Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 349 Aerial Inspection

In this world, except for the guards of princes and nobles, no army has established female soldiers. The Wesson Army is the first of its kind. All hot airship operators in the Air Force are female.

Wearing sky-blue uniforms and unique pilot cloaks, these female soldiers became a special sight in the predominantly gray and black Wesson Army.

Last year, the Air Force's two hot-air airships and the Flying Tulip annihilated the Ghazi Empire's fleet, severely damaging their maritime power. This year, Fatih could only come to Weissensee on merchant ships.

With the actual results, the air force construction has developed rapidly. The number of hot air airships put into use has increased to four, and four more are under construction and are expected to be delivered by the end of the year.

However, what makes someone depressed is that the original shark paint background color has been changed to black. The reason is to absorb the sun's heat and save energy. It does not look majestic, but a bit spooky.

The good news is that the hot air airship has been replaced with a more powerful engine, the propeller has been optimized, and the speed has been increased from twenty kilometers per hour to thirty kilometers per hour when there is no wind.

Because of the color change and last year's nighttime air raids, female soldiers in the Air Force got the nickname "Night Witches."

Frederick boarded a hot-air airship to accompany today's leaflet delivery mission and conduct an aerial inspection.

The hot-air airship flew over the border at an altitude of 500 meters, and thick smoke could be seen rising in the distance.

After being surrounded, the coalition forces of the Principality of Franconia and the League of Regans will naturally not sit still and wait for death. They are now organizing their forces to conduct exploratory attacks to find weak points where they can break through.

Nowadays, the coalition forces are also equipped with guns, which are basically folding air guns exported as shotguns. The riflemen have replaced the archers, and the crossbowmen are used for segmented shooting.

Frederick thought that the enemy was also making progress. In just a few years, it had already reached the edge of the era of queuing to kill.

In addition to shotguns, maroon gunpowder, which was exported as a foreign exchange-earning product, also appeared on the battlefield. This kind of gunpowder was used for mining. It was put in a 5-liter wooden wine barrel, lit with a fuse and thrown out by a trebuchet.

The power of such a barrel of gunpowder with the addition of pebbles is considerable. Although magicians can also achieve this effect, it is cheaper and ordinary people can do it.

However, this is a world with extraordinary power. Under the reinforcement of magic elements, the strength and reflexes of people who are well fed, drunk, and trained for a long time are far stronger than those from Frederick's hometown.

After flying closer, Frederick saw several gunpowder barrels still flying in the sky, but they were blocked by intensive magic attacks and even Pea Gatling barrage, exploding into an orange fireball in the air, without completing the damage to the soldiers on the position. .

Of course, Frederick would not issue a short shot order to make Pea Gatlin move 5 meters. He would just observe the battlefield with a telescope.

There is a road that can pass horses, which forms a fork at the foot of a 100-meter-high hill. Wesson's army is guarding the mountain. The road under the mountain is filled with roadblocks made of felled trees and newly dug pits. The top of the mountain must be occupied. Clear obstacles and fill pits to restore traffic.

The enemy's attack of 2,000 men was thwarted and failed to approach a hill in the middle of a fork in the road. After seeing the heat airship leaving dozens of corpses behind, they hastily retreated. Soon after, a group of unarmed conscripted farmers appeared and left carrying the corpses.

Frederick ordered the airship to slow down and used the communicator to call the troops on the ground to inquire about the battle situation.

In the past few days, the enemy troops in the encirclement have not touched the main force of Wesson's army stationed on the main road. Instead, they have divided their forces to attack the checkpoints on the small roads. They seem to be looking for the weak points of the encirclement.

The Weisen Army stayed firmly on the position, regardless of whether the enemy was defeated or provocative, but did not take a step out of the position, just wasting away.

Fighting always benefits the defending side. The effective range of the enemy's shotgun is only about 100 meters. Hunting is enough, but fighting is not enough. People don't dare to charge in the rain of bullets and barbed wire. Wesson's troops are squatting in the trenches, and the soldiers on the opposite side are far away. The projectile didn't do much damage.

The losses in this position were only a few dented steel helmets, and one unlucky guy had his shoulder scratched.

Gunpowder barrels pose a greater threat. The pebbles thrown out when exploded in the air are quite powerful. When they land on the ground, ricochet may occur, and someone's calf may be broken into bones.

After hearing the report, Frederick encouraged them and asked them to set up a few more positions, and then let the airship continue to move forward, and soon reached the sky above the main camp of the coalition forces.

In view of the large number of night attacks in Frederick's battles, the coalition military camps made targeted arrangements for this purpose.

The main camp is located in a river bend surrounded by water on three sides, but the originally rippling river has now turned into a mud ditch. You can see people fishing in the mud, digging wells by the river, and people starting to light haystacks. Let the smoke screen aerial reconnaissance.

It took some time for the thick smoke to rise and cover the military camp, enough for Frederick to see clearly that the main camp was divided into many grids, separated by half-man-high fences and roads.

The biggest advantage of a night attack is that it allows the enemy to blow up the camp and completely lose their organization. People in chaos are easier to catch than pigs.

The current arrangement is obviously prepared for night attacks. Once the people behind the fence have the mentality of "it is others who are being beaten, not themselves", it is not easy to panic, and they can quickly organize themselves in their own camps.

At the same time, the fence can prevent the spread of insurgents and can also delay the attack of night raiders, which is beneficial to the defenders.

The food in the military camp can be eaten for more than a month, and it is all stored separately to avoid being burned in a fire.

Not only the main camp, but also the guard camps on the surrounding hills. The smaller ones are divided into half, and the larger ones are divided into three or four parts. They look like cut cakes.

Frederick curled his lips, he had no intention of attacking at night, he didn't even bother to fight a tough battle, he just let it go.

The hot-air airship dropped a few Hessian bee hives at the people digging wells by the river and then continued flying north, targeting several towns dozens of kilometers away.

With little to do on the way to his goal, Frederick sat down in a chair and looked out the window at the hills.

At this time, a female soldier came over with a bottle of drink and gave it to him.

Under the guiding ideology of Duke Wesson, "It is better for people to wait for equipment than for equipment to wait for people." Now all positions on the airship are for two people, and the new airship can be used directly after it is built.

The new and old pilots were all graduates of Weissenburg University. In order to reduce the load, they were all short girls. Frederick looked particularly tall and burly standing there.

The female soldier who came to deliver water was almost twenty years old. Frederick looked familiar to her and asked, "What's your name?"

The female soldier replied: "My name is Hannah, and I am now a trainee driver."

Frederick had some impression of this name, as if he had heard it somewhere. Hannah added: "My sister Lena is the wife of Tony, your captain of the guard."

"Oh!" Frederick understood. "No wonder you look familiar to me. I was a guest at your house a few days ago and met your sister and two nephews."

"By the way." He remembered something, "I remember Tony said, didn't you and your sister study necromancy with Manuel?"

Hannah said a little embarrassedly: "Master said that I am talented in necromancy, but I prefer machinery. When I was in school, I often went to the Mechanical Institute to audit."

“I saw the Air Force was recruiting this year and I signed up.”

"Now...Master is a little unhappy."

Frederick nodded slightly and said, "Just do what you like and be happy with it."

"I suggest that you take the correspondence courses of the School of Mechanical Engineering if you have time. Systematic learning cannot be compared to auditing."

"In the future, the airship fleet will be expanded and air routes will be opened. It is very promising in this field, and it is important to accumulate knowledge reserves."

Frederick didn't say much to her, and after chatting for a few words, he asked her to return to her post.

It didn't take long for the first town to arrive. There were vineyards growing grapes in a radius of more than ten kilometers. The grapes grown were much better than those in Wesson before. The wine produced was also famous far and wide, and Frederick drank a lot of it.

The female soldiers began to get busy. The airship finally adjusted its course and lowered its altitude to 300 meters. The target was the square in the center of the town.

Today is market day. There are many people in the market. There are people selling chickens, ducks, pottery, and today there are people selling their wives.

The arrival of the airship caused some people in the square to panic, but they were soon ridiculed by "city dwellers".

This is not the first time the airship has come. This time, just like last time, there were pieces of paper scattered like snowflakes in its belly.

Most of these flyers will be used by people to wrap things, but the contents inside were spread throughout the town the last time the flyers were air-dropped.

Frederick offered generous terms to the surrenderers in an effort to reduce the damage caused to the place by the war, which was very cost-effective compared to the cost of reconstruction.

The task now is to do enough publicity, and then there will be an example for everyone to see.

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