Let's get down to business." Frederick said calmly, "The Shakespeare family should know some opera writers, right?"

The Shakespeare family was born into actors, so he thought he should know the big names in the industry.

Belle Burke has not yet "acknowledged her ancestors and returned to the family". In the family, she is still missing, and everyone is pretending to be confused.

"Hmph!" She pouted, "Ask yourself!"

Frederick raised his eyebrows. There was either a story or an accident.

He didn't want to hear gossip now, so he said, "You can ask for me."

Belle Burke angrily pinched the soft flesh around his waist, but said nothing.

Frederick didn't take it seriously. Belle Burke would definitely help. He looked at the ceiling and said thoughtfully: "I have conceived an outline for an opera and I need someone to flesh it out."

"The story should be set in Venice, where there are two businessmen and a vampire who lends money..."

He slowly finished the summary of the story of "The Merchant of Venice" and found that Belle Burke's expression was very strange.

"Boss," Belle Burke asked in disbelief, "did you hurt your brain before?"

"I haven't written an opera for a businessman in so many years!"

In addition to religious stories, operas these days are all about praising emperors and generals. If the heroic characters are civilians, they can only be used as supporting roles, and they cannot be the protagonists.

An opera with a businessman as the protagonist was unheard of.

Frederick reached out and flicked Belle Burke's forehead, and said with a smile: "You are too stupid to understand."

With the development of commerce, the status of merchants gradually improved, and then they began to make political demands.

Frederick took a fancy to this and gave a push on the wheel of history.

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