Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 340 If the ambush is discovered

After Richard Nall was discovered fishing near the Marienberg Fortress, the news reached the ears of the Archduke of Franconia as quickly as possible.

Archduke Franken said with a stern face: "Wesson wants Richard Nall to lurk and wait for an opportunity to destroy the defense of Marienberg Fortress from the inside."

Archduke Regens pinched his chin and said: "This may be an opportunity. Let's go together, four against one. As long as we defeat him or even capture him, we can force Wesson to surrender."

The Archduke of Franken nodded. Destroying the opponent's highest combat power before the official start of the war can completely overwhelm the opponent from force to morale, and break the myth of Wesson's invincibility.

But Archduke Legens said worriedly: "Could this be a trap?"

The Archduke of Franken picked up a large glass of cold beer next to him and took a sip, and then began to think while sipping.

Frederick was not a fool, he used his brains in every battle. Many people reviewed the wars he participated in and summed up something.

Active attacks, night attacks, and ambushes were Frederick's most commonly used methods, and the military camp had made corresponding preparations for this.

After putting down the empty wine glass, Archduke Franken said: "I also think this is a trap. Wesson is good at ambushes. This is most likely a targeted ambush."

"But Wesson himself said that if the ambush was discovered and quickly surrounded, it would suffer more heavy losses than expected."

"As far as I know, Becher, the leader of the Royal Mage Group of the Rhine Alliance, is very close to Wesson. His daughter is at Weisenberg University."

Archduke Regens nodded. Becher's daughter Katharina won the Golden Durian Award from the Wesson Science Society last year. Some people thought that Becher gave his results to his daughter. In the end, everyone knew that he Where does my daughter work?

"We also include Becher." Archduke Regens said thoughtfully: "Our number is four to two compared to Wesson State, which means we have an overwhelming advantage."

When the fight starts, the four against two are not divided into two groups, each group is two against one. Instead, one of them will deal with the opponent, and the other side will fight against one of the three to quickly resolve the battle with maximum strength, and then the four will fight against one.

The corners of Archduke Franken's mouth curled up slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

There are three sword masters on his side. Because Richard Nall has gained a lot of fame recently, it is safe to send them all out. In this way, there will be a Dharma God on the side of Archduke Regens, and his right to speak will be damaged by then.

Maybe, if something happens, it's not impossible for his allies to capture him and send him to Duke Wesson.

Now that Grand Duke Legens is willing to send out his Dharma God Bor, there will be no power imbalance in the base camp.

The Archduke of Franken thought deeply and said, "I don't think there is anything to worry about the Dharma gods from the Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bain. They cannot possibly sacrifice their lives for Wesson. They are just bluffing."

"Send Dennis, Branimir, Dixon and Bol to the Marienberg Fortress now. We will also be prepared. Once we succeed there, we will take the initiative to attack. Maybe we can capture the city of Nuremberg. "

Archduke Regens agreed with the view that the Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bayern would not sacrifice their lives for the State of Wessen, but he hesitated after hearing the end. Attacking the city was not a simple matter.

The city of Nuremberg is an old city with a long history. A head-on attack on the city will cause heavy casualties, and it will take a long time, long enough until Duke Wesson pays enough benefits at the negotiation table to separate the Principality of Mainz and Bain. Reinforcements from the principality were invited.

Archduke Franken saw his doubts and said emphatically: "The most important thing in a war is morale. I don't believe that the people of Wesson will dare to resist us after Richard Nall is defeated."

"Let's do this. After the city of Nuremberg is captured, I will give you three days to get the things. The rest is mine."

Money moved people's hearts. Archduke Regens knew without even thinking that plundering the city of Nuremberg would bring him unimaginable wealth. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Six days."

"The glassmaker is mine," said the Archduke of Franconia.

The two sides quickly reached an agreement and immediately called all their men to issue the latest military orders.

When Bol, under Archduke Regens, heard that he was going to cooperate with the three sword masters of the Franconian Principality to hunt for Richard Nar, he said to his partners with a hint of disdain: "My fire dragon flies very fast. If you guys If you don’t hurry up, Richard Nall’s head will be mine.”

Dennis, Branimir and Dixon from the Principality of Franconia just looked at him coldly. They were all too old to be angry at a little provocation...that was strange.

Dennis said nonchalantly: "Sir Bol, I hope your fire dragon tail is still long enough."

The corners of Bol's mouth twitched and he just snorted coldly.

In the past few years, the conflict between the Principality of Franconia and the Alliance of Regans gradually escalated, and eventually developed into a war between the two parties, and they often fought against each other.

During this period, Bor bullied the Franconian Principality because it had no air power and relied on his own mounts to attack everywhere, taking advantage of it.

But later he fell into a trap and a section of the fire dragon's tail turned into a barbecue.

The feudal lords on both sides are political beings. Yesterday they were fighting to the death, but today they can have a drink and talk together for the sake of profit. However, they are arrogant top beings who are not so good-tempered. It would be good if they just use provocative words instead of fighting.

Archduke Regens reminded Bol: "You have to be careful. Richard Nall is probably not alone. Becher may also be involved."

Boer said confidently: "Your Highness, please rest assured, no matter how many of them there are, there will be no problem!"

Archduke Regens did not reach that realm and ultimately chose to believe in him.

When a group of people left the tent, Bol proudly said to the other three people: "I just played with you before, but this time I want you to know that it is not unreasonable for me to be paid two thousand florins a year. "

The three sword masters of the Principality of Franconia suddenly felt heartbroken and could not regain their position now.

The Legens Alliance has a lot of mines and can afford high wages.

The Principality of Franconia directly gave each of the three sword masters a city, and all the income belonged to them.

It's just that managing the city is more difficult than being a sword master. These three are all managed by the people below, and their annual income is only a little over a thousand gold coins.

Their instincts told them something was wrong, but upon checking the accounts they found everything was right.

Dennis counterattacked angrily: "If you can, compete with Richard Nall to see whose family has more money."

This time it was Bol's turn to have nothing to say. Last year, someone in the Wesson state released a wealth ranking. After excluding the Duke of Wesson, who did not participate in the ranking, Richard Nall's daughter Katie ranked first because she holds 30% of the shares of the Wesson Paper Mill. At the same level, there are also slime glue giant BASF and the invisible giant Friedrichli in the pharmaceutical industry who have always kept a low profile, and other people who were the first to start businesses with Duke Wesson.

Bol quickly found an attack point for counterattack: "If you have the ability, join Duke Wesson and make a fortune. If you don't go, is it because you don't love gold coins or you don't have the ability?"

The three Denniss felt that their hearts had been stabbed again. They also complained privately that they knew too early that they had gone to Duke Wesson to "send charcoal in the heavy snow" when they were choosing a career.

Look at Richard Nall. He has only made a few moves in so many years. In addition to teaching students, he usually fishes and coaches the football team. He lives his life as he pleases.

Dennis gritted his teeth and said, "You are not like us."

Bol suffered backlash and didn't want to speak anymore.

Dennis continued: "By the way, you are from the Piast Kingdom. Back then, Duke Wesson killed 100,000 of you with 800 people. If you go, you will be treated as an undercover agent."

Bol's face suddenly darkened, and he was obviously hurt.

Fortunately, there was a fork in the road ahead, and the two groups went back to their tents to prepare, and did not continue to hurt each other.

More than ten minutes later, Dennis and the other three left the camp, and Bol also rode the fire dragon into the air, heading towards the place where Richard Nall was found.

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