Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 331 Let the people from Weisen State work for me

In recent days, there has been news circulating in the high-level business circles of Weissenburg City that a national agent of the Ghazi Empire has been negotiating big business with various factories. The Four-leaf Clover Hinge Factory has signed a hinge agreement with him. With the contract as the general agent of Scale Armor, this guy Hoffman was so happy that he took his four wives and a group of children to the zoo's big bird cage for half a day.

At the same time, another piece of news leaked out from the top of Weisen State. This agent was indeed powerful in the Ghazi Empire and was enough to represent a country's business.

A group of factory owners were gearing up and soon found out the address and style of this wealthy businessman.

He gets up every morning when the school bell next to him rings. After breakfast, he reads newspapers and magazines on the balcony until lunch time. Then he goes to the Ghazi Grill opposite the school for lunch. At this time, he chats with fellow villagers. In the afternoon, he Visit the factory by the river in Xincheng District.

In these days, Fatih signed agreements with several factories such as a knife factory, a nail factory, and a carpenter's tool factory, and would ship the goods to the Ghazi Empire as soon as the payment was received.

Hakan was not idle either. He followed Fatih to visit every afternoon, peeked at the account books at night, and kept silent when he came back.

This morning, after finishing breakfast, Fatih did not read the newspaper as he had done the previous few days. Instead, he took the income and expenditure statements of several factories last year and studied them carefully.

Fatih did not spend any more time on the long list of figures, but concentrated on studying the expenditure items and the proportions of the most important expenditures. It was already lunch time when he had an idea.

He didn't go to Olive's today. He just asked the hotel staff to buy him lunch. He saw that store by chance yesterday and there were many customers.

The hotel staff couldn't figure out why this distinguished guest wanted to eat the ordinary soybean oil noodles. They couldn't figure out whether the restaurant made it delicious or whether it was the guest's hobby.

The noodle seller was confused when he saw the staff of the luxury hotel bringing silver and gold plates to buy noodles. The noodles he sells here are economical and affordable. The noodles are cheap multi-grain noodles. Add chopped green onion, salt and soy sauce to the bowl. Then add a spoonful of hot soybean oil, and finally add the cooked noodles and mix well. For a little extra money, you can get some lard residue. The customers are all workers with little money.

Although the noodles and seasonings were rough and the taste was salty, Fatih ate it as seriously as if he were eating royal meals in a palace.

Hakan ate a little hesitantly on the sidelines. He had been living well and living well since he became famous. He had not eaten such coarse food for many years.

Fatih said while eating: "In Wesson, the salary of a low-level apprentice can allow a family of four to eat two meals of noodles like this every day, and at the same time eat meat once every three to five days, or one egg a day." .”

Hakan still had some understanding of the living standards of ordinary people, and said in surprise: "Their wages are actually so high. In places with poorer land in the country, landlords cannot eat meat and eggs two or three times a day. These are all due to busy farming. It can only be eaten during festivals and festivals.”

Fatih picked up a piece of lard residue with a fork and said: "Duke Wesson uses military merit to distribute the profits of the factory."

"The income of a factory is mainly divided into four parts. Various taxes paid to the government account for 20%. Managers such as supervisors and master craftsmen like military officers receive 10%. Workers receive 50%. The public funds of the factory account for 10%. Half, and the factory owner takes the remaining half.”

Hakan nodded slightly. He had participated in many wars before and had great experience in dividing the spoils after winning.

Part of the spoils of an army should be given to the emperor, and part should be used as capital to maintain and expand the army. The officers and soldiers under his command should also share some, otherwise no one will work for you, and the generals cannot keep it all.

Fatih continued while eating lard residue: "It is not enough for workers to have money, they must have enough money, otherwise no matter how much money they have, it will be in vain."

"Here, food and cloth are very cheap, and as long as you are willing to work, you can feed your family."

Hakan said incredulously: "Everyone knows that too many people in Wessen are short of food, but I can't figure out how they manage to keep food prices so low."

Fatih said matter-of-factly: "Of course I bought it."

"In Wesson State, negative tariffs have been imposed on commodities such as grain, cotton, wool, ore and magic crystals for many years. In other words, even if the purchase price is a bit high, you can make some money by shipping it here."

"So now many people come here to sell food, and the empty cabins are filled with goods and shipped away."

Although Hakan is the God of Dharma, he knows nothing about economic construction. He said with some doubts: "In this way, Wesson's tariff will be a big hole. How much money will it take to fill it up?"

Fatih said: "Of course there are compensation measures. Things like cloth and iron imported from outside are subject to tariffs of more than 60%, so this makes up for it."

"The newspaper also said that if the export of grain from Wesson is subject to a 500% tariff, no one will do this business. It seems that only processed food and special flour will not have to pay such a high export tax."

"I'm thinking, let's just pay for our business with grain and ore."

Hakan was stunned for a moment and asked: "Master, do you really want to do business?"

He thought that the emperor's visit to the factory was just to steal economic information, but he didn't expect to actually do business.

Fatih nodded and replied: "This business needs to be done, and it needs to be big."

"The quality of the products here is high and the prices are cheap. Shipping them back is better and cheaper than those produced in China. I can definitely make a lot of money."

"You also know the situation in the country. There are many people who want to oust me. Even Therma cannot fully trust them, so a large amount of money is needed to form a new army."

Hakan thought for a while and then said: "Sir, I think it's better to buy machines and build them yourself. Those machines are chickens that lay golden eggs."

Fatih sighed, shook his head and said, "I have inquired. The price of a machine is enough to live in a guest room like this for a year."

"In other words, the hinge factory we visited on the first day has enough machines for a newborn baby to live here until adulthood."

"I've thought about it. Instead of buying machines back home, we should just buy the ones they make. The more we buy, the lower the price will be. It's equivalent to letting the people from Wesson work for us."

Hakan thought it made sense and said seriously: "Best regards, Your Majesty!"

Fatih smiled proudly and whispered: "I discovered a secret. The water pipes in the bathroom are very strong and can be used as barrels for muskets."

"I plan to pretend to ask the price in a few days. If it's cheap, I'll buy it back. By then I will have tens of thousands of armored musketeers. Let's see who dares not to listen to me."

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