Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 329 He used to be a serf

You can always find new things in Wesson. Some things exist in other places, but when you come here, unexpected changes will happen.

Fatih is no stranger to milk tea. This drink is said to have originated from the mountains in the east that hold up the sky and prevent it from falling to the ground, and gradually spread westward to the Ghazi Empire.

Different places and people like different flavors of milk tea. Some add sugar, some add salt, and there are countless various seasonings, spices and even medicinal materials.

Fatih likes to add mint to milk tea, finding it calming.

Today he made an unexpected discovery in Weissenburg City. The milk tea here contained edible black pearls that were elastic when chewed.

Fatih, who was born into a royal family, is very familiar with precious luxuries such as pearls, but after thinking about it for a long time today and drinking three flavors of milk tea, he still couldn't remember which sea area produced these strange pearls.

He didn't realize for a moment that something named "Pearl" was not necessarily a pearl.

When Fatih was about to order his fourth cup of salted milk tea, he found that the customers in this shop were basically young people. Most of them were young men and women in pairs. Most of the others were adults who ordered a cup and watched their children drink it. Occasionally, A few of them were sitting alone, and the white-haired Hakan at their table suddenly raised the average age of the customers.

The store also sells some snacks purchased from the nearby store. When the boss saw Fatih and the others ordering so much milk tea, he gave them a plate of long and thin biscuits, as well as maltose for dipping the biscuits.

"Hakan," Fatih said after eating a biscuit, "go and find out how a house like this is built."

He noticed that the houses on this street were almost exactly the same as those at the barbecue restaurant and the street he passed just now. Moreover, there was no wall at the street door of the shop on the first floor. There was a stack of door panels beside the door, which looked very spacious.

As soon as Hakan nodded, a young man wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and holding a thermos cup came in, followed by a young lady wearing a dark blue women's suit and carrying a briefcase.

As the saying goes, what goes up leads to deeds. Successful people in Wesson state dress in line with the Duke of Wesson and high-level government officials. The style of the office is very popular. If you don't feel good-looking, it must be your problem.

The most important thing in this outfit is not the clothes on the body, not the other pens in the breast pocket, nor the leather belt or pocket watch, but the thermos cup in the hand.

Thermos cups here are not expensive and can be used by ordinary workers and farmers, but even those with money cannot buy them.

Hoffman walked to Fatih's table and placed the thermos cup skillfully on the table. On the cup, the two lines "Tax Advance Individual" and "Wesson Tax Department" faced each other.

If you don’t have a thermos cup awarded by the Wesson State Government or a powerful group, you will be embarrassed to say hello to others.

Hoffman said to Fatih apologetically: "I'm very sorry for keeping our distinguished guest waiting for so long. Today, Minister Omet summoned us to a meeting. When we came back, we heard that our distinguished guest was visiting and came immediately."

Fatih had just heard about the Clover Hinge Factory at the barbecue restaurant. After leaving the barbecue restaurant, he asked about it, but was told that the boss was not there. He saw a milk tea shop opposite and came over to try something new.

Fatih asked curiously: "Can you see Omet?"

He had done his homework before coming here and had some knowledge of the high-level officials of the Wesson State government. Among the scholars who came here from Constantbul that year, Omet was the most respected by the Duke of Wesson, and he was one of the first batch of Wesson State officials. One of the barons.

In the emperor's view, being summoned by such a big shot showed that the factory owner's status was not low, and he was probably a descendant of some powerful person.

Hoffman replied: "Your Majesty Ogilvy didn't just summon me. Almost all the factory owners were present at today's meeting."

"This year, a delegation from the Kingdom of Gaul came to Weisen to discuss economic and trade cooperation. Master Psyche suggested holding a product exhibition. Each of our factories will display their products for guests to choose from."

Fatih nodded, remembering the treasure fair held in the palace. Lords from all over the country brought local treasures to display in the palace. Firstly, they wanted to please the emperor, secondly, they showed their strength, and thirdly, they were promoted.

He made a note of this in his mind and considered how he would participate in it.

