Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 328 Can I eat all-you-can-eat chicken nuggets?

The Ghazi Empire was a vast territory, and clothing styles varied from region to region, but some elements were the same, such as light-colored fabrics and loose robes that were suitable for areas with strong sunlight and hot climates.

Olive's barbecue restaurant uses the style of the Ghazi Empire as its selling point. Before opening the store, she ordered a modified robe from the Wanjing City area.

It was a green loose robe that was as green as her name. The collar was wrapped around the collar and the lower edge of the skirt from the collar to the top of the feet was embroidered with yellow flower and grass patterns three fingers wide. She wore a headscarf of the same color and embroidered lace on her head.

She also ordered a belt, but found that after tying it with her body shape, the belt seemed to be tied to a tree trunk, so she put it in the box.

Although this loose robe was not very convenient to wear when working, the exotic style was extremely attractive to customers. Not many people noticed the burn scars on his face, but instead aroused some people's pity.

Today, Fatih and Hakan did not wear headscarves. They were wearing sky blue and silver gray robes respectively. The exquisite embroidery patterns on them were very similar to the embroidery on olive robes, but the materials were completely different. You could tell by looking at the fine silk. It comes from a wealthy family, and the magic circle composed of embroidery patterns makes this robe impenetrable to swords.

Olive had worked as a guide when he was in Wanjing City, and he recognized the two men from the imperial capital at a glance. He happily asked them in his hometown dialect with a little caution: "Distinguished guests, what do you want to eat?"

Fatih looked at the barbecue stove and the soup pot, sauces, shredded vegetables, etc. next to it, and asked her with interest: "What do you have to eat here?"

Olive replied: "Now there are barbecue burritos and barbecue with scones, and later there will be barbecue noodles."

Fatih found a bright place to sit down and said, "Have a portion of each."

Olive asked again: "Here are sweet and sour tomato sauce, spicy sauce and vanilla sauce, which one do you want?"

Fatih looked at the sauces next to the barbecue stove and said: "First give me a burrito with red tomato sauce and a scone with vanilla sauce, and then I will have noodles with spicy sauce later."

He knows how to eat. He will eat the relatively bland ones first and put the spicy ones last.

Olive quickly brought out wraps and scones, and gave everyone a bowl of chicken bone soup.

Fatih can confirm that this Ghazi barbecue has little to do with the Ghazi Empire. In other words, the proprietress is from the Ghazi Empire, and the spices used to marinate the meat are a bit like Wanjing City.

He wanted to talk to the girl, but then Olive started to get busy.

The olives were replaced with new meat pillars, and soon someone delivered several boxes of dry noodles. She took out a small coal stove from the kitchen at the back and put a pot of hot water on it to boil the noodles.

Collect the oil and water dripping from the barbecue earlier in the oil box. Pour it into a small pot and add some oil to heat it. Add the shredded tofu skin and cook together. Stir evenly and spread it on the plate.

Fatih watched while eating the burrito, and then looked at the price list on the wall. He found that the "gold cheese burrito" was much cheaper than the barbecue burrito, and the corresponding noodles were also very cheap.

Olive served the barbecue noodles, and at this time many customers came to the store one after another.

These people were all wearing clothes made of strong blacksmith cloth, and most of them wanted noodles with shredded gold cheese. Many people added a little extra money to add a chicken leg bone with some meat in the soup, and many people went to the bakery nearby to buy it. Come over with the braised eggs.

When these people saw Fatih and Hakan's clothes, they knew that they were rich or noble, and no one dared to come over to share the table.

Fatih saw a young man carrying a plate who couldn't find a seat, so he called him over to his table.

"What do you do for a living?" Fatih asked the young man.

The young man replied: "I am a worker at the Clover Hinge Factory."

Fatih understood "four-leaf clover" and "factory", but he did not know the unusual word "hinge". After some questioning, he found out that it was a hinge for doors, windows and boxes.

"This business is good." He said politely, "Where there are people, this will be used. Don't worry about selling."

The young man agreed while eating: "Yes, yes, our boss relied on this factory to support four wives at the same time."

Fatih blinked. Are the people here so powerful? They are better at playing than the emperor himself.

When he saw that the young man's noodles contained only tofu skin and no meat, he asked: "You blacksmiths work very hard, don't you have enough strength to swing a hammer without eating meat?"

In his opinion, since he is making hinges, he is a blacksmith. Blacksmiths are all hammer-swingers. These people cannot do such strenuous work without eating meat.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "I don't need a hammer, the machine does all the work. I just need to feed the material and step on the switch with my foot."

Fatih asked curiously: "It's that simple. How much salary can you get?"

The young man said with some embarrassment: "I can't help it. I can't study, so I can only do these simple jobs. The salary is less than six florins a year."

