Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 320 The Queen’s Gift

As the New Year passes, people leave their warm homes and run around for a living.

Belle Burke also started to get busy with the construction of the railway. Frederick would stay here for a while. Apart from talking to his wife about how to become a leader every day, he would go to her office to drink tea and pass the time.

After years of training, Belle Burke is no longer the silly girl who dared to go to the enemy's territory for in-depth reconnaissance after being instigated by others. She has begun to have a bit of "domineering spirit" in her body.

When Frederick walked into the office that day, he saw an employee who had been a mountain mercenary being scolded by Belle Burke. She looked like an angry lioness, and the sturdy man who was nearly two meters tall looked like a thief. The children who were caught eating candy kept their heads down and accepted the education honestly.

Millie, who used to work as a maid next to Octopus Gang boss Garcia, was attracted by Belle Burke because of her decisive actions in revenge. In addition, she was also considered a middle-level cadre with decent work ability. At this time, she became Belle Burke's lover. New secretary, responsible for communicating local matters.

After Frederick came to the office, Millie poured him tea and water as usual.

Belle Burke continued to curse, and Frederick asked. He went over to give the scolded guy a kick, and said helplessly: "If you like a girl, ask her about the customs here. Next, should you learn the language here or find a translator?" Just do what you have to do, you deserve to be treated like a donkey thief when you peek at someone's girl washing clothes."

There were many washerwomen washing clothes every day by the river outside Palermo. This man fell in love with a girl by chance, but he couldn't communicate because of the language barrier. He could only peek on the other side of the river.

The grassland on the other side of the river was a pasture that belonged to a carriage shop in the city. There were often cart horses, unicorns, and Ammi donkeys waiting there to take turns grazing, so he was regarded as a thief.

The people from the carriage shop injured several people when they arrested him. Fortunately, this guy had a measured attack and it was not a big problem. When people suffered a loss, they turned to the Black Claw Gang to take action, and finally the trouble came to Belle Burke.

After Frederick kicked this idiot, he said to Belle Burke: "It's up to you how to deal with it."

Belle Burke sighed and replied: "What else can we do? Of course let this fool pay and apologize."

Frederick nodded. The other party's injury was not serious, that is, it was a flesh injury, no bones were injured. He took two salted fish, a string of sausages and a piece of cheese and took the compensation to the injured person's home to say something nice. Black Claw If the person helping you says a few words, the matter will be over.

He went to the housekeeper arranged by Mafia, and the Black Claw gang came forward to take this fool to apologize. Firstly, he told the world that the Black Claw Gang was capable of doing practical things, and secondly, he brought a translator to solve the problem of language barrier.

We are all a family anyway, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

That night, people were sitting in the bathroom, Belle Burke was rubbing Frederick's back, and Frederick was washing Millie's hair, and they were chatting at the same time.

Belle Burke said: "That fool this morning is going to have a ball later."

"What?" Frederick was stunned for a moment, "Why is he holding a dance?"

Millie is a local and is very familiar with local customs, so she explained: "Here, it is very rude to directly tell a girl you don't know that you want to get to know you. Only unscrupulous gangsters would do this when they flirt with women. If he expresses love directly, he will be arrested as a lecher, stripped naked in the square, and whipped in public."

She also specifically emphasized "hitting the front", and while emphasizing, she also poked Frederick back.

Frederick pinched her nose and thought, wouldn't this be regarded as Wesson's cultural export?

Millie continued: "Young people need to meet each other before getting married. Usually, family members ask relatives and friends to introduce them, and there are also citizen dances."

"Only unmarried people can go to the citizen's dance. If anyone is interested in someone, then send an invitation to that family, as well as a brooch or corsage."

"Of course, you can't mention your name in the invitation. You have to write a hint. If you agree, you can bring a brooch and corsage to attend."

"If you see someone wearing the logo at the dance, you won't invite it. If it's inappropriate, you can refuse and take it off before you can invite it back."

Frederick was amazed to hear that this kind of operation existed.

He just listened to the excitement and had no intention of participating. After all, this was a blind date, not an immediate.

After Frederick washed Millie's hair, he picked up Belle Burke behind him and wiped her back. At the same time, he said: "The company should pay for this dance. Anyone who has this idea can come."

"If someone is successful, just open a special training class on language, customs, etc. Don't cause problems in the end."

He just said whatever he wanted, but he didn't expect that "working for Duke Wesson and getting a wife" later became the consensus among the mountain mercenaries' hometown, so that when Wesson's army arrived, a large number of bachelors emerged to lead the way.

A few days later, Mafia asked someone to invite Frederick, and His Majesty King Francisco sent someone to deliver gifts.

The visitor was Count Friedkin, who was responsible for liaison between the king and the nobles. His chubby appearance made people fond of him. When Frederick came to the lawn behind the castle, he was playing football with Robert.

Frederick narrowed his eyes slightly. This Count Friedkin was a very flexible fat man. He could control the ball at his feet so that Robert could hit it but he couldn't take it away.

At this time, Robert was already sweating profusely from playing, and Count Friedkin seemed to be fine.

After the game ended, the servants took Robert to wipe his sweat. Earl Friedkin saluted Duke Wesson and the two went to drink tea together.

Friedkin's visit was informal, and the two of them were very casual.

At the signal the attendant came over with a huge tray covered with white silk.

After lifting up the silk, Friedkin said: "Last year, the queen's nephew unfortunately suffered from lung disease and was cured after going to Wesson for treatment."

"The queen learned from Princess Lola that your Excellency is here and sent me to deliver a thank you gift."

"These tulips were cultivated by the queen herself. They are Moonlight, Diamond, Doll, Dawn, Victor, Spring Song, and Sunlight..."

While introducing these dozen kinds of precious tulip bulbs, he carefully observed the world-famous Duke Wesson. Unexpectedly, this gentleman actually frowned slightly.

His heart suddenly thumped, and he didn't know where he had offended this great god.

Frederick noticed that the other party had become cautious when speaking, so he said: "Please convey my gratitude to Her Majesty the Queen for me."

"Please convey another message to the Queen for me."

Friedkin immediately sat upright and serious, waiting for Duke Wesson to speak.

When Frederick finished speaking, Friedkin's bulging face suddenly turned pale and he was sweating profusely. After making an apology, he took out his handkerchief and kept wiping his sweat.

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