Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 348 War is not just on the battlefield

"What are we fighting for?"

The knight who yearns for honor polishes his sword, the lord who seeks profit polishes his armor, the hungry mercenary picks up the spear, the numb farmer resists the pitchfork under the whip and leaves his hometown to go to the battlefield. Faced with the oncoming murderer, some people raise their hands Raise your shield...

War has different meanings to different people, which is directly related to their morale and thus their combat effectiveness.

In Wesson, people generally believed that the war was started by the Franconian Archduke to prevent his son from being executed. Some people believed that the war could be avoided.

For many people, the most important thing is the firewood, oil, salt, cheese, vinegar and tea in front of them. The war has nothing to do with their own interests. The psychological distance is very far. It is just a topic for conversation after dinner. Victory or defeat has nothing to do with them.

No matter which world we live in, people are so realistic. They hang up when things don't concern them, as if they were sitting in the audience watching the performance on the stage. There is an invisible but real high wall between the two.

Now there is a group of people who find that this wall has been broken. They are no longer sitting in the audience, but have unknowingly stepped onto the stage and become a member of the actors. The quality of the drama is related to their own pockets. .

The interview with Duke Wesson published on the front page of "White Stork Times" was like a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, turning an originally inconspicuous flame into a flame that boiled the entire land.

"We don't want war,

but if,

Enemies come to disturb the peace,

Get ready for peace and happiness,

Enter the battle of brutal justice,

We respond to offense with offense!

White mountains to the North Sea,

How strong our camp is!

Friends, friends,

Hold the weapon in your hand tightly,

Friends, friends,

The team is arranged neatly!

for the children,

Laughter in the sun,

For freedom, for family,

Get ready to fight! "

Dozens of people were singing a chorus on the stage, and hundreds of people in the square joined in the chorus. Fatih's hands in the crowd were trembling, and a huge boulder of inexplicable fear was weighing on his heart. In the final battle to seize the throne, his eldest brother's He wasn't even so scared when the scimitar cut through his breastplate.

His Majesty the Emperor from a distant foreign country looked at the dozen people around him in disbelief.

They are both factory owners in Wesson and partners of Fatih. During this time, after discussing business, they played pool and bowling together, went to the shooting range to test marksmanship, tried the new badminton, and even went together Watched the most popular pole dance recommended by Richard Nall.

These polite gentlemen in the past seemed to have drunk a violent potion at this moment, waving expensive wallets with two or three gold florins each, containing checks for tens or even hundreds of florins, whenever there was a gap in the crowd. Just squeeze forward.

Next to these bosses wearing white shirts and formal jackets, there was a large group of workers holding Kreuz silver coins and wearing cheap blue blacksmith uniforms, but their enthusiasm was no less than those of the bosses.

The enthusiastic crowd around reminded Fatih of a past incident that his grandfather had mentioned to him. When his mother-in-law was just two or three years old, the family was besieged by the enemy for more than half a year with twenty times the force. Don't seal the knife.

At that time, the soldiers and civilians in the city were already exhausted, there was not much food left, and there was only a thin line between the city and the city.

But the news that the enemy was going to massacre the city made everyone feel the same hatred. Late at night, all those who could afford weapons rushed out of the city like crazy, causing the enemy to blow up their camp in the middle of the night, kill each other, and flee numerous times. Finally, the city was relieved.

Fatih remembered what his grandfather said back then, that crazy and united people can defeat enemies ten times or even dozens of times on the battlefield. He couldn't understand what it was like at the time, but now he understands.

He suddenly thought of a line he heard when he went to the theater a few days ago - cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. The Principality of Franconia and the Alliance of Legens prevented Wesson people from making money, so they became public enemies.

He also thought that perhaps it was precisely because the Franconian Principality and the Regens Alliance had set up trade barriers that hindered the sales of Wesson's factory products. At this time, he had brought a huge market, so these factory owners were facing him as a heretic. Favored.

Weisen State's army is already very strong. With such civilian support, its strength will be even higher. This is just the beginning. If the enemy is replaced by another country, such as the Ghazi Empire...

The emperor slowly walked to the front row with the crowd in fear.

A row of long tables was placed in front of the stage next to the Germain Cathedral construction site on the square. City defense troops, militiamen and police tried their best to maintain order and prevent the scene from getting out of hand.

Behind the desk, the tellers of Wesson Bank were busy, collecting money with one hand and delivering goods with the other.