Fatih calculated in his mind that six florin gold coins can now buy almost seven tons of wheat in Wesson, which is a good income for ordinary people, but this man felt that it was not enough.

He asked again: "How many hinges can you make in a day?"

The young man replied: "I am an iron press. I can press out five thousand pairs of blades in a day."

"How many?" Fatih couldn't believe the number he heard.

"Five...thousand...yes." The young man thought the other party was an outsider and couldn't hear clearly, so he said it slowly.

Fatih shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

The young man smiled nonchalantly: "You are here for business, right? If you have time, you can come and see our factory. It's on the street to the east."

"If you are strong enough in your hometown, your boss can give you exclusive sales in that area."

Fatih smiled inwardly, his territory is so big, he will definitely scare you when he says it.

At this time, he suddenly thought that there are many nobles in the country doing business with Weisen State. If he monopolizes these businesses, he can make a lot of money.

People who become emperors naturally know the importance of money. If you have money, you will have an army. If you have more money, the army will be stronger. When the time comes, you can kill the disobedient and buy off the wavering, so that your control over the country can reach a new level. .

Fatih was thinking while eating, and when he made a decision in his mind, the young man and other workers had already eaten and left. There were more than a dozen children queuing in front of the store.

The school opposite had finished, and for a while the streets were filled with children wearing the same clothes.

If there is anything that the people of Wesson are dissatisfied with Duke Wesson, it is the school uniforms that he personally designed.

The current school uniform is a sportswear. The position from the trousers to the armpits and the collar is pure sky blue, and the shoulders and sleeves are white. The main purpose is to be strong and prevent premature love.

Fatih was indeed an emperor, and he could see the important reason at a glance.

He said to Hakan: "As expected of Duke Wesson, he could come up with such a method."

Hakan failed to follow the train of thought and had a question mark.

Fatih continued: "Many conflicts between students in schools come from comparisons. Even the Institute of Enlightenment and the Royal Academy of Magic in the palace are no exception, and even more serious."

"If these children all wear the same clothes, there will be a lot less conflicts."

"What's more important is that this kind of clothes is dyed in the cheapest blue, and it's easy to cut and sew. The fabric doesn't look expensive, so the price will be very cheap."

"In this way, even children from poor families can buy a set of clothes like this. If they buy a larger size at the beginning, they can continue to wear them when they grow up, and they can wear them for several years."

While they were talking, the students queuing up at the entrance of the store happened to meet a short boy. His sleeves and trouser legs had been shortened, and his clothes were also made narrower. He was holding three test papers and giving them to Olive to look at.

When Olive saw that the monthly exam scores for Chinese, mathematics and natural science were all full marks, she put three barbecue rolls in a bag and gave them to him.

The boy took the plastic bag containing the barbecue rolls, bowed and thanked Olive and ran away with a smile.

After all the children who had perfect scores in a single subject in the monthly exam took the test papers and received the barbecue rolls, several teachers who had been waiting in the store began to order.

The lunch customers came and went quickly, and when the last batch of customers from nearby shops left, it was only an hour and a half before school was over.

Olive was so tired that she couldn't stop when other stores brought her lunch not long ago. Now she just had time to sit down and have lunch.

Suddenly she discovered that the two fellow villagers were still there.

Fatih asked her curiously: "Were those children's barbecue rolls given away for free just now?"

Olive took out the fried chicken nuggets from the lunch box and made herself a bowl of soup. At the same time, she said, "Only children with perfect scores can get gifts."

Fatih asked her again: "Will I lose a lot of money this way?"

Olive looked at him with contempt and replied proudly: "I now have a green card from Wesson. Those with white cards have to pay taxes for five years before they can apply."

"According to the law, I have to pay taxes for five years before I can be naturalized. However, if a gentry recommends it, it will only take three years. If there are many gentry, it will only take two years."

"It's not that simple to be recommended by a gentleman. You have to do good things and contribute to society."

At this time, her eyes began to shine: "In three years at most, I can become a Wesson!"

Fatih looked unhappy and asked, "Isn't it bad to be a Ghazi? Why do you have to work so hard to become a Wesen?"

Olive said disdainfully: "What's the good thing about being a Ghazi? Can you have enough to eat?"

"When I was in Wanjing City, there was a fire in my oil mill. The next day, the city lord sent people to take away the things that were not burned and sell them to pay the tax for that year. If I didn't have relatives to take care of me, my family wouldn't be able to have a decent life. funeral."

"If I had stayed there I would have starved to death. How can I eat all-you-can-eat fried chicken here in two or three days like now?"

She picked up a piece of chicken that was coated in flour and fried to golden brown and continued: "In Ghazi, which of us civilians can eat meat for more than a month a year? Even the emperor can't eat it every day." Such delicious fried chicken.”

"Based on this, who would want to be a Ghazi?"

Fatih opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn't. Finally, he sighed, left a gold coin and left.

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