Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 321 Leave early

Baili City, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia, was once the imperial capital for thousands of years. It is across the river from the Holy City of the Church of Light. Every five steps you take in the city, there is a monument related to a historical figure.

In a royal estate outside the city, a large area of ​​land that was originally planted with pasture is now planted with soft short grass. His Majesty King Francisco is sitting in a shed next to the grass, smiling at his grandchildren and the children of other noble families. Play football and occasionally feed nuts to a purple bird on the palm of your hand.

Earl Friedkin walked quickly from a distance, saluted the king and began to report on the visit.

Francisco sat next to the chair, put the bird on his shoulder, slowly moved a string of shiny golden wooden rosary beads with his right hand, and asked for some details from time to time.

The little bird found that there was nothing to eat, so he kept urging with a crisp voice.

During this trip, Friedkin communicated with Mafia about the canonization ceremony this fall, and both parties reached an agreement.

Friedkin then reported the exchange with Duke Wesson.

"What?" Francisco sat up straight. "Did he really say that?"

Friedkin replied firmly: "Yes, Duke Wesson thinks that the price of tulips will collapse before long."

Francisco put the rosary beads on his wrist, combed his fingers through his white hair, stood up, turned and walked to the other side of the shed.

It was a large piece of newly plowed land, more than 200 acres, divided into more than 20 pieces by ridges. The queen was instructing the farmers to apply base fertilizer on the land.

When the weather gets warmer in a few days, the first season tulips can be planted.

Francisco paced back and forth by the tulip fields, his hands behind his back while he played his rosary beads.

Friedkin did not interrupt his thoughts, turned to the low table aside, filled the king's empty teacup, scooped out two and a half spoonfuls of honey, and stirred it evenly.

The king and the earl had grown up playing like children on the meadow, and the queen did not understand the king as well as the earl did.

Francisco came back and sat down, picked up the teacup and drank the sweet and cloying black tea in one gulp. He continued to put the bird back on his palm, fed it a nut and stroked its shiny purple feathers. At the same time, he asked Friedkin: "Now How much do tulip bulbs cost?”

He knew that tulips were very popular in recent years and were liked by many ladies including the queen, but he was not in this circle and was not clear about the details.

Friedkin thought for a while and replied: "Tulips in the market are currently priced based on how many strong bulls they can be exchanged for. If you talk about gold coins, you will be laughed at."

Francisco nodded. This was the problem in the circle. The hand-raised bird he had was priced in sheep.

Friedkin continued: "I heard that a hundred bullocks were sold for the best tulip bulbs there in the Kingdom of Gaul last month."

Francisco nodded and said, "It will take a lot of effort to plant so much at one time."

Friedkin raised his hand and held up a finger and said, "That's just the price of a bulb."

Francisco blinked, smiled and said, "You really know how to joke."

Friedkin shook his head seriously.

His Majesty Francisco was so stupid that the purple bird was almost crushed to death by him.

Friedkin continued: "I heard that the tulips of that variety were cultivated by Prince Moritz's family. They were particularly beautiful and attracted countless people to watch when they bloomed last year."

"The queen's tulips...with all due respect, the best ones are worth about twenty bulls, and most of them are only worth four or five bulls."

He finally added: "It's the price of a bulb."

Francisco turned his head and looked at the land that was going to be used to plant tulips. His breathing suddenly became rapid, and there was a faint bloodshot under his eyes.

He picked up the teapot and opened the lid and drank it straight away to calm down. He put the bird on the table and continued to pluck the rosary beads and think about it.

After a long time, His Majesty the King turned to Friedkin and asked: "Where are tulips popular now?"

Friedkin replied: "From the Osmaga Empire and the Piast Kingdom in the east to the Kingdom of Madeira at the western end of the continent, almost everywhere the tulip is regarded as a treasure that grows in the land."

He paused and said: "By the way, Wesson is not interested in tulips. They prefer to keep pet birds from the southern continent."

"Ms. Eltar, the fiancée of Duke Wesson, has seven beautiful jewel birds. These birds have different colors and they will circle around her on their own."

Francisco looked at the purple bird that jumped back into his hand, and couldn't help but nodded. This bird was bought from there, and it is said that it has adapted to the climate north of the inland sea.

He narrowed his eyes and said to Friedkin: "You're going to have to lose a few fingers of fat again."

Friedkin immediately replied respectfully: "Please give me your Majesty's orders."

Francisco said: "You have to go to the Kingdom of Gaul and sell all the tulips in the royal domain before the darkest hour mentioned by Duke Wesson has come. It can be cheaper."

Friedkin knew that the king believed Duke Wesson's prediction and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

He thought for a moment and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, why not give this business to the Venetian merchants."

"I heard that in the Rhine Estuary region, where the value of tulips first skyrocketed, the price of tulips once increased more than sixty times in one year. Now every household there is investing in tulips."

"Although the price of tulips has not risen so fast now, it is still very attractive as an investment."

"After listening to Duke Wesson's analysis, I became a little scared, worried that the darkest moment would come at any time."

"Your Majesty, we can't compare to the Venetians in terms of business. Why don't we take advantage of the fact that the price of tulips hasn't dropped yet and make a profit from them as soon as possible."

Francisco narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Okay."

Recently, he has been thinking about how to build railways. The biggest question is where the money will come from.

Now, there is an opportunity in front of you, and you would be stupid not to seize it.

The Doge of Venice was fully represented in the city of Dibel, and Baron Shylock was soon in the King's presence.

Although Shylock was puzzled when King Shylock and Earl Friedkin wanted to sell a large number of tulips, they still accepted the business on behalf of the Venetian Chamber of Commerce. No one would refuse this kind of business that is sure to make money without losing money.

"Your Majesty, I have a gracious request." Baron Sherlock said, "I would like to rent land and farmers, plant the tulips I bought, and then take them out in June next year."

Francisco immediately understood what he meant. The tulips could be divided into four or five bulbs the next year and could be sold for more.

"No problem." His Majesty the King said, "I will rent a few royal estates to you, and the rent will only be 10% of the market price."

"But I have a condition. The gold coins must be delivered as soon as possible."

Speaking of gold coins, Baron Sherlock has the confidence to be proud in front of the king.

"No problem." He said slightly proudly, "The payment will be settled within ten days."

Francisco sent someone to count the amount, and Shylock checked and raised the gold coins. The specific amount and transactions were completed by his men. He only had to wait for the final result.

In one day, the royal family's tulips were almost sold out, leaving only a few left by the queen. Friedkin also took the opportunity to clear out the goods of his wife and daughter.

"Duke Wesson..." Francisco pondered in the study, "I really want to meet him."

Friedkin said with some helplessness: "I originally invited him to be a guest, but one of his friends from the Kingdom of Gaul was ill and was recuperating on El Chapo Island, so he rushed over."

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