Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 339 The top needs to be dealt with by the top

In a war, it is extremely important to seize the initiative, especially for the weak side. Only by leading the opponent's nose can victory be possible.

The Archduke of Franken and the Archduke of Regens reached a consensus after eating the roast pig. They took the initiative in this battle and caught the other side off guard to gain the initiative. Maybe they could bring Duke Wesson back to the negotiating table.

"We will attack the troops of the Principality of Mainz first." Archduke Franken said, "They did not expect that we would take the initiative to attack, and they would definitely mess up their position."

Grand Duke Regens frowned, shook his head and said, "I think we should attack the Principality of Byrne first. Some of their main forces have recently arrived at the border of the Osmaga Empire. They are the weakest and easiest to deal with."

The army of the Principality of Mainz in the west is threatening the Principality of Franconia, and the army of the Principality of Byrne in the southeast is eyeing the Regens Alliance. Both big guys want to solve their own troubles first.

This is a matter of principle that is vital to their life and death. If they are defeated in the battle with Wesson's army and can return to their hometown, neither side is willing to give in.

While the two archdukes were arguing, Frederick secretly came to the military camp on the front line, along with Richard Nall and Becher, two men with top-notch military power.

The three sword masters of the Principality of Franconia, Denis, Branimir, Dixon, and the Dharma God Bol invited from the Piast Kingdom by the Regans Alliance have arrived at the front line. Only Richardna is here in Wesson State. After Frederick, a sword master, reached a consensus with the nobles of the Rhine League, Becher, the head of the Royal Mage Group, came to Wesson in his own name.

The Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Byrne originally planned to send people to help, but Frederick did not agree and just asked them to sit in his own army.

Now, in the middle of the battlefield, the number of top combatants on both sides was 4:2, and Weisen State was at a disadvantage.

When Frederick arrived at the military camp, he got unexpected good news: after careful consideration, Fatih decided to let Hakan assist Frederick.

Although Hakan's strength has declined after his broken arm was restored, he can still help calm the situation and deal with the situation. What is more important is Fatih's attitude behind this.

Becher did not know Hakan, but had heard the name and had no special reaction.

Richard Nall knew him and saw that there was something wrong with his hand, so he just smiled and said nothing.

All the guests came, and they came to help in the fight. Regardless of the past hostility between him and himself, Frederick set up a simple dinner reception.

The meal at the military camp dinner was simple, with fragrant roasted pig's trotters placed on top of chopped sauerkraut.

However, the pig's trotters were roasted by Frederick himself. From this point of view alone, it was not a injustice to Hakan and Fatih, who represented Hakan.

Frederick had long known that Fatih and Hakan had placed many orders, so he didn't care since they were here to send money.

At the brief dinner, he asked the guests how their stay in Wesson was and whether they had encountered any difficulties, all in polite words.

After dinner, on the way to the headquarters, Frederick took a look at Hakan's arm that he had cut off, and suddenly reached out and patted the broken arm where it was reattached.

Hakan was stunned for a moment. At first he thought he was playing a prank or hinting at something, but after two breaths he immediately became surprised.

Although the broken arm was connected, there was always something strange, and the entire arm failed to recover despite all efforts. As a result, Hakan's mentality was damaged and his strength plummeted.

Now this place was just lightly patted by Frederick, and the strange feeling disappeared instantly. Not only his arms, but his whole body relaxed as if the huge boulder pressing on his body was lifted.

"Your Majesty," Hakan said with surprise and curiosity, "what did you just do?"

Frederick smiled and said: "Nothing, it's just to remove some of the magic elements remaining in your arm."

Hakan asked in surprise: "Is there really residual magic element in my arm? During the previous treatment, many people thought that the residual element interfered with my arm, but no one, including me, could find the existence of the element. "

With his own strength and the strength of the elites who treated him, it stands to reason that no matter what kind of magic element it is, he can at least detect it. However, there are symptoms in this arm but the root cause of the disease has not been found. It is like hearing a noise on the ceiling but not being there. There was someone on the top of the building, and everything seemed strange.

Hakan continued: "What element is this that is so weird?"

Frederick smiled and said: "If I had not mastered this power, the grass on the grave would be no more than my knees."

When he fought Hakan, he used the element of annihilation. This magical element did not exist in this world. It was transformed by Psyche. Currently, only the two visitors from another world can use it. Hakan and the others naturally cannot discover it.

Because of this, Frederick used it as his trump card and would not reveal it easily, but would just fool it at will.

Hakan came to help now. He could not go into battle injured, so Frederick helped him remove the root cause of the disease.

