Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 335 There are many places to inspect when you come back

With the rapid economic development of Wesson, people's pockets are gradually bulging, and there are more snacks on the market.

Many years ago, when Frederick went to the market to inspect, he saw someone selling hawthorn, so the fruit peel appeared.

This sour snack with a hint of sweetness and a special aroma quickly spread under the name of "Hawthorn Jam Roll" under the aura of Duke Wesson. It is widely loved by young people, and because of the tradition here Medical science believes that hawthorn has the effect of strengthening the heart, and the elderly have begun to take one as a health supplement every day.

Frederick was too lazy to make money from this small business, so he simply published his method in the "Getting Rich" column of "Wesson Daily News".

At this moment, a brown fruit bark was stretched out in front of Frederick, and behind him was Maria's red face.

Frederick's face leaned forward slightly, biting one end of the fruit peel, and eating it bit by bit, his mouth getting closer and closer to Maria's red lips...

"They are two disgusting people. Fortunately, they are not my children, otherwise they would have been ruined."

Psyche appeared silently in the study, speaking a language that Maria could not understand, which startled the girl.

The two people behind the desk had to stop their deep kiss. Maria's face was as red as a ripe hawthorn. She wanted to run away but was hugged tightly by Frederick.

Psyche put a document on the desk and said to Frederick: "This is the list of this year's Golden Durian Award of the Wesson Science Society. You can finalize it when you come back."

"I'm leaving, you continue."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Before closing the door, she loudly told Vanessa, who was in the secretary's room next to the office, not to enter the leader's office.

Maria pressed her face tightly against Frederick's chest, pinched the soft flesh on his waist hard, and said while pinching, "I hate it, I'm embarrassed in front of Teacher Psyche."

Frederick said with a black line: "I'll have to change the lock to a better one next time."

Maria's face turned redder and her hands became stronger. She had locked the lock from the inside when she entered the door just now.

Frederick rubbed Maria's head with his chin, held her with one hand, and with the other hand began to pick up the documents accumulated on the table over the past year and began to read.

The office suddenly became quiet, and Frederick could hear the heartbeat and smell the faint smell of ink on Maria's clothes.

After Frederick put down the balance sheet for last year's battle to recapture Constantinople, Maria asked him in a low voice: "Do you really want to negotiate with the Franconian Principality?"

Maria is sixteen years old this year and has begun to officially participate in the activities of the circle of noble ladies. Inquiring and spreading news is their main task.

Frederick returned yesterday. When he left the military camp this morning, the morning news broadcast reported that he called on the Archduke of Franconia to remain calm and was willing to strengthen dialogue between the two sides and maintain regional peace.

This action made people confused. It was clear that the public sentiment in Weisen State was aroused some time ago, but Duke Weisen's attitude had changed in circles. This morning, a certain emperor who did not want to be named thought about this matter. Milk oatmeal was fed into the nostrils.

Frederick patted Maria's black silk-smooth hair on the back and said calmly: "Just say that I am peace-loving and hope to resolve this issue peacefully through communication."

Maria nodded slightly.

Frederick asked again: "How is your publishing house doing now?"

Frederick didn't want Maria to wander between salons and balls all day long like those noble ladies, so he built a publishing house after discussing with her.

This publishing house did not enter the increasingly competitive battlefield of popular books, but specialized in the comic book market. When its peers realized, Maria not only occupied the children and teenagers market, but also began to penetrate into the adult field based on this.

Maria said proudly: "Now my publishing house is running very well. There are dedicated people collecting stories from all over the place, and some people adapt them. I and others will draw them into comic strips, but there won't be enough to sell them."

Frederick smiled and said: "I'll give you a suggestion. Create a few characters as protagonists, arrange some stories about them, and develop these characters for a long time."

Maria didn't quite understand the idea of ​​cultivating a character, so she didn't immediately agree: "Let me discuss it with everyone, it will be difficult."

While looking at the research progress of the 1.5-ton hot air airship, Frederick said: "This matter is not urgent. I will tell you my thoughts in detail when I have time."

Maria responded softly.

Frederick put down the report on the airship, held the girl in his arms tighter, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the zoo tomorrow."

Maria's eyes lit up, but she immediately said worriedly: "It's not good, you must have a lot to do when you come back, and there is a high possibility of fighting."

Frederick pinched her nose gently and said, "It doesn't matter. In addition to inspecting the zoo tomorrow, we also have to go to Weissenburg University."

"The day after tomorrow I will go to the construction sites of the cathedral and the big library. The day after tomorrow I will go to the elementary school in the new city area in the morning and inspect the textile factory in the afternoon."

“The next steps are the steel factory, the heavy machinery factory, the paper factory, the glass factory and the slime factory, as well as the milk factory, cannery and ceramics factory.”

"After we finish the inspection here in Weisenberg City, we have to visit a few cities. We also need to go to the observatory and take a train by the way."

"There is also this year's Wesson State Bond Sale coming up, and I will definitely attend."

"This year's Upstream Cup football match will be held in a while. The teams from the Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bayern will come to compete, and we will also attend."

Frederick finally finished talking about the places he wanted to inspect. Those factories were his favorites. He had conducted on-site investigations from time to time when he was here. Now that he is back from an outing, he will definitely go for a tour.

Maria noticed that his schedule was inconsistent with the current situation, but she followed her parents' instructions not to actively participate in internal affairs, so she pretended that she didn't know anything.

"Okay then." She nodded, "The time is coming, I'll go back and prepare some clothes for the trip."

Frederick had a question mark: "When is the time? It's still a long time before lunch."

Maria just smiled and said nothing.

Ten minutes later, there was a substitution on Frederick's legs.

When Susan walked into the office, her clothes smelled of disinfectant herbal water. She had to go to the hospital to work later.

The princess of the Kingdom of Kush was fourteen years old this year. Frederick kissed her forehead gently and asked, "Are you tired from interning in the hospital?"

Susan nodded and replied: "I'm very tired. Mainly because I'm tired. I'm also sad to see the children crying."

Now the hospitals in Wesson are divided into specialties according to Frederick's requirements. Susan chose the children's general surgery department in the pediatric department. It treats injured children. The crying in this department is the loudest in the hospital.

Frederick temporarily put down his work and talked to Susan about what happened to her mother, brother and family when they were in the Kingdom of Kush.

Susan listened attentively, asking questions from time to time, her golden eyes blinking.

Everything in the castle seemed calm, and the market became peaceful due to the return and statement of Duke Wesson, as if the armed confrontation dozens of kilometers away did not exist.

In a temporary military camp by the river, the aroma of stew wafted from the kitchen. After finishing lunch, several soldiers gathered around the dining table to ask questions about their trainee platoon leader.

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