Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 334 Coming back in a hurry

Fatih had participated in many social activities, such as hunting, banqueting, and bathing, but this was his first time playing table tennis.

May 10 was Sunday. In the afternoon, Fatih was invited by Hoffman to attend a gathering organized by the circle of light industry bosses at a billiards club in the city.

For the strong players in this world, it is not difficult to control the power and angle to clear the ball in one shot, so there are many more rules to increase the difficulty and interest, such as increasing the number of balls, and you can only score three goals in a row at most.

The bosses enthusiastically taught the big benefactor how to play and gave in after several games. Fatih felt for a moment that he was back in China, surrounded by sycophants.

For the first time, someone flattered him not because of his status but because of his gold coins. This made His Majesty the Emperor find it very novel and made him laugh very happily.

When the bosses saw the big benefactor smiling happily, they themselves also became happy, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

There were tables and chairs in the billiard room for guests to drink tea and rest. After winning two more games, Fatih sat down next to him, chatted for a few words with a shoe factory owner, and then pretended to casually ask: "I heard on the radio that We’re getting ready for war, aren’t you nervous?”

"It's okay," the boss laughed, "we can't fail."

Fatih is not as optimistic as he is. He has recently studied the situation and found that the main enemy is the Franconian Principality in the north. The army has been gathering for many days. The Legens Alliance, which is adjacent to the two places in the east, is also beginning to mobilize troops in Wei. The troops gathered in the northeast of Mori Province and seemed to be uniting their forces. It could be seen that the Legens Alliance must have formed an alliance with the Principality of Franconia for this battle.

In terms of strength balance, the Principality of Franconia covers an area of ​​about 16,000 square kilometers, 7 cities and 18 towns, a population of about 800,000, mines, a standing army and mercenaries of about 15,000, 80 knights, and a magician in the mages directly under the Grand Duke. There were about 50 people, including three sword masters.

The Legens Alliance, which suddenly intervened, covers an area of ​​about 10,000 square kilometers, with 3 cities and 7 towns, a population of about 600,000, and many mines. Among the 20,000-person standing army, 5,000 are known for being good at mountain warfare, and there are 60 knights. , there are 150 people directly under the mage group, and one dragon knight magic god.

Weisen State covers an area of ​​about 8,000 square kilometers, with more than ten cities and a population of about 450,000. There are no mines, the number of public standing armies is "more than 10,000", there are no canned knights only light cavalry, the number of mages is "several", and swords A saint, a person that even sword masters dare not offend.

In Fatih's view, in the comparison of military strength between the two sides, Wesson State seems to have an advantage in terms of equipment and record, but its disadvantage is its small number of people. If the Principality of Franconia and the League of Legens are deployed to the north and east respectively, the troops will be divided. The strength of Wesen's army will be greatly weakened.

A group of men mingled together, chatting more excitedly about the war than about women. After a while, they set up a formation with billiard balls on the table to simulate the coming war.

Hoffman and the others only knew about the war by reading the military pages and novels in newspapers, and usually bragging after drinking too much.

However, Fatih is a professional and knows how to fight a battle. He attacks from multiple fronts and the bosses want to defend on all fronts. As a result, the troops are diluted and the defense line becomes a sieve.

The bosses became worried and felt that this situation was indeed likely to happen.

Fatih also became worried. He had already paid deposits for so many orders he had placed. If Weisen State was defeated, wouldn't it mean that all the fishing net was in vain?

At this moment, many bosses' secretaries swarmed into the billiard room and whispered a few words in front of their bosses.

In just a few breaths, these bosses suddenly smiled, and the boulder in their hearts fell within half an hour.

Fatih saw their changes and felt puzzled, so he curiously asked what happened.

At the same time, in the foyer of the castle of the Wesson family, Frederick asked Alfred: "Where is dawn?"

Ah Fu replied: "Today is Sunday, and he went to the zoo to cheat on food and drink again."

Frederick was speechless and too lazy to care about it, and began to arrange Afu's work: "The three gryphon knights who sent me back are all barons from the Kingdom of Sardinia, and they are treated as counts."

"Those three griffins are very tired after flying for several days in a row. Prepare more fresh pork, and ask for the part with more fat."

"They didn't bring any attendants. They arranged for people from the zoo to come and take care of the griffins."

At this time, the maid came over to report that the bathroom was ready, and Frederick went to take a bath first.

When he was about to go to the bathroom, he said to Ah Fu: "Inform the Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Military Affairs. There will be a meeting in the building of the Ministry of Military Affairs in three hours."

Ah Fu asked: "Why don't you take a rest?"

Frederick shook his head: "Listen to their report first, and then rest after that."

Ah Fu asked again: "Where will you have dinner tonight?"

There must be a celebration when Frederick comes back, and such a banquet must be prepared in advance.

After thinking for a while, he said: "I will spend the night at the Military Affairs Department tonight and come back here tomorrow morning."

Although Frederick usually lived in a manor where he cultivated seeds outside the city, which was more comfortable, but now that he was about to enter a state of war, it was more appropriate to live in a castle.

He originally planned to build a Chinese-style garden for daily living, but after the drawings were designed, he found that the surrounding suitable land had become industrial parks, so he had to slow down.

"By the way!" He remembered something again, "I have a manuscript in my luggage bag. Take it to Teacher Psyche and Baron Adam to have a look at it, and then arrange for printing."

The water temperature in the bath was just right. It was so comfortable to soak in that he felt like sleeping. Frederick took a deep breath.

Thanks to the telegraph system, the fact that the Principality of Franconia and the League of Regans secretly formed an alliance against the Wesson State reached the hands of Frederick of El Chapo Island more than ten days ago.

If it were just a Franconian Principality, Frederick could still let his men train and train, but it was different with the Regens Alliance. The two places had just fought a few years ago, and now the alliance shows that there is either If there is enough interest, there will either be a powerful force pulling the strings behind the scenes.

After receiving the news, Frederick immediately said goodbye to Françoise and asked King Francesco of the Kingdom of Sardinia for help. Finally, Francesco sent a gryphon knight to send him back.

The distance along this journey is about one thousand kilometers, and the griffin's endurance can only fly more than two hundred kilometers per day. It also needs to have enough meat supplies along the way. This journey took five days in total.

When Frederick took a short rest, the news of his return to Weissenburg quickly spread in Weissenburg, and the hourly news was released through the radio station at the top of the castle tower.

During this period, the news continued to broadcast news of tense border situations. The residents of Wesson state were quite nervous. Many foreign businessmen were as worried about the situation as Fatih.

Now that the news of Duke Wesson's return from the trip came out, the gloom suddenly cleared away, and there were even a lot of cheers on the streets.

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