Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 319 How to Rule

In the cultural circle of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the New Year is not lively, the market is very calm, and all the warmth is at home.

Those who worked hard outside returned home. At home, my father prepared some chats and my mother prepared a table of good meals. The troubles of life and work matters are all expressed with warmth.

In the living room, Frederick sometimes beat his back and sometimes rubbed his shoulders for Mafia, surrounded by old men and old ladies whose faces were filled with envy.

These old people were all servants or subordinates of Mafia's former family. They were somewhat implicated when the family collapsed, and they returned to him without hesitation when they came back. The juniors like Frederick had to call them grandparents.

Mafia would invite them here every New Year to chat and chat.

This year is a little different. Everyone is gathered around a charcoal stove. There is a layer of wire mesh on the stove. There is a teapot on the mesh to heat tea. There are also some fruits, snacks and meat grilled around it.

According to current medical theory, elderly people cannot eat cold food as it can easily upset their stomachs. Diarrhea is more likely to kill an elderly person than catching a cold.

Now, everyone, young and old, can gather together and have something hot to eat without having to worry about a bad stomach.

Mafia saw off the old people after lunch, put on a fiery red fox fur shawl, and took Frederick for a walk on the beach.

"The royal family agreed that I would become a court noble and gave me the title of Earl of Westridge, with full authority to manage this citrus island."

Mafia suddenly dropped the news, which surprised Frederick.

Frederick has recently gained some understanding of the political model here. From now on, except for the land ownership, the island will still belong to the royal family, and everything else will belong to the master's wife.

He thought for a moment and then asked: "What's the price?"

Mafia replied: "The tax is a tax package system, ten times the average tax over the past five years."

"Form up a mercenary army of one thousand people to send to the royal family, and I will pay all the expenses."

"Robert will marry a royal princess in the future. It has been decided. She is Princess Laura's youngest daughter. She is three years old this year."

"Monica will marry the crown prince's youngest grandson in the future, and the throne will not be his turn."

Frederick nodded, these conditions were quite satisfactory.

For the royal family, the only meaning of this island is to make money. If someone can provide more money, a noble title without a territory is not out of the question.

Mafia looked at the sea, sighed deeply, and said: "I thought I could manage this island, but when I really started to rule it, I found that it is different from ruling a family."

Frederick nodded.

In his last life, he saw someone on the Internet saying that there was no difference between the gangs and the country when they got bigger. He understood it after he became the ruler. I am afraid that the person who said this had never even been the leader of the homework collection team in school.

High-pressure rule maintained by force seems effective, but the cost of rule is extremely high.

Don't expect anything good from the grassroots staff under this political model. The territory will be red-faced every minute, and riots will break out at any time.

When the force as the foundation weakens slightly, it will become the first domino to fall. Not only the internal foundation is damaged, but the external enemies are already waiting to raise the butcher knife to the fattened pigs, and they are very likely to appear as the savior. .

If not, Mafia will become the "Devil King", and a lot of "braves" will appear in the village. God knows what those guys with the protagonist's script will do.

Frederick couldn't help but think that the royal family might have dared to do this because they believed that gangsters like Mafiya could not rule the territory.

In the future, when Mafia causes public resentment on Citrus Island and the royal family comes back with Robert or Monica's descendants as mascots, the people will be grateful to the royal family.

Mafiya turned to Frederick and said, "I heard that you have a school for government officials, and I would like to send some people there to study."

Frederick couldn't help but frowned after hearing this. The teacher's wife was talking about the Wesson Technical College for Civil Servants, and he was the principal.

This college has been open less than three years. Every year, those who pass the civil service entrance exam will come here to study for three to six months. Promoted staff and officials will come here to study for one month, and those who are in office will come here for three months every year. Each period is five days of study.

The problem is that the teaching model and content of this college are in line with the Wesson state government. For example, the quotations of Duke Wesson are recited before meals every day. Whether the people trained here can adapt to the conditions of Citrus Island is a matter of several kilometers. question mark.

Frederick scratched his head and said: "Citrus grown here is very sweet, but even rats won't eat it in Wesson. I'm worried that the situation in the two places is different and there will be big problems."

"Let's do this. I'll ask the college to send people over to build a college here that suits the local customs and you will manage it yourself."

"I suggest the same goes for military academies."

After hearing this, Mafiya thought seriously for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

There is a deep concept of master and apprentice as father and son here. If the officials and officers on the island are all their own children, it will be greatly conducive to strengthening the rule.

Frederick continued: "The so-called politics is just to make a lot of friends and a few enemies. It is easier to do things when there are more friends."

Mafia nodded. They had physically defeated the enemy quite a bit.

Frederick continued: "Your foundation is not stable, and you need to win over the largest number of people on the island, such as farmers, sailors, and workers."

"The Talon has a huge advantage in that it can transform into a guild-like organization."

"The function of this organization is not just violent activities, but more importantly, providing appropriate help to those vulnerable groups."

"For example, if a worker's family member fails to receive wages, the Black Claw gang will come forward to help him litigate and help him get back what he deserves."

"If a business family member encounters an unexpected incident and is unable to survive, the Black Claw Gang can lend a helping hand appropriately."

Mafia stood like a stone statue on the beach until the sun gradually sank into the sea, and then she fully digested and understood what Frederick said.

When the time comes, I will hold the officials with my left hand and the people with my right hand. The entire territory will be harder than Richard Nall. Who dares to challenge me?

"Thank you." Mafia raised her hand and touched Frederick's head, with a kind smile on her face, "I thought you would teach me how to make money, but I didn't expect that you taught me so many secret recipes that I had no place to learn. "

Frederick laughed. These days, it is the practice of masters to leave key "secret recipes" when teaching their disciples. Richard Nall gave all the secret recipes to Frederick and Talhofer, but he wrote them all into poems. Let these two guys understand it on their own, but they didn't understand it.

In Psyche's words, Frederick suffered the disadvantage of being too educated, and Talhofer suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated. They had to be on the same cultural level as Richard Naur to understand what those things meant.

"Making money is easy." Frederick smiled and continued concentrating. "As long as a tolerant, fair and just stage is set up, businessmen will come to the stage and dance on their own."

"I think the geographical environment and tradition here are good. It is surrounded by areas with developed textile industries, and the garment industry can be developed."

"I previously invented a fan that does not require magic when I was in the Kingdom of Kush. Now I don't know how it has been optimized at home. If it is completed, I plan to build an assembly factory here."

According to his idea, there is great potential to develop light industry here.

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