Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 351 There is really prey

Not long after dawn, an orange sky lantern as high as a person floated on the top of the mountain. The rope below was tied to the top of the tree and swayed in the wind. It was particularly conspicuous from the air.

The three hot-air airships flew towards the hilltop where the Kongming Lantern was located, where a large open space was opened for an airship to land.

The supplies were quickly completed. In addition to the routine supplies, a five-man team from the "Black Cat" unit and their supplies came.

Metzger smiled and said to the old monitor: "I didn't expect our food supplies to be fresh."

When old comrades-in-arms met on the battlefield, the first thing Bobo said to him was: "From today on, you are not allowed to talk during meals!"

Metzger smiled and asked about official business: "Why are you here?"

Bobo said: "We want to go from here to the vicinity of the enemy's military camp."

Metzger immediately understood that these "black cats" were going to conduct infiltration operations, and said apologetically: "I didn't know you were coming, and now you have to walk a long mountain road first."

Bobo thought he meant that it was morning and he would be discovered if he took the main road, so he said: "It doesn't matter, we will set off again at night."

Metzger saw that he had misunderstood what he meant, so he took him down the mountain to have a look.

"[Wesen collar swears]!" Bobo couldn't help but cursed as he looked at the place where the road used to be in front of him, "How did you do it?"

The road at the foot of the mountain could have been used by people and livestock on foot, or by two-wheeled carriages, but now the ground is knee-deep in mud, and no other animals can move on it except loaches and slimes.

Metzger said proudly: "Our mission is to block traffic, but there are few people, so we have to use our brains."

"You city dwellers don't know that in the past, during the rainy season and snowmelt season, the roads outside the city were filled with mud. The only difference is how deep the mud is. The deepest places can sink into the belly of a horse."

"So we diverted the spring water from the surrounding mountains to the road. The rainy season has just passed, and it rained a few days ago. After two or three days of soaking, the road in many places will be inaccessible."

"We have set up observation posts and ambush positions on the mountain, stored bullets and magic crystals, and there are zip lines in the valley. If someone breaks through, we will have enough time to get over."

Bobo nodded, there was nothing wrong with this arrangement, and said on the way back to the camp: You have to be careful, there are many forest monsters in the beast trainer group of the Legens Alliance. "

Metzger smiled and said: "But you should be careful. If you are discovered, the enemy will definitely release them to hold you back."

With a very proud smile on Bobo's face, he took out a long black badge from the left breast pocket of his military uniform and flashed it in front of Metzger.

Metzger was shocked when he saw the two green stars on the badge, and asked: "When did you become an excellent necromancer? You are already an excellent warrior, and you have met the military academy's double-excellence exemption admission standard, right?"

According to the technical level standards of Weissensee, those who can release magic of the same level as boiling water and fireballs are rough-level magicians, those who can use some magic to penetrate standard brick walls are ordinary-level, and those who can kill certain ordinary monsters by themselves without taking any damage are magicians. Able to be rated as excellent, Bobo started learning magic after joining the army. To reach this level in a few years, both talent and hard work are indispensable.

Bobo just smiled proudly and did not answer.

Metzger pretended to be enlightened and said, "I understand, you must be trying to avoid the math test!"

Bobo's face suddenly collapsed, and he immediately changed the subject: "Our mission this time is to harass the enemy's outer military camp, and deal with the magicians first. The four who followed me are ordinary magicians."

Metzger did not accept this trick and said with a wicked smile: "Old squad leader, as your senior brother, I solemnly remind you that the mathematics in the military school graduation exam is much more difficult than the entrance exam."

Bobo looked like he had a toothache, it was in severe pain.

When the two returned to the camp, the other members of the Black Cat Army had already sorted out their equipment. In addition to regular weapons and other supplies, they also brought two golem puppet mules.

"This is a good thing." Metzger was a little jealous.

A golem mule can carry 150 kilograms of materials at the walking speed of an ordinary person. The ground is strong and can reach 200 kilograms. The key is that its endurance far exceeds that of humans, and it is extremely useful when moving in the mountains.

Bobo said: "Before setting off, I heard Mr. Ogilvy say that after this battle, the final shape will be finalized, and then mass production will be possible."

Metzger shook his head and said: "Don't expect large-scale equipment. It's too expensive. The cavalry's puppet horse has already made the principal's heart bleed. The news I got is that it is only equipped with mountain troops and reconnaissance companies."

Then he added: "We have set up many traps nearby. Let someone take you away later."

Bobo immediately agreed. Although they could find the trap, it didn't mean they could waste energy on their own people.

Metzger immediately arranged for the cow to be killed for lunch.

"Hey, woolly rhinoceros!" Bobo laughed when he saw the ingredients for lunch, "You are living a good life."

The woolly rhinoceros is widely distributed in forests and hilly areas. Its size is only about the size of a big fat pig. In winter, it has palm-long brown coarse hair. In summer, its hair is only half that. It has two horns, one long and one short, on its nose. It is not big but has strength and temperament. All are big.

Now that the river has stopped flowing, wild animals from the lower reaches have come to the upper reaches in search of water. Metzger and his companions' food has suddenly become better.

There is nothing particular about eating in the wild. The fur of the woolly rhinoceros is poisonous. The fur and internal organs that may contain parasites were thrown down the mountain for the slimes to slowly digest. The highly toxic horns were wrapped and the magic core dug out of the skull was kept. , boil the bones in soup, boil the meat slices in boiling water for half an hour to ensure that any parasites that may be present are cooked, and finally use the bone soup to cook instant noodles and fish slices together.

