Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 327 The girl selling barbecue

The alarm clock that wakes people up in Wesson is different from the one in Frederick's hometown. There is a thin needle under the bottom hour hand that is in contact with the dial. There is a circle of radiating thin lines side by side on the dial. When the thin needle and When the selected thin line comes into contact, the magic circuit is connected. At this time, the alarm clock will spray a stream of cold water element forward to wake the person up.

Frederick kept complaining about this alarm clock that he had only seen in the second dimension in his previous life. He didn't know what the inventor thought.

But this kind of alarm clock is so useful in this era when timing depends on lighting candles. It can’t be sold even in Wesson State. The inventor relied on it in just over a year to transform himself from a student worried about money to buy stationery. Evolved into a capitalist with a house, a car, seven or eight maids at home, and hundreds of workers in the factory.

Such stories of getting rich overnight are endless in Wesson State. At first, they could be seen on the front page of "Wesson Daily News", but now if they are not rich enough, they can only be seen on the story page.

After getting up, Olive wiped the dissipating water element on her face, stretched, and started a new day with the goal of becoming a rich woman.

It's just that this girl from Wanjing City in the Ghazi Empire is still far away from a rich woman. She still lives in a rented room without a separate bathroom. The room only has a bed and a wardrobe. She has to go to the public toilet at the back to wash her clothes.

Fortunately, the shop she rented was just downstairs, so her work and life were quite convenient.

The first thing I did when I got to the shop was to see if there was anything wrong with the ingredients I prepared yesterday.

The chicken legs marinated in the iron barrel were normal and had no smell. Rats and cockroaches were also kept out by the lid. There were still some ice cubes floating in the ice water between the iron barrel and the large insulated iron barrel outside.

Another iron basin contains chicken leg bones and is placed under the faucet. The water slowly drips in. The slightly flowing water soaks out the blood in the bones.

Olive first took the chicken leg bones into a large pressure cooker on the briquette stove, added water and seasonings, replaced the stove with new briquettes and cooked it. Soon there was a big pot of cheap chicken soup.

The next step is the highlight. The barbecue stove is ready. The marinated chicken legs have no bones in them and are spread out into a large piece. They are skewered on the barbecue pole. After a while, they become a big pillar of meat.

This barbecue restaurant's barbecue oven is unique in the world, and the only drawing is hidden in the olive pillow.

Now Olive has guessed the identity of the benefactor in Wanjing City who helped her to get to Weisen State, funded a large sum of money and taught her how to sell barbecue. However, she is still smart and will not tell such things easily. , so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

However, relevant people have already guessed the author from the details of the drawings on the drawings.

The half-meter-high meat pillars in the barbecue machine are skewered. Turn on the switch and the small magic reciprocator at the bottom of the machine starts to work. The meat pillars slowly rotate at any time. At the same time, the magic array on the ceramic heating plate on the side starts to work, emitting bursts of heat. .

Olive closed the glass door of the machine and began to check the oil collection box.

Don’t waste the oil dripping from the barbecue. When the time comes, heat and cook it together with shredded golden bean cheese slices (tofu skin). The chicken-flavored shredded golden cheese is also very popular.

The door panel of the shop door was taken off, and then the floor and tables began to be mopped.

When it gets dark, fresh vegetables are delivered by tricycle, and round scones and soft wraps baked by the bakery next door are also delivered.

Olive carefully washed and chopped the vegetables, and the sauce in the refrigerator was heated by the stove in preparation for the upcoming market.

She kept in mind the teachings of her benefactor. When making catering, the first thing she should do is to make sure the food is genuine and every ingredient must be fresh, and she must not cut corners.

After she finished her preparations and took the time to eat a bowl of scones soaked in chicken soup for breakfast, more and more people were walking on the street.

To the north of this street is the Textile Industrial Park. Most ordinary workers live in the Workers' Village further north, between the steel plant and the steel plant. Most of the people living around the street are factory technicians and lower-level managers.

These people have a lot of money in their pockets and are willing to spend more on food.

