Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 341 Battle in the Trap

The east wind blows thousands of trees into bloom at night. More blowing down, the stars are like rain.

These two words suddenly appeared in Frederick's mind, which were very appropriate to describe the battle under the night sky at this time.

A few minutes ago, Bol discovered Richard Nall in the air who was making a nest by the river. Without saying a word, he controlled his fire dragon to swoop down. Dozens of flaming boulders the size of carriages appeared around him and fell like bolide meteors.

His fire dragon was bought with great difficulty. It was more talented than a dragon. After years of careful raising and training, its flying speed was half as fast as that of an ordinary fire dragon, making its dive attack much more powerful.

The ground suddenly shook next to the small river, and the fire shot into the sky. A large crater appeared on the grassland by the river, and the river stopped flowing. However, there was nothing at all within a radius of 20 meters from Richard Nall's position. He only wore a straw hat made of straw on his head. No trace.

A boulder not far in front of Bol exploded into pieces, blocking the straw hat that could easily cut off the fire dragon's neck. The bolide attack did not stop for half a second.

At this time, Becher appeared and bombarded Bor on the top of the tree not far away. Fire danced all over the sky for a while, hoping that Bor would have even a momentary flaw for Richard Nare to catch.

Boer and the others were well prepared for this. They hurt each other just now due to internal conflicts, and now they need to cooperate sincerely. Dennis, Branimir and Dixon appeared at this time, and joined forces to attack Becher like three comets. Boer Er is responsible for containing Richard Nall.

Seeing that three of them were about to hit one of them, Becher hurriedly stopped attacking Bol and moved closer to Richard Nall.

Just when Boer and others were concentrating on dividing Becher and Richard Naer, and preparing to concentrate their efforts on attacking Becher, a large group of people suddenly appeared in the surrounding woods.

Manuel, Vice President of Weissenburg University, led the students to have already set up a magic circle of necromantic magic nearby. Countless ping-pong ball-sized dark green corrosive lights rushed towards Dennis and the three of them, causing trees to rot and collapse in their path.

The sword masters were not interested in containing the attack. The corrosive light was blocked by various means within a few moments after entering their domain. Only the surrounding trees were affected.

Five big trees fell down due to decay, revealing holes in the middle. In each hole stood a two-meter-tall golem puppet, rushing towards the three sword masters on the trembling ground.

The sword masters looked down upon these steel men with heavy axes. Their speed was too slow, and they could cut them in half with a single slash as they passed by.

It's just that the weapons in the hands of the golem puppet specially designed by All Might are all decorations to mislead the opponent. The body of steel is only a means to interfere with the opponent's field reconnaissance. What really works is the angina pectoris drug detonated in the body after approaching the enemy.

The explosion happened almost simultaneously, and the steel body turned into a rain of death that swept everything.

The sword masters did not recognize what the black thing in the golem was, but beings at this level had extremely high intuition for danger. They quickly distanced themselves and defended themselves half a second before the explosion, but in the end it was just He was stunned for less than a blink of an eye. Only a few fragments were able to break through the magic armor and his own defense. The most serious ones were just a little red on the skin.

At the same time, the second wave of necromancy magic attacks commanded by Manuel also arrived, and energy darker than the night sky formed a huge wave.

The "Life Withering Power Enhanced Edition" used by Weisen State to sterilize food in the past was used by them together to turn a village into a dead place where even the virus cannot survive. The sword masters were not willing to fight hard and be delayed. For a long time, they dispersed to avoid.

On the other side, Richard Nall kept wandering in the forest to avoid Bol's indiscriminate bombardment, leaving a burning crater. He tried to fly up several times to launch a counterattack, but was pulled away by Bol controlling the fire dragon. distance.

Boer was a little speechless. Richard Nall was chased like a rabbit, but the large bag of fishing gear on his back was not thrown away.

But he also had to admire Richard Nar's extremely fast movements, tricky positioning, and small but tough field. He could not lock it in the field he released and could only carry out large-scale attacks.

Becher suddenly exerted force, and several giant flame dragons with wingspans of nearly twenty meters shot straight into the night sky and pounced on Bol from top to bottom, trying to lower his height.

Bol temporarily ignored Richard Nall on the top of the tree below and continued to contain him. At the same time, he attacked Becher with most of his power, buying time for the friendly forces who had just been restrained by the necromancy magic for a few seconds.

At this moment, the battlefield situation suddenly changed, and more top combat forces appeared.

Hakan and a total of five magic gods from the Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bayern joined the battlefield. Three of them pounced on Dennis and other three sword masters from the Principality of Franconia. Hakan and one from the Principality of Mainz The God of Law joined the group in beating Bor.

Hakan rushed to Becher's side, and with tens of thousands of gold coins as a catalyst, the two magic gods, who had only known each other for a few days, launched domain fusion. The quality and quantity of their mental power doubled instantly, suppressing Bor's own domain to a minimum.

Countless flame tornadoes appeared out of thin air in the two people's fields. At first, they shuttled through the air like giant pythons. After a while, they formed a circular net to trap Bol who was trying to escape. Then they quickly compacted into a ball, and the morning sun seemed to appear in the night sky.

The rising sun exploded in an instant, the fire reflected the entire night red, and a man and a fire dragon swooped out from inside.

At the same time, Richard Nall took out what looked like a bundle of water pipes from the fishing rod bag on his back and plugged it into the long strip he took out of his backpack.

The next moment, Wesson's traditional martial arts was activated. The projectiles ejected from these tubes glowed blue, and a blue fire whip appeared in the night sky, heading straight for Bor's fire dragon.

Bol immediately controlled the fire dragon to avoid it. He was a little confused. How could he become the one being beaten in the blink of an eye?

Moreover, four of them were attacking one of them. Becher and a man wearing a foreign robe were the main attackers. The one from the Principality of Mainz prepared countless ice picks at high altitude. Richard Nall was waiting on the ground. It was going to be fatal. .

But he soon discovered that he was wrong. There were not only four people on the opposite side who were involved in besieging him, but five.

A rough field suddenly erupted in the woods a few hundred meters away, with lightning inside like lush branches, and the entire night sky was illuminated.

Bol was startled, and immediately controlled the fire dragon to raise it up, letting it stand between him and the electric light, and then abandoned the dragon and left.

There was a sound of flesh exploding, and several basin-sized bloody holes appeared on the fire dragon's back, and several rotating and rolling steel spikes flew out of it.

The night sky was illuminated again, and the fire dragon's corpse turned into raindrops.

Bol turned in in time, and his armor was all top-notch. Even so, his left leg was scratched by a piece of steel.

This minor injury was nothing to him, but without the high-speed advantage of his mount, he had to use his best skills to save his life.

Bol looked around. The most threatening ones were Becher and the foreign magic god. The one above his head had a high defense with ice and would be entangled like Richard Nar. The one who just launched an attack from a distance used too much magic. Weird, so he immediately rushed to Becher's side. As long as he broke through them, he would have a chance of survival.

A set of stone armor appeared on his body, and two pairs of wings like winged cavalry grew out from behind him. Flames flowed on the armor and feathers, revealing a hint of danger in his might.

Richard Nall locked the target, and the hand-cranked Gatling in his hand fired five magazines of enchanted bullets at the fastest speed, and the bearings were a little red.

Bor's domain was jointly suppressed by Becher and Hakan, with a range of less than ten meters. Ice cones with sonic booms rained down on his head. He was accidentally hit by hundreds of bullets and turned into a blue firework. .

He continued to rush towards Hakan despite the minor injuries, thinking that this outsider would definitely not sacrifice his life for Duke Wesson. His martial arts skills that he had never shown were not as good as Richard Naer's, but he took care of other magicians. I definitely didn't ask...

When Hakan saw him flying toward him in armor, he understood what he was planning. In the blink of an eye, his body changed from a 1.8-meter human to a minotaur over five meters tall with arms as thick as wine barrels. He raised his fist. He took the initiative and rushed over.

Bol's heart suddenly went cold. Before he could think about it, a fist as big as a pressure cooker appeared in front of him, and he could only block it.

But Hakan's fist did not strike, but took the opportunity to grab the opponent's arm, swung it around a few times, wrapped the person in a ball of wind, and then slammed him to the ground.

Before Bol could land, the attacks from Becher and others were already on the way, and soon a big crater exploded on the ground. Bol resisted all the attacks and was seriously injured.

In the deep pit on the ground, Bor was punched and kicked by Hakan until the pit was two meters deep. He was already breathing more air out than in.

It's not that he didn't think about surrendering, but when he opened his mouth, he got punched several times.

I had thought about blowing myself up and dying together, but the wind element brought by the opponent's fist had filled my brain into confusion, and I didn't have the slightest chance.

By the time Frederick arrived, Boer had been beaten until there was only a little bit of blood left. The old woman doing cross-stitch on the roadside could kill him.

The battlefield is not just about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.

It’s not that Hakan can’t kill Bor in close combat, but killing the God of Magic is a high honor no matter where he is. You can’t overshadow the guest by yourself. Duke Wesson healed his hand regardless of past grudges, so let’s take this honor. Give it to him.

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