Before eating, Bobo once again said to Metzger: "From now on, don't talk."

Metzger smiled and just opened his mouth to say something, when Bobo quickly stuffed a cow leg bone into his mouth.

Everyone around them knew that they were old acquaintances and laughed and watched the fun.

Just as the silent lunch was coming to an end, Metzger turned to a soldier and said, "Spike, wait a minute while you lead your friendly troops through the trap area and find prey for them."

They set up warning traps, which are mainly used to determine whether someone has passed through and trigger them. Large animals cannot be caught, but pheasants and rabbits are still no problem.

The five men of the Black Cat Troop saved as much food as they could, so I gave it to them if I had any prey.

Bobo was so nervous that his heart beat wildly at first, and he almost couldn't hold the bowl in his hand. After hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was no big problem... which was strange.

No one could have imagined that the foot trap, which usually only caught a hare and could not even catch a deer, actually caught a knight.

A knight with fine skin and tender flesh, wearing gorgeous armor, had his feet trapped and tripped to the ground. Without a helmet, he hit his head on a tree and was knocked unconscious. When he was found, he was found with several well-fed leeches as thick as sausages around his neck.

"Ugh... don't kill me!"

The knight's cries disgusted Bobo and Spike who were leading the way, but they still stripped the man naked and used a dagger to cut off more than ten leeches from his fair and smooth skin. More than fifty blood-sucking bugs were found on the thigh, which looked like thumbtacks biting into the skin.

He covered his belly button with one hand, curled up on the ground and shivered.

Spike couldn't help but shudder when he saw the dense "blood buttons", shook his head and said, "He can only live for three days at most, so give it a good time."

The pink knight was so frightened that he peed.

Bobo pinched his nose and asked, "How do you know?"

Spike sighed and said: "My family used to be a hunter, and my father taught me to know a lot of bugs. The flood ten years ago washed away my father. I followed everyone to Wessonland and grew up in an orphanage."

"The blood buttons on his butt and legs are poisonous. He didn't feel anything when he was bitten at first. If he didn't find out in time and dig out the piece of flesh where he was bitten, it would start to itch after half a day, and it would be very painful after another half a day. , at this time, small bugs begin to hatch in the meat and follow the blood vessels to the whole body."

"Soon after the person dies, the flesh quickly turns into smelly pus, and the little bugs that hatch out eat this."

"Not long after, the slimes were attracted by the stink. When they eat the pus, they will eat the bugs. The bugs will pupate in the cavity and come out before breaking out."

By the time he finished speaking, Bobo, a veteran who had joined Wesson's army since its founding and had been deployed to the east bank of the Elbe River, broke out in a cold sweat. This insect was so terrifying.

The other four who at least participated in the battle to regain Constantbule also kept wiping their foreheads.

As for the person involved, he fainted when he heard that he would soon turn into a puddle of pus.

Spike quickly kicked him awake, and despite him starting to cry, he asked coldly, "If you can answer our questions, we'll give you a treat. Are you starting to feel itchy now?"

The pink knight was stunned for a moment, feeling his thighs and butt begin to itch, and cried even harder.

After two minutes, he said: "I am the... personal attendant of Archduke Regens. I was worried about my sister's illness, so I secretly ran home."

"If you can help give my money bag to my sister, I will tell you everything you ask, and I will give you half of the gold coins in the money bag."

Bobo and the others nodded. This man had an animal skin purse with more than twenty gold coins and some silver coins and copper plates in it.

Spike nodded and said, "You are a poor man. I won't take any of that money. I will give it all to your relatives."

He hesitated for a moment and then said: "I will tell your relatives that you met me when you were seriously injured on the battlefield and was about to die, and you entrusted me with your money bag."

The pink knight was stunned for a moment, raised his head, and looked at Spike. His eyes changed from surprise to shame, then gradually became calm, and finally the whole person calmed down.


His tone was sincere.

Half an hour later, Bobo asked about the enemy's patrol time, route, passwords and other secrets.

They will not believe it easily and will verify it when the time comes.

After finishing, Spike asked Bobo to leave first and sent the man on his way.

After the others walked away, Spike's face suddenly darkened and he said coldly: "Sunflower."

The pink knight shook his head and smiled, and said, "I didn't expect you to really escape."

The hand that had been covering his lower abdomen was loosened, and there was a gray flower tattoo the size of a fingernail below his belly button, which could not be seen without paying attention.

Spike nodded slightly and added, "You killed my brother for Cornflower. There is no room for maneuver in this grudge."

"Don't worry, I won't let her bear this hatred. I know who the real enemy is."

The other party nodded: "Thank you. I think the money is enough to save her."

Spike said solemnly: "I will take her to Wesson and let her live a new life. You can give her a new name."

The forest became quiet, with only the chirping of birds.

"Rose, this is the flower she really likes."

The next moment, the smell of blood filled the woods.

More than ten minutes later, Spike caught up with Bobo and his group as if nothing had happened.

Bobo asked him nervously: "How to prevent that kind of bug?"

They were going to be active in this forest for a long time, and dying on the battlefield was a worthy death. No one wanted to be turned into pus by small bugs.

Spike said calmly: "I lied to him. It's okay if it's itchy. Just apply mud, oil or something to prevent the bugs from breathing and the bugs will run away."

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