Especially for workers in steel plants, if they eat some meat in the morning, they will not be tired from working throughout the morning.

The aroma of barbecue fills the street. Olive pulls the freshly cooked chicken bone soup to the barbecue stove next to the door. The lid of the sauce bowl is opened, the cutlery and plastic bags are ready, and there is enough change. Today's official business begins .

Olive began to prepare the first roast of the day. The outermost layer of the rotating meat column was slightly burnt. He cut off a thin layer with a sharp long knife and placed it on a plate. There was a layer of torn into small pieces on the plate. The scones, topped with grilled meat and chopped vegetables, and topped with a spoonful of sweet and sour red tomato sauce, look very tempting.

As soon as the barbecue was placed on the table, footsteps sounded on the stairs, and a young girl happened to come downstairs.

Olive said to her: "Danielle, why did you get up so early today?"

Danielle replied somewhat confusedly: "I thought of a good pattern in the middle of the night, but I was afraid that I would forget it when I woke up, so I drew it, and then I couldn't sleep."

As she spoke, she patted the shoulder bag hanging on her shoulder with her right hand that only had her index and middle fingers, which contained last night's work.

As she spoke, Olive prepared a barbecue and a bowl of soup for her. Danielle sat down as usual, put her bag on the chair aside, and started eating breakfast with a fork between two fingers.

Danielle asked while eating: "Did those people who caused trouble for you the night before yesterday come last night?"

"I heard that the boss behind those selling skewers is Duke Wesson's mistress, and she's not easy to mess with."

"If they are not too much, please bear with me for a while. I met with the Duke in Wayne City. When he comes back, I will find a way to ask him for help."

Olive was cutting some meat next to the barbecue stove and putting it together with vegetables to make barbecue rolls. After hearing this, he shook his head and said, "Don't bother, they just said something unpleasant and they didn't dare to do anything to me. .”

"Humph, at worst I can just keep pretending that I don't understand what they are saying."

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. She used a tricycle to pull barbecue rolls to the gate of the steel factory at night to sell late-night snacks. As a result, she had a conflict with the people who were selling barbecue there.

Olive is disdainful of these people in her heart. Isn’t it because the big boss is Duke Wesson’s mistress? It’s not like you are proud of having slept with the Duke. Are you proud of seeing me when I have slept with him?

"Don't worry about this." She put the cooked barbecue rolls into the lunch box, "I have a way to deal with them if necessary."

The worst thing to do is fight. When Constantbul was liberated last year, some officers and soldiers of the Praetorian Guard were captured. Many of them were unwilling to go back and work after hearing that General Arda was framed and his daughter was sold as a slave. We all know each other at the language school, so asking them to help is not a problem.

A few barbecue rolls in the lunch box were Danielle's lunch, and the olives were made thinner to take into account the inconvenience of her hands.

Both of these girls had been hit by a fire. One had scars on her face, and the other had four fingers left on her hands. They were both immigrants, and the same person sponsored them to come here. The same experiences made them very good sisters. .

When Danielle went to work in the garment factory, people started coming to buy breakfast. Those who were in a hurry would buy one or two barbecue rolls and eat them while walking. If they had enough time, for example, a person carried a twenty-kilogram red-belly fish on his bicycle. The car stopped in the middle of the road, ordered a barbecue with scones and soup, and sat down to eat slowly.

The aroma of barbecue and the unique way of eating have attracted many people to this small shop that has been open for less than a month. Olive has been busy by the barbecue stove at the door. Now he is much more proficient than when he first started, and there is no mistake. Money.

There is an aunt in the store helping to collect the tableware and clean the table. She is a relative of the manager of the bakery next door. She comes here to work after finishing her work in the bakery in the morning.

After more than an hour, all the chicken on the oven rack was sold out. Olive lifted the cash box, which was heavy.

She was thinking in her mind that with the money she saved, she could order a second oven so that she could roast cheap chicken in one oven and roast pork in the other.

She also thought that by then she might be too busy by herself, so she should be able to hire one more person.

When the second barbecue pillar of the day had just been baked, two distinguished guests came to the store.

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