Hakan saw that Frederick didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The headquarters arrived quickly. It was brightly lit and there was a huge sand table in the middle. Military officer Franz Jr., staff officer Helmut and a group of staff had been waiting for a long time.

Hakan's head didn't move after he came in, but his eyes were darting around, obviously with the mission of seeking information.

Frederick didn't care, he had already thought of it.

Some things require too many prerequisites. Not many forces can learn military food alone, let alone the military's ideological education. "Going forward is not combat effectiveness. Being able to go forward is combat effectiveness." Even allies They can't understand that applying it mechanically will lead to a dead end.

Young Franz, Helmut and others immediately stood at attention and saluted when they saw Frederick coming in.

What bothered Hakan was that all the officers here called Frederick "principal", and only the soldiers called him "commander".

Frederick came to the sand table and asked Helmut to introduce the current situation.

The sand table was filled with all kinds of flags, and it was easy to see the layout of both sides.

The main force of the Wesson Army is deployed two kilometers south of the Wesson border. To the south is the city of Nuremberg, which serves as a strategic support point. There is a newly built stone bridge on the river between the two places. The ships and materials prepared can be used to build several Make a pontoon.

The coalition forces of the Principality of Franconia and the League of Legens were deployed 20 kilometers away to the north, with about 30,000 combat troops and about 50,000 logistics troops.

There are black or red and black flags planted at regular intervals around the enemy's military camp and on both sides of the road leading to the military camp. These are scouts who have already lurked.

Hakan also discovered that black flags had been planted in the enemy's important cities, and it was obvious that members of the Wesson Army had already been lurking inside.

After listening to the report, Frederick looked at the sand table and asked: "How to deal with the enemy magic gods and sword masters?"

These sword masters and magic gods are humanoid tactical nuclear bombs to the army. Their personal power is enough to change the situation of the war, and they must be dealt with first.

The best way to deal with nuclear bombs is naturally to use nuclear bombs.

He felt a little helpless. Psyche said that he would not care until the enemy came in, otherwise it would be easy.

Little Franz was the commander of this battle. He pointed at the Marienberg Fortress, the capital of the Principality of Franconia, with a wooden pole and said: "Our plan is to ask Lord Richard Nall to appear near the Marienberg Fortress. We can mobilize some of the enemy's top combat forces and eliminate them with local numerical superiority."

Richard Nall nodded and said: "Currently, after Hakan joins us, we have a lot more strength. The actual combat strength is three and a half, and the apparent strength is four."

His algorithm took into account Frederick, a guy who had killed and defeated the Dharma God, and continued: "There are four opponents. If we send two of them, we can sneak attack and win. Three of them need to fight for a while and maybe we will have to pay a little bit." For the price, if we get all four of them, we can escape unscathed."

Becher nodded and turned to ask Frederick: "Can we let those from the Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bain also participate and hold the battle on the side? The absolute advantage in numbers may make the other party surrender." .”

He is here to help, so it is no problem to fight with the wind, and he does not want to deal with the headwind. It will be better if he can attract more helpers and make it easier.

Hakan consciously remained silent, but nodded in agreement.

Frederick saw that there was nothing he could do about the two of them. The original plan was to use the top combat forces of the Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bain as pioneers, and not using them on the frontal battlefield was related to the division of spoils afterwards.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements later." After all, he couldn't forcefully command these two people, and Richard Nall couldn't do it without their help.

Frederick said to little Franz: "We will take action tomorrow. If all four of the opponent's men leave, the army will take the opportunity to launch an attack."

Little Franz pointed to the sand table and said: "If the principal succeeds and eliminates the threat, the army can be divided into two groups and set up a defensive position about three kilometers in front and behind the enemy's camp to block the enemy."

The two places he pointed to are commanding heights, guarded by more than a thousand people, who can control the main road.

Hakan felt that surrounding nearly 80,000 enemies with about 20,000 troops was something only Wesson's army could dare to imagine.

Frederick thought for a while, agreed with his plan, and then said: "If we succeed, we don't need to attack yet. Let the airship troops be dispatched to drop leaflets persuading surrender to various towns."

From now on, these places will be your own territory. If possible, do as little damage as possible. It will still cost you your own money to repair them.

The pre-war meeting ended quickly. When leaving the headquarters, Hakan asked Frederick curiously: "Your Majesty, don't you follow the command of the army?"

Frederick shook his head and replied: "I believe they can do a good job, so I give them the power to perform on their own."

Hakan asked in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that their achievements will be too high?"

In the Ghazi Empire, it is not uncommon for people to have great achievements and shake up their masters. These people eventually become local warlords who dominate one side. How much face they give to the emperor depends on their mood.

Frederick just smiled and said nothing. The political system was different and many things were difficult to explain.

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