"I'm from the Ghazi Empire." Fatih said, "I heard that the hinges here are very cheap, and I want to capture the sales within the entire Ghazi Empire."

Hoffman was startled. At first he thought the customer wanted to purchase a large quantity of goods, but he didn't expect that when he asked, he would get the exclusive sales rights of a country.

Similar exclusive agents are not unfamiliar to the merchants of Wesson. For many years, the steel business in the southern continent has been exclusively represented by the Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Kush. The paper business of the Kingdom of Gaul has also been represented by the Duke of Wesson. A friend is the exclusive agent, and these cases can be seen in books.

It's just that Hoffman felt that agents in a country would only represent important commodities. Small things like hinges were not suitable for such big business. Many distant businessmen only purchased some fillers when they saw that the ships were still empty.

Now that big business has come to his door, Hoffman recalled the lecture content during the business training and said calmly: "The exclusive agent has additional terms and must ensure a minimum purchase volume every year. If the actual purchase volume is lower than this quantity, The right of agency is cancelled."

Fatih thought that the other party would think that he was a liar, or that he was too happy because of the big business, but he did not expect that he would put forward the condition of minimum purchase quantity.

It's just that this makes it difficult. I have never done business, and now I just want to try it on a whim. I have no idea how much this hinge can sell in China.

Hoffman saw that he was in a bit of a dilemma, so he continued: "The minimum purchase quantity can be estimated based on the market population, transportation costs, sales costs and expected selling prices. Generally speaking, there will be between ten and twenty percent. If the actual sales volume in the first year is within the error, the two parties can conduct further discussions."

"Hinges are a commodity with small profits but quick turnover. The transportation costs caused by long-distance transportation will make its selling price too high and lose its market competitiveness."

"So I suggest that the minimum purchase amount be calculated based on the population of coastal port areas and areas with smooth waterways. This will be beneficial to both of us."

After that, he said something to the secretary behind him, and the secretary left the milk tea shop.

Fatih sighed with admiration: "What you said makes sense, I agree."

"I didn't expect you to be so proficient in business. I don't know which family you come from."

In his opinion, Hoffman, who looked to be in his twenties, should be the second son of a large family who did not have the right to inherit the title. His mission was to help the family make money, so he could receive such an excellent education.

Hoffman was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile and said: "I don't have any family. I am the child of a serf. I was a serf a few years ago. This store was opened by my parents."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the boss and the proprietress at the counter. Although they did not hear the conversation there, they smiled and nodded.

Fatih was stunned for a moment. If he were in China, he would definitely let this guy bring fun to the whole family for deceiving the emperor.

"I took the liberty." He thought of another possibility, "Don't worry, I won't reveal your whereabouts to your family."

Hoffman couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that the rich man regarded himself as a young master who had run away from home.

"I really didn't lie to you." He shook his head again, "My life experience is not a secret. It has been in the newspaper and many people know it."

"My family is indeed a serf. In the past, the whole family could not afford two complete sets of clothes. Whoever went out would wear them."

"Fortunately, my sister was favored by a businessman under the Duke of Wesson and married home, so the family got better. Later, they recommended me to work in a factory in Wesson."

"I thought of a new invention while I was working, and it was valued by Duke Wesson and scholars at the university. Later, my boss gave me a bonus, and my brother-in-law lent me another sum of money and helped me get a loan to buy the first After a few machines, the factory was slowly built.”

Fatih said: "I feel like I am listening to an introduction to opera."

Hoffman scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "A writer did come to me not long ago and wanted to write an opera and a novel about my experiences."

Fatih sighed: "It seems like you are a genius in business."

Hoffman replied: "I'm not a genius. I've just been taking correspondence courses at Weisenberg University's Business School for the past few years and following the textbooks."

This is an eye-opener for Fatih. I am afraid that this is the only business school in the world.

At this time, Hoffman's secretary came back and whispered something in his ear.

Hoffman said to Fatih: "In order to enhance mutual understanding, I invite you to visit my factory."

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