This is one of the sales points selling 1034 Wesson Special Bonds. There are similar sales points in every city. The situation in other cities is the same as here.

At the Wesson-Bockner Shipyard in Willibird City, Zobel took advantage of the lunch break and rode his bicycle to the city square with a dozen or so workers while chewing on Wesson bags.

The order of Willibird City is much better than that of Weissenburg City, mainly because of its smaller population, and it is a woodwork and cable processing base. A variety of wooden shelves and ropes were quickly used to make several passages for people to queue up.

The queue was dozens of meters long, and by the time I got there, I had already gone to work in the afternoon.

But this did not trouble the workers. There was an old man in one team who was about to arrive. Zobel and the others ran over amidst the curses of the crowd and handed over their savings that they had saved for two or three years to the driver in the dormitory area of ​​the shipyard. Jules from the noodle shop.

Jules used to be the great butler of Earl Reese. During the Six-Day Defense War, Earl Reese became Metzger's first stepping stone. After the war, he arranged for the surrender of the Reese Territory and took the only surviving foolish son of the Reese family with him. He left the original territory and lived in the small farm that originally belonged to Mrs. Reese's natal family.

Later, when the shipyard expanded and the farm was expropriated, Jules took the initiative to replace a row of facade buildings on the road in front of the factory. He started a catering business in one of the facades. The stupid son of the Reese family lived by collecting rent.

Jules, a "remnant of the former dynasty", has always lived a cautious life, but because of this he has gained a good reputation and is deeply trusted by the workers.

Zobel and others left after giving the money to Jules, and had to go to work in the afternoon.

The total amount of special bonds issued for the war this time is 150,000 florins, which is equivalent to 5 years of income of the royal family of the Rhine League. 30,000 florins are 1-year bonds with an annual interest rate of 4%; the remaining 120,000 florins are 5 1-year bonds with an annual interest rate of 6%.

The current currency is still heavy metal, which has almost no devaluation and no inflationary pressure. The law generally stipulates that the maximum annual interest rate for private loans is 10%. For a long time, the local land rent yield has been around 5%, and the annual interest rate of local government bonds is around this figure. Small fluctuations up and down.

From an investment perspective, this bond is a good project.

Nowadays, Weisen State's economic development momentum is strong, the army is strong, and the lord's head is normal. There will be no situation where the government goes bankrupt and cannot repay the principal. Even if there is a temporary problem, you can still delay the repayment of the principal and only pay interest until the situation improves.

But brokerage profits are not the reason why the sales floor is booming.

The Physiocratic Theory has been spread for thousands of years in inland areas far away from the ocean, and has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The landowning class headed by princes and nobles in the inland areas lived a pastoral life, and their territories were basically self-sufficient. In the eyes of them and the scholars they sponsored, land and agricultural output were the most important, and handicrafts were ancillary to agriculture.

In the eyes of the landlord class, businessmen are just porters driving donkeys around. They have no rights at all. Heavy taxation and even killing people and stealing goods are commonplace.

Even in Wesson, businessmen still had a mentality of being inferior to others in such a cultural atmosphere, so much so that Frederick discovered the blocked exports when he looked at the export data. The businessmen all admitted their failure and no one took the initiative to mention it.

Factory owners' status was better than that of merchants but limited. They positioned themselves as handicraftsmen based on tradition and were quite respected among the common people, but in the eyes of the landlords, they were no different from tenant farmers.

As for workers, their status is no different from that of farmers or weeds on the roadside.

Now Duke Wesson tells everyone that this war is for businessmen, factory owners and workers, and the purpose is to solve their problem of difficulty in making money.

"This battle is for me?!"

Many people were in disbelief at first and read the news several times before confirming that Duke Wesson was really fighting for people like himself.

"It turns out he really has me in his heart!"

Industrial and commercial people suddenly found that their status was not low.

They have made a lot of money in recent years, and after having enough food and clothing, they began to seek respect and demand. Members of Parliament are only a minority, and most people are still the same as before.

At this time, Duke Wesson gave a signal, a breakthrough, and the passion accumulated in his heart was instantly released, forming a torrent.

This is a war of its own. Since you cannot take up arms and go to the front line, you should participate in it in any way you can. One of them is to purchase additional bonds issued because of the war.

Frederick was cracking eggs in the kitchen when he listened to the report on the bond sales. The "Night Witches" who were about to start the operation were the darlings of Wesson's army. They were under the direct command of him, the commander of the Air Force, but he had to use it if he wanted to accompany the airship. Cake bribes girls.

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