Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 350 Conjectures from the rear

Wesson's newspapers and radios reported battle reports from the front line every day. It seemed that battles were taking place every day and the enemy was being defeated.

Compared with battle reports, battle lines can more intuitively reflect the situation on the battlefield.

Careful people discovered that since the encirclement was formed, the front line had not changed at all for several days. The enemy's attack was repelled, and Wesson's army did not move further.

From the public park around the water tower to the wheat fields waiting to be harvested, from the tavern on the dock to the salon in the mansion, people who are accustomed to Wesson's army taking the initiative to attack are talking about this war that is different from Duke Wesson's previous style.

The "quill pen military strategists" also became active, and some enthusiasts even built a large sand table on the riverside lawn where they often went out and played. They gathered friends and friends to review the situation since the war began and speculate on the subsequent development with newspapers.

Fatih was invited in the morning and became the center of attention during lunch time.

Last year, the war he launched against the Kingdom of Kush failed miserably because of Frederick's intervention. His military capabilities were questioned by domestic warlords, and he lacked confidence.

Not long ago, Fatih suddenly had an enlightenment after reading in a newspaper that "the economic foundation determines politics, and war is the continuation of politics." He figured out many things almost instantly and gained a new understanding of war.

"We can't just focus on the encirclement." His Majesty the Emperor enjoyed the looks from the people around him because of his talent rather than his status. "It's like playing imperial chess. The encirclement is just a corner of the chessboard. If you want to To understand Wesson’s strategy, you must look at the entire chessboard.”

"Let me first tell you the difference between strategy and tactics, so that everyone can easily understand what I am going to say next."

"Friends who have been emperors all know that a goal needs to be set at the beginning of a war, and the entire war will be conducted around it. This is strategy."

"A huge strategic goal is composed of many small goals at different levels, and the strategies developed to achieve these goals are tactics."

"What do you think Duke Wesson's strategic goal is in this war?"

The people around me have never been emperors, but they are all factory owners and presidents of chambers of commerce. They are managers. Some of the principles are the same.

They discussed in a flurry. Some people thought that Duke Wesson would ask the two defeated generals to pay a large sum of money for defeat and sign a trade agreement. However, they were immediately refuted by a plump-looking lady: " You underestimated Frederick too much, he has a huge appetite and will definitely take the territory of the Franconia Principality and the League of Legens as his own."

Fatih and several others looked at the noble lady in surprise. Not many people in Wesson State dared to call Duke Wesson by his first name.

Soon, a local businessman introduced to Fatih in a low voice that this was Mrs. Eichstätter, the daughter of Duke Wesson’s grandfather’s sister. Eight years ago, she helped the Duke occupy and digest Eichstätter. leader, and is now one of the leading lumber merchants in Wesson.

Fatih nodded, and then said: "Mrs. Eichstadt is right. Duke Wesson's strategic goal in this battle is to occupy these two countries in order to obtain maximum benefits."

Then he smiled and said: "I think we should call him Grand Duke Wesson soon. If he continues, he might become an emperor like me."

Everyone laughed when they heard this. They had already figured out that they could only get rich by following Frederick. The higher his status, the wider his financial resources.

Amid the joyful laughter of everyone around him, Fatih continued: "After understanding the strategic goals, we can understand the current situation on the battlefield."

"It is difficult to completely occupy an area, I know this very well."

"Generally speaking, there are three methods of occupation."

"If the occupied place is not hostile to the occupiers and all local people obey the rule of the new owner, then only the top people will be replaced, and the rest will remain as usual."

"In some places, the nobles are dissatisfied with the occupiers, but the common people don't care who rules. Then deal with the dissatisfied nobles."

"If everyone from the nobles to the common people in this place is dissatisfied with the occupiers, then use swords and blood to leave only satisfied people on the land."

When he said the last words, his tone was so gloomy that the people around him shuddered. Things like massacres of cities were not uncommon.

Mrs. Eichstadt agreed: "Frederick was a kind boy and was unwilling to do unnecessary killings, so he would try his best to adopt the first method."

The people around them all nodded in agreement. After the "Six-Day Defense War" eight years ago, the enemy nobles who died on the battlefield were all placed in the family cemetery. All the surviving family members were sent out of the country with gifts. Those who abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side lived a good life.

In other words, employees in various local governments were tormented a lot, dispersed across the board, and then sent to work in other places.

At that time, some people resigned because they were not willing to take the trouble. Unexpectedly, the income of public officials later increased with the development of Weisen State. When they wanted to go back, they became new employees. "New people have new methods, old people have old methods" and took the public employee entrance examination. Bar.

Not to mention civilians, you can understand it just by looking at the number of people who come to work in Weisen State.

With examples in front of them, the lower-class people and the middle-class people in these two countries can see that joining the Wesson State is beneficial to them and will not resist too much.

Fatih nodded and said: "Indeed, I speculate that Wesson must now use this opportunity to lobby."

"There is something important about persuading surrender. Like other negotiations, the key is how to break the other party's psychological defenses. There are many methods. You can slowly wear down the other party's patience, or you can use powerful force to break through in one fell swoop."

"I speculate that the main purpose of surrounding the enemy coalition forces is to deprive them of food."

"Last year I was trapped in a military camp by floods. I was hungry, couldn't see the future, and was in fear every day. This kind of life was very torturous."

"Wesson will lobby the enemy towns at the same time. He doesn't necessarily want them to agree first. He can let them have such an idea first. After the coalition forces are defeated, this idea will ferment like dough."

He added: "The most difficult thing in war is siege warfare. To capture a city requires a numerically superior army to besiege it for at least half a year. In history, more than half of the cities were actually conquered because they ran out of food. "

"In such a long period of time, many accidents will happen, such as the enemy's reinforcements arriving, your own food being eaten up first, or even a plague occurring, which can completely change the situation of the war."

"In the distant Peach Blossom Stone, a soldier sage once said that attacking a city is the worst choice in war."

The surrounding quill military strategists kept nodding their heads like chickens eating rice. They thought that he was worthy of being an emperor. His vision, knowledge and experience were far beyond those of ordinary people like me. At least he was surrounded in a military camp. It’s not something you can experience casually. The Soldier Saint of Peach Blossom Stone is even unheard of. I only know that distant silk, nearby red eggplant, golden beans, pumpkins and other plants came from there. I heard that recently there is a hollow one. Tree.

The remarks in these gatherings were quickly sorted out and sent to Frederick. Frederick read them over and just smiled and didn't care.

Fatih roughly guessed Frederick's strategy, but not completely. Wesson's army did not have the tradition of completely passive defense.

In the encirclement at this time, the coalition forces could still move out of the camp during the day, but after nightfall, it looked completely different.

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