Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 332 The raw materials of good things are

Chapter 332 The raw materials of good things are...

Unknowingly, Olive's barbecue shop became Fatih's external reception area. Every day after lunch, merchants would come here to sell their products to the emperor.

Every time Fatih passed by, he would bring a bag of fried chicken to Olive, treating it as the venue fee for renting the venue.

On this day, when His Majesty the Emperor came to the barbecue restaurant, he found Olive eating something that looked quite novel.

I saw Olive pour some kind of powder into the bowl, add some hot water and stir quickly. After a while, I got a bowl of fragrant paste.

Fatih sniffed and smelled the smell of Elizabethan potatoes and milk in the bowl of paste, mixed with some indescribable weird but delicious aroma.

After he asked, Olive replied: "This is called Fuqiang powder. It is a good product produced in the landlady's factory. It is said that this is the name given by Duke Wesson."

"Now there is only enough for the army to buy. It will be sold on the market when the factory expands at the end of the year. When my wife saw that I was losing weight, she gave me some to replenish my body."

"This kind of Fuqiang powder is very nutritious. It is said that it is rich in protein, vitamins and so on. It can be used as a staple food or a snack to supplement nutrition. Patients will get better quickly after eating it, and it can also prevent blindness at night."

"Although I don't know what proteins and vitamins are, what is said in the Wesson Daily is definitely correct."

Fatih had never seen Weisenzhou's tonics before, so out of curiosity, he asked her to get him a bowl to try.

The appearance of this bowl of gooey paste is pretty good. It is light orange and can be seen to be very delicate. It has a good texture and a somewhat rich taste.

Fatih tasted the taste of Elizabeth potatoes, carrots, lemons, sugar, cream and a little salt. There was also a taste that was a bit like chicken but not chicken. He didn't know what it was.

During this time, he had learned something about Wesson's food, and asked if the olives would be packaged, and wanted to see the recipe list on it.

"Secret Recipe".

His Majesty the Emperor didn't know what to say.

In fact, this is for his own good. Although this kind of instant assorted mashed potatoes is rich in nutrients, its main ingredient is a protein-rich ingredient in addition to potatoes, carrots and cream. Most people who know it are a little scared.

It was just that Fatih wanted to commit suicide and asked Olive to contact the landlord and say that he wanted to import a large amount. The next day, he visited the factory more than ten kilometers away.

"What's this?"

When Fatih saw the yellow bugs as big as silkworms crawling in the tray, his face turned pale, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He was not as scared as he was now when he was surrounded by floods in the Kingdom of Kush.

Rhea, the female owner of the factory, said calmly: "This is a cakeworm from the dark land of the north. The locals use it to replenish the health of sick patients."

Fatih said: "I think the patient has to eat this kind of food because he is too weak to resist."

Leya smiled and continued: "The place where cakeworms live is very cold and summer is short, so they have to eat as much as possible in a short period of time to grow, and they grow very quickly."

"I roasted the bugs and fed them to the pigs at first. The pigs that ate the bugs grew a finger thicker in fat than the pigs that didn't eat them, and they were also a lot bigger."

"The year before last, my husband said that the army wanted a convenient and nutritious cheap dry food, so I thought of cakeworms, and later made Fuqiang powder."

Fatih forced himself not to think about the bugs in the paste he ate yesterday, and concentrated on observing them carefully.

There is wheat bran underneath the tray where the bugs are raised, and fresh grass on top. The only thing the bugs have to do is keep eating.

Fatih continued to visit and found that this place was different from the cooking workshop he thought. He didn't see a traditional pot.

Cake worms that have grown for a certain number of days are sent to a nearby room by workers and put into empty trays. After the intestines and stomach are drained, they are washed in a sink, then put into the oven to bake, and finally dehydrated, dried and ground into insect powder.

It was already spring, and the potatoes brought out from the special cellar were still a little cold.

Fatih saw the workers putting the potatoes into a sink the size of a bathtub that could be used by more than a dozen people. A magician next to him cast a whirlpool spell, and the potatoes were quickly washed.

Hakan was speechless as he watched. This magician didn't seem to be of high skill. He could use this level of whirlpool at the age of eight. He still had to take two breaths after using it once. He would spend his whole life in the army's mage corps. He can only be used as cannon fodder in the mage war.

The washed Elizabeth potatoes were put into a long machine. Fatih did not see the rotating brush inside working. He only saw that when the potatoes came out, the skin was basically gone.

After the workers cleaned up some unqualified potatoes, these fist-sized potatoes were put into the machine and cut into finger-sized pieces, and finally put into trays and steamed in a large pressure cooker.

The steamed potatoes are directly put into the extruder and squeezed into puree, then mixed evenly with insect powder and other materials in the blender, and squeezed into thin strips for final drying and grinding.

After Fatih visited the factory, he came to the reception room. At this time, Rhea had to deal with some unexpected situations. He and Hakan drank tea in the reception room and waited for a while.

Fatih asked Hakan: "Do you think we can do it ourselves when we go back?"

Hakan thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.

Fatih sighed and said: "I know what you mean. Without those big machines, if it is all done by people, it will only be enough to support those workers, and I will not get much money."

"You saw the necklace around that lady's neck, right? It's a royal collection from Constantinople. You can't buy it back for less than 500 gold coins."

"This shows that it is very profitable for her to open this factory. I think the cost of using machines is much lower than using people, and it can do more."

"Forget it, let's buy the finished product."

"The meat of insects is also meat. If my army can eat meat every day, why are they afraid that they will not be able to defeat others?"

"I've inquired about it. There is a loan limit at Wesson Bank."

"If she wants to expand the factory and raise more bugs to sell to us, she will need more money. I'm afraid the money is beyond her financial ability. I'm afraid it won't be enough even if she sells the necklace."

"I decided to lend her a sum of money to expand the factory, and I will repay it with goods when the time comes."

Hakan habitually agreed, since he had no control over how the emperor spent his money.

The two of them waited for an hour before Rhea came back.

Leya said apologetically: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. My husband suddenly came back just now, and it was because of official business that I talked to him for a long time."

Fatih said: "It doesn't matter. If it's inconvenient today, I can come back tomorrow."

"No need." Leya shook her head slightly, "He has official business and will return to the army after finishing it."

"There is some tension on the front line now. If he is delayed due to personal matters, he will be retired at worst or go to jail at worst. He may be able to be knighted next year. If so, almost nine years of hard work will be in vain."

Fatih was surprised after hearing this: "Is there really going to be a war?"

Leia replied with some worry: "Yes, I heard that the emperor of the Osmaga Empire is dying, and the Principality of Franconia and the Alliance of Legens, which were originally controlled by him, are now completely independent."

"This time the son of the Grand Duke of Franconia is sentenced to death for killing someone here. The Grand Duke of Franconia said that if his son is executed, he will start a war."

"Hmph, he only dared to be so arrogant because he liked Duke Wesson traveling abroad and winning the alliance with Legens in the east. If Duke Wesson was still here, he would not dare to do this."

"But don't worry, although the front line is less than a hundred kilometers away from here, it will be fine. The enemy will definitely not be able to win."

Fatih saw her expression gradually change from worry to pride when she finished speaking.

"Let me ask," Fatih said, "Is your husband an officer in the Wesson Army?"

When outsiders mentioned her husband, Leya's emerald eyes seemed to glow, and she said proudly: "My husband is the 'Emperor Killer' Metzger. He is still a student at the military academy. I believe he will become an officer soon." Canonized as a knight."

Fatih was stunned for a moment, good guy, why did he, an emperor, come to the house of another emperor's killer?

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