Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 347 Why War?

The air is especially fresh at night after the rain, and the temperature is not too high after the sun goes down in late spring and early summer, so walking by the river is quite pleasant.

Frederick found a maza and sat by the water. He made a nest with wheat that had just been fermented in water for two or three days and had become stinky. He was hanging bait and preparing to go into the ditch.

Around and across the river, the guards commanded by Tony had dispersed, and the originally lively buzz of insects became sparse.

As the commander-in-chief, he has less time and opportunities to go to the battlefield personally than before, and now he focuses more on strategizing.

Now that the dice has been thrown, the next step is the stage for the soldiers to perform. Only unplanned events will find Frederick.

But this does not mean that he can ignore it. As long as he does not sleep, the staff will send battlefield reports every half an hour.

Tony came over, bent down and whispered to Frederick: "Your Excellency, Paul, the editor-in-chief of "White Stork Times" asked if he could interview you now."

Frederick curled his lips, these reporters really knew how to find every opportunity.

Today, the most influential newspaper in Wessen is the official "Wessen Daily". In the past two years, newspapers such as "Carpenter's News", "Sewing Needle", "Primary School Student's Daily" and other newspapers have appeared for specific groups of people, as well as All kinds of tabloids had their water meters checked just a month or two after they were published because they didn't have a license.

"White Stork Times" was founded two months ago by a group of students who just graduated from Weissenburg University this year. Its main readers are citizens in the city. Its content mainly focuses on market trends and policy interpretations. It has already gained a certain reputation. Influence.

During this war, reporters from several newspapers were allowed to report in the army. Some were waiting for big news at the headquarters, and some followed the army on their backs and squatted on the front line eating bricks and biscuits.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. These reporters tried their best to get big news, and they even went to great lengths to interview Duke Wesson.

Paul saw that the guards were not there, and then took the initiative to find them.

Frederick thought for a while, nodded and agreed to let him come over and ask someone to bring another horse.

Paul was a handsome-looking young man, and he was accompanied by Frederick's secretary, who would record the conversation between the two.

Frederick looked at Paul for a while and then asked: "You are one of the first batch of local students admitted to Weissenburg University, right?"

"Yes!" Paul looked very excited, "I didn't expect the principal would still remember me."

Frederick smiled politely and said, "You can ask three questions. Don't be too loud or scare the fish away."

Paul opened his notebook, took the pen, and asked seriously: "There is a saying recently that this war can be avoided. What does the principal think?"

Frederick replied: "The apparent cause of this war is that the son of the Grand Duke of Franconia committed intentional homicide in Wesson and is about to be sentenced to death. But regardless of this incident, the war will come. It's just time." That’s all.”

Paul's eyes were bright, and he felt like he was going to have great luck today. No one had ever mentioned this argument before, and the person who proposed it was Duke Wesson. No one dared to despise it.

At the same time, he felt a moment of silence for his fellow students who were still in the school. The final exams that were about to begin had to increase the number of exam points urgently.

Frederick looked at the slightly swaying buoy on the river and said: "'Economic foundation determines politics, and war is the continuation of politics.' I think this sentence should appear in the entrance examination for civil servants."

Paul began to mourn in his heart for the candidates taking the civil service entrance examination this year.

Frederick continued: "The development of Wessen is different from that of any period in history. This difference is essential."

"Outsiders only see the advanced machines in our factory, which is obvious, but they fail to see where our real strength lies, which is a heart containing fraternity, equality, unity, and openness."

"In this land, people are not discriminated against because of their origin, appearance, beliefs, or wealth, and they can rely on their own wisdom and diligence to obtain the wealth they deserve."

"As we all know, Metzger used to be a pig butcher, and his wife was the daughter of a hotel owner. No one in the army despised him because of his humble origins. Through his own efforts, he made contributions that were worthy of being recorded in the history books, because he His diligence ranked no lower than the top five in the military academy. Now he is about to become a knight."

"Huo Zhenploz, who made a scene like boiling water some time ago, used to be a big thief who could scare children away from crying. He came to Weisen State with the victims, and I knew his identity at that time. I Seeing that he still retains kindness in his heart, I decided to give him a chance. He has lived up to my expectations. He has been abiding by the law over the years and has developed from nothing to the owner of a factory through his own hands. He also He has helped many people and is now elected as a city councilman and has become a respected gentleman.”

"Hoffman, who was secretly envied by many people, was a serf who could be seen everywhere in the village ten years ago. He didn't know the alphabet as many as his fingers, and he only had one piece of clothing to wear at home in the winter. People said he relied on It was only because of my appreciation that I achieved what I have achieved today, but has anyone ever thought about why he stood out from the crowd when there were so many workers in the carriage factory? And who has ever thought about why he could only be a tolerant before coming to Wesson? A starving and freezing serf who lived an enviable life after coming to Wesson?"

"The answer is obvious. Our land of fraternity, equality, unity and openness provides a stage for hardworking people to display their talents."

“With everyone’s joint efforts, Wesson’s economic development has reached unprecedented heights.”

"The products we produce are better and cheaper than others. Wesson products can be seen wherever there are people living."

“The development of Wesson is inseparable from the efforts of businessmen, who bring raw materials that can be found everywhere and provide the world with the best goods under the sun.”

"In my opinion, businessmen are to Wesson just like blood is to the human body. They are extremely important and indispensable."

"In such a good situation, we should see where there are problems."

"Because our textiles are cheap and strong, people who used to make a living by weaving at home could not sell their cloths. Because of the emergence of cultivators, farming did not require so many people, and a large number of farmers were driven out of their farms. Because of ready-made furniture and utensils Cheaper, artisan goods just sit gathering dust on the shelves.”

"This kind of thing happens often in the Principality of Franconia and the League of Regans. The local lords do not treat the farmers as human beings and drive them away like garbage."

"This is why I ordered the opening of the border a few years ago. We can't ignore ignorant people dying like wild dogs in the cold and hunger, so we reach out to them just like ten years ago and pull them out. They receive this land of fraternity, equality, unity, and openness, and let them look at their own hands to feed themselves.”

"Our friendliness has been met with hostility. Greedy careerists regard beautiful people as natural enemies."

"Outlanders working in Weissensee return home every New Year with their income from a year's work to reunite with their families. However, what they wait for is not the smiling faces of their relatives, but tax cards one after another, and hungry wolves. Tax collector."

"Can you imagine? When Hoffman returned home, he passed through more tax cards than his wife. Each tax card drew at least one out of ten, and he only had half of his hard-earned money for a year when he got home."

"What's even more chilling are those careerists!"

"To transport our goods down the Elbe River to the city of Hanma, we need to pass through the Principality of Franconia. After transporting them to Bohemia, we need to transport them further east and need to pass through the League of Legens. These two places The layers of tax cards have increased the cost of goods by at least five times.”

"Lords in some places even introduced incredible laws, forcing passing merchants to sell one-tenth of the goods they carried at extremely low prices."

"I went to talk to them in the first two years and punished them a little bit, but they took advantage of the fact that we were out to recover Constantbulo and they intensified it."

"In the past two years, the amount of goods exported by Wesson State to these two directions has been cut off twice. Businessmen can't make money, factories can't sell goods, and workers have no wages, which has greatly affected the economy of Wesson State. order."

"For businessmen, factory owners, and workers, we must eliminate those greedy people who prevent us from living a good life. This war is inevitable."

During Frederick's tirade, he caught two fish the size of a finger. Paul stood beside him, his face flushed with excitement, and his pen never stopped for a moment.

It is foreseeable that tomorrow's front page headlines will be so explosive that we have to contact the printing house to print more copies.

After asking the first question, Paul asked the second question: "What contribution does the principal plan to make in this war?"

After asking the question, Frederick looked depressed, curled his lips and said: "I will not go to the front line anymore. I will just sit in the headquarters and let Franz and the others perform on their own."

"My abilities alone are limited. If I do everything, others will not get exercise and growth."

Frederick spoke grandly, but the real reason was that he was not married yet and had no heirs who could be included in the genealogy. There was no heir to the title of Duke Wesson and this land.

If he accidentally gets "clicked" on the battlefield, the excitement will be huge.

Now a consensus has been reached within the Wesson State leadership that he will not be allowed to go to the battlefield until he has at least two official children, and illegitimate children do not count.

Frederick had nothing to say about this. Although Maria was sixteen years old this year, he planned to wait until the Germain Cathedral was built to hold the wedding there.

During this period of time, no one can die, and if he does, he will not have the right to inherit, because tradition believes that the child has not been blessed by the God of Light and will bring a curse to the things he inherits.

Normally people don't pay attention to these things, but it's different when it comes to the succession of titles. If you can't handle it properly, you might have to wait for a civil war.

Anyway, it is enough to have participated in the hunt for the Dharma God before. Let's give our subordinates a chance to make contributions.

Paul wrote down the answer to the second question and asked cautiously: "Excuse me, Your Majesty the Duke, the wedding of His Royal Highness Prince Rudolf is about to be held. Will you leave the battlefield and go to Cologne to attend the wedding?"

The relationship between the royal family of the Rhine League and Duke Wesson seems to be good. Duke Wesson is also one of the prince's teachers. At the same time, Wesson serves as the finance minister of the Rhine League. In fact, he gives all the power to the prince. On the surface, he cannot choose. question.

But the men in high positions know very well that the huge gap between the two sides is just a single-plank bridge, which is not as beautiful as it seems.

Therefore, people regard Duke Wesson's attitude towards the prince's wedding as a weather vane.

Frederick said calmly: "I'm not free, but the gift will arrive."

Then he added: "That's an unprecedented